What made you think it was "fixed" ? Anyways, here's a bit more for you to enjoy: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/587121/dark-convergence-is-ruining-cyrodiil/p1 ....and.... https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/589095/i-am-sick-of-dark-convergence/p1 ...as well as this one posted just before yours lol: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/593064/if-a-dragonknights-chains-cant-pull-you-from-the-wall-why-does-dark-convergenceI thought they fixed this set? Is this something that will be left in the game or no? Getting pulled off the keep and losing a siege that i scryed for is just a bit much for me personally..
Dark Convergence:
Reduced this set's damage by approximately 59% but increased the scaling per target to 50%, up from 10%.
Reduced the radius of the effect to 10 meters, down from 12.
This set now pulls once after its delay, rather than twice over its duration.
The pull now pulls all nearby targets rather than 6 per pull so that it remains effective against large groups.
This set now has new visual effects to help better define its radius attack sources and timing of the detonation.
Fixed an issue where this set could hit targets outside of its line of sight or pull them from areas they should not have been.
Fixed an issue where the ramping damage bonus from this set could fail against some targets in certain situations.
IIRC the Deadlands patch, or maybe the one before, was supposed to make it so that the set better followed the rules of things that do pulls, since one of the biggest problems people had with DC was it pulling people off walls and keeps rather than just being a ground target proc. Thus, it was reasonable to believe it would no longer do such. That, and the patch notes directly say they fixed the set to no longer pull players from places it's not supposed to.NeeScrolls wrote: »What made you think it was "fixed" ? Anyways, here's a bit more for you to enjoy: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/587121/dark-convergence-is-ruining-cyrodiil/p1 ....and.... https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/589095/i-am-sick-of-dark-convergence/p1 ...as well as this one posted just before yours lol: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/593064/if-a-dragonknights-chains-cant-pull-you-from-the-wall-why-does-dark-convergence
From the update patch notes:
Because they said they fixed it.
ahh ok , i was looking in the most recent patch here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/592924/pc-mac-patch-notes-v7-2-7 .....so hmmm yeah indeedIIRC the Deadlands patch, or maybe the one before, was supposed to make it so that the set better followed the rules of things that do pulls, since one of the biggest problems people had with DC was it pulling people off walls and keeps rather than just being a ground target proc. Thus, it was reasonable to believe it would no longer do such. That, and the patch notes directly say they fixed the set to no longer pull players from places it's not supposed to.
RedFireDisco wrote: »TBH, it's funny AF and I don't mind it happening to me just to see it.
Working as intended lolzkekery
RedFireDisco wrote: »TBH, it's funny AF and I don't mind it happening to me just to see it.
Working as intended lolzkekery
Having fun at the expense of other players using an exploit is called griefing and is against TOS. It is NOT working as intended because it was supposed to be fixed to not pull you off walls so yes, it is an exploit at this point. But ZOS is too busy banning people for nothing, they don't have time to actually enforce their own TOS let alone fix the game to work properly.
This set should have never been put in the game, the fact ball groups are the only ones using it effectively though it was supposedly meant for them speaks volumes. The decisions these devs make are baffling.