So an idea that would make both PVP and PVE more fun, a brand new system that would make pvp, pve, Role-playing, more immersive and would make time spent in game over all more enjoyable. This idea could be added to existing systems already in place. Especially antiquities!
Imagine if you will, the ability to create any armor set you wanted, based on your goals and objectives for your desired play-style in game You could pick out your 2-5 set bonuses or create 2 piece sets, 3piece sets 4piece sets all the way up to 12 piece sets.
The Antiquities system could be used to find set bonuses that can be used to add to you created armor set.
A series of unique 5 piece bonuses(or the like) could be made by ZOS for these created sets only, distinguishing them from in game sets.
This would provide much more theory-crafting to the community.
The ability to name your created set. For more in game immersion and RP of course.
Use transmute crystals to add the set bonuses you acquired through antiquity leads.
Set bonuses could be pvp based, pve based, class based and non-combat based.
Created sets could have minor, mid-level, and major bonuses.
And any created set has a balance of bonuses so one could not creat a 5piece set with 4 major unique bonuses.
The ability to sell set bonuses provided they do not have certain top-tier unique bonuses.
Imagine creating a 9 piece armor set that has
3 unique bonuses but then has non unique bonuses?
Or a 6piece set that has 2unique minor bonuses and 4 non unique mid-level bonuses.
It could make for a very interesting time in PVP when the servers are fixed as ZOS intends and it could fix the meta issue in PVE content where everyone tends to get boxed into the same 2 sets for DPS builds and a few different for healers and tanks.
This system could add so much more to the game, and the utility of a system like this would be beyond measurable
What do you think?