Dunmeri Mounts

Which would be the most appropiate mount for a Dunmer living in Morrowind?

Where Guars already used as mounts in TESIII: Morrowind or was ESO the game that introduced them as mountable beasts?

Also do we have examples of Dunmeri people riding horses in Morrowind? Either on TESIII or TESO.

I recall that, in ESO, Vivec City's stable has Guars and Mournhold's has Horses.
  • colossalvoids
    Guar riding was from morrowind yes, but horses are a thing also. Eso also introduced nix oxen as a mount and I actually find it "the most appropriate" myself after its description. Wasn't there mentions of wasps also from some lirebook or a Kirkbride-ish writing? At least any big enough bug would do for sure:)
  • Cosmo_Nova
    Wasn't there mentions of wasps also from some lirebook or a Kirkbride-ish writing?

    That's the parrapton which appeared in The Origin of Cyrus :smiley:

    Don't think there's anything like that ingame though. For dunmer your best bet is just guar or nix-oxen, there's also kagouti available iirc, and a dwarven mount might make sense for a wizard or noble given the high concentration of dwarven ruins in Morrowind.
  • HappyTheCamper
    I might be wrong, but I think there is some connection between House Dres and Kagouti mounts. Might be ESO or Legends.
  • Jaimeh
    Maybe one of the nix-ox mounts?
  • Veloth_Redothril
    Unironically a Senche-raht mount. I'm sure there's Dres that provide Senche..uh.."employees"
  • kaushad
    TESIII's engine didn't support riding. NPCs pointed out that horses weren't fit for Vvardenfell's climate, which is why knights there weren't expected to have one and why sabers were uncommon there. So it didn't have a cavalry tradition. They didn't really need one, because house war was mostly assassination and skirmishes and most interprovincial war happened along its borders, which are either mountainous or swampy. They had pack guars and guar carts, but not saddled guars.

    Now flying cavalry, i.e. parraptons, is another story, but I don't think TESIII said anything about it.
  • tuxon
    Guar or Nix (for Ashlander char)
    Resdayniil kan tarcel
  • Werewolfman187
    Guar for land mount and Guar for flying mount if you are brave
  • Dr_Con
    If I was a Dunmer living in Morrowind I would ride a domesticated Necht.
  • boi_anachronism_
    Dr_Con wrote: »
    If I was a Dunmer living in Morrowind I would ride a domesticated Necht.

  • TybaltKaine
    Like most here have said, Guar seems the most likely choice, and as @kaushad alluded to, there was in-game lore in TES III that explicitly talks about why horses weren't used. It actually says something to the effect that most Dunmer would rather eat a horse than ride one on Vvardenfell.
    Edited by TybaltKaine on October 7, 2022 12:44PM
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
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    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • DivineKitty
    Like most here have said, Guar seems the most likely choice, and as @kaushad alluded to, there was in-game lore in TES III that explicitly talks about why horses weren't used. It actually says something to the effect that most Dunmer would rather eat a horse than ride one on Vvardenfell.

    From the Ashlander Style Motif: "This chitin is affixed to the leather beneath with a powerful and permanent adhesive we derive by boiling kwama cuttle and (when we can get them) horse's hooves. The rest of the horse goes into the stew pot."

    So, at least Ashlanders eat horses. And I would imagine that Horses would have trouble with all the ash, and shifting ground, where as Guars seem to be able to walk anywhere, and Nix-Oxen can just jump over obstacles. I'm not counting Silt Striders, since they're larger than houses, and can walk over any obstacle with ease.
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