It is on the outer map like coldharbor, arteum, clockwork city. Just zoom out.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »There's a portal to Fargrave in an unmarked cave just outside (east) of the entrance to Marbruk in Greenshade, but you can also just go to your map-- preferably by using any wayshrine-- choose the Fargrave zone, then teleport to the free wayshrine that's located just outside of Fargrave.
Then, once you enter Fargrave proper, look for the Plaza of Portals, located at about the 3 o'clock position on your map of Fargrave. The Plaza of Portals will have portals to two different sections of the Deadlands-- the Burn and the Sever-- as well as a portal to Leyawiin. The portal to Leyawiin takes you to a portal hidden behind (southwest) the Great Chapel of Zenithar, so an alternate way to get to Fargrave would be to take that portal.
rageofodin wrote: »
Thank you! But the portals did not show up for me until I accessed the storyline associated with the quest, then they opened
I appreciate the detailed walkthrough though, as I am sure MANY, MANY others will as well
SeaGtGruff wrote: »
That's odd, because I was able to see and use the portals in both Leyawiin and outside Marbruk without having accepted a quest for either the Deadlands storyline or its prologue quest.
I actually found the portal outside of Marbruk by accident, while trying to find an antiquity that I'd scried. A week or so later, I finally did the prologue quest for the Deadlands, which takes you to Marbruk. IIRC, you don't use the portal that's inside the cave during the prologue quest-- rather, you use a temporary portal that What's-Her-Name opens inside the Marbruk Outlaws Refuge, which takes you to a location from which Fargrave can be seen in the distance. But that's partly why I mentioned the Marbruk portal first-- and also because I didn't take the portal from Fargrave to Leyawiin and back until I was writing my post!
Same. I couldn't find any lead to the Fargrave and only after completion of the DLC I noticed one hidden portal in Leyawiin. How I supposed to know it's behind that corner? I mean, I have expected some invitation from Lyranth or something, but I just went there and:
— Oh, stranger, looks like we are going to save the world! By the way, do you want to know why I'm wearing a mask?
— No, not really... I don't like you either whoever you are.
— Maybe I'll tell why, when we become closer to each other.
— I said I'm not interesting. I'm looking for an arrogant female dremora, bye.
— You mean Lyranth!? I work with her so now we are partners!
— *#%@!
There is also an NPC who guided you to the Murkmire. Back to the Deadlands, I've searched for a quest starter in CS and I can swear there was nothing, same in the journal. Didn't check Collections, but it just didn't come to mindSeaGtGruff wrote: »
As I said, I haven't started the zone storyline yet. But I assume that accepting the quest for the DLC will point you to where you need to go. As best as I can recall, each chapter and DLC has worked that way-- you accept a quest to start the storyline from the Crown Store, or else open up your Collections and accept the quest from there. There's nothing inside the game itself for starting the storyline "naturally," the way there is with all the NPCs who want to sdnd you off on prologue quests, so the only way I know to start a chapter or zone DLC storyline "naturally" is to just travel to the new zone by road, boat, wayshrine, etc., and then someone will get you started on the main storyline quest once you've arrived.
EDIT -- On second thought, I guess the early DLCs had NPCs who guided you toward the new content, such as Stuga who sends you off to Wrothgar, or the two NPCs in the various Outlaws Refuges who get you started in the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. There was even an NPC who sent you off to Craglorn. But I think that, starting with the Morrowind chapter, there have been NPCs who get you started on the prologue quests, but not for the actual chapter or zone DLC storylines-- that is, not until you travel to the new zone.
Sylvermynx wrote: »There's also a portal to Fargrave in the graveyard at Leyawiin, through the arch beyond Deetum-Jas and around the corner.
SeaGtGruff wrote: »Regarding Murkmire, are you talking about the NPC who is recruiting for the dailies that you pick up and turn in near the outskirts of Stormhold in Shadowfen? If so, I'm not sure it's correct to classify that as a quest-starter for Murkmire, since the dailies are all outside of Murkmire. Would they count as a prologue for Murkmire?