I did the same thing in wow since 2004. Sometimes I would farm ore, sometimes I would find new pets to tame to fight alongside me. Sometimes I would farm low level dungeons for cool transmog gear, sometimes I would raid or do 40v40 person PVP.One day I go just around harvestng. Another day I go chasing chests.
I completely agree! In wow I never had to wait 45 minutes for a PUG and fake tanking there is nonexistent. Dude to the 5 person party, 3 of which are DPS, there is rarely not enough DPS go go around. Where as in ESO, if one of the DPS is lacking, the other REALLY notices it. Queues were also faster for DPS in WoW because each tank in a dungeon absorbed 3 DPS instead of ESO's 2.Yet another day I go pugging dungeons, and I have to say. .. Pugging dungeons in this game is not close to doing the same in WoW.
Ya, this is not really true. Even the forums right now there are a number of threads of folks complaining about fake tanks, DPS not doing enough damage. I personally have been harassed by players in game and berated for doing low DPS.Here people dont give a *** if youre not up to spec or not having BiS eq. It is just a blast and even if you mess up, people just go back and pick you up.
Glad you are happyLove the game, love the community and love the players.
I did the same thing in wow since 2004. Sometimes I would farm ore, sometimes I would find new pets to tame to fight alongside me. Sometimes I would farm low level dungeons for cool transmog gear, sometimes I would raid or do 40v40 person PVP.One day I go just around harvestng. Another day I go chasing chests.I completely agree! In wow I never had to wait 45 minutes for a PUG and fake tanking there is nonexistent. Dude to the 5 person party, 3 of which are DPS, there is rarely not enough DPS go go around. Where as in ESO, if one of the DPS is lacking, the other REALLY notices it. Queues were also faster for DPS in WoW because each tank in a dungeon absorbed 3 DPS instead of ESO's 2.Yet another day I go pugging dungeons, and I have to say. .. Pugging dungeons in this game is not close to doing the same in WoW.Ya, this is not really true. Even the forums right now there are a number of threads of folks complaining about fake tanks, DPS not doing enough damage. I personally have been harassed by players in game and berated for doing low DPS.Here people dont give a *** if youre not up to spec or not having BiS eq. It is just a blast and even if you mess up, people just go back and pick you up.Glad you are happyLove the game, love the community and love the players.
Same here.Raideen, there will always be complains on a games forum.
I have played mmos since the late1990's
Started with Everquest, moved on to everquest2 and SWG... and so forth.
This is an easy answer. It's because they dont hate the game, in fact have a great passion for it, but at the same time also know that the game has serious issues and want to see them fixed.One thing I learned is that there is, and allways gonna be, people that play the game while they express their absolute hatred for it. Never understood why but that is a fact.
Not entirely true. Try making an "ice mage" character with cool ice abilities and ice themed armor sets and try to take down a world boss daily. I don't understand the "play as you want" tagline, because I have played as I wanted to in every MMORPG I have played. WoW, SWTOR, Warhammer Online, Rift, FF14, Everquest, you name it. I do what I want to do when I want to do it, (unless it was a raid night, but its the same thing here).The thing about this game, and I do believe its becase I am not in the end game, and never will be. (you dont have to in this game) Is that you can really play it as you want to play it, and still have progress.
Again, I have done all these things in other MMORPGs so I am not seeing the uniqueness here.May it be the armor piece you so longed for. May it be just to have fun just running around doing quests. You can do it.
No pressure. No RIO, no bitching about your set not being optimal.