So I'm thinking of buying the blackwood upgrade.
But it only upgrades to Blackwood...
Buying a new copy of blackwood for nearly the same price..
Wil give me blackwood, elsewyer, Morrowind, Summerset, greymoore and the base game.
Now this is extremely welcoming and good to new players.
This how ever feels like one big middle finger to me playing on my closed beta account from way back.
Yes, I could subscribe and gain full access to Morrowind and summertset..
Since I already own the other 2 upgrades..
But I can't see why a long time customer, is supposed to pay more for the same amount of content compared to a new comer?
The digital upgrade costs 13,99, now during the Black Friday sale.
A full new digital copy costs 19,99 now during the Black Friday sale.
On my current account I would have to spend 13,99 for the new expansion upgrade.
Than I would have to buy several Crown Coins in order to permanently gain full access to the other expansions.
That's 3,500 crowns for Summerset
That's 3,500 cornws for Morrowind
A total of 7,000 crowns
That means I would have to buy several crown coin packages.
The 1,500 coin pack for 12,99
The 5,500 coin pack for 34,99
Just to get the same amount of content as a new player, buying Black Wood bundle for 19,99,- total.
How is this fair?
Why is this a thing?