Not exactly sure what "time saving feature" idea could miraculously populate the server with enough competent players wanting to play exactly your specific Trial during your exact playtimes each & every moment you login to play, but anyways...In case you weren't already aware, there are indeed other options available: there any plans on doing such thing? Can we finaly get that time saving feature for ppl with not much time to play. I want to expirience content you ZOS provide but i have no time to sit in Craglorn for hours and spam LFG on chat. It will be full of fake tanks, heals and stuff like that I know, but I'll be able to do some engaging content while waiting for group rather than spamming and scrolling thru chat.
NeeScrolls wrote: »Not exactly sure what "time saving feature" idea could miraculously populate the server with enough competent players wanting to play exactly your specific Trial during your exact playtimes each & every moment you login to play, but anyways...In case you weren't already aware, there are indeed other options available: there any plans on doing such thing? Can we finaly get that time saving feature for ppl with not much time to play. I want to expirience content you ZOS provide but i have no time to sit in Craglorn for hours and spam LFG on chat. It will be full of fake tanks, heals and stuff like that I know, but I'll be able to do some engaging content while waiting for group rather than spamming and scrolling thru chat.
Plus, i believe certain GUILDS still run ALL Trials on a weekly/monthly schedule rotation.
Because dungeons require only 4 players to fill , as opposed to Trials needing '12' . Simple math.There is no miracle in finding players through LFG tool to do specyfic vet dungeon so why do u think it would be a problem to find players to do some trials,
You obviously didn't bother to click the link i provided you. If you had, you would've discovered a new option that i discovered, which has opened up a slew of Trials runs during NON-peak hours, with or without a 'full' group.What you're implying about serching for groups on forums is simply swiching from scrolling in game chat to scrolling forums .