What´s this sound?

There is this *** sound like when you recieve a new mail...after every loading a new area. When teleporting or simply loading some new area. But I´ve got no messages. What can it be pls?
  • Sylvermynx
    It's a bug, since U31 I think, thought it was supposed to have got patched out though. I don't hear it since I don't have UI sounds turned up very high.
  • SpiritKitten
    p6kocka wrote: »
    There is this *** sound like when you recieve a new mail...after every loading a new area. When teleporting or simply loading some new area. But I´ve got no messages. What can it be pls?

    That might be the leaderboard announcement for when a guildie hits a leaderboard score. You can turn that off in settings.
  • p6kocka
    I am not a member of any guild
    P. S. it happens also without addons...
    Edited by p6kocka on November 14, 2021 7:12PM
  • runa_gate
    LUA error notification? Generally anything that names that sound will show up under Notifications, press N
    Not that I am discounting some sort of bug. I've heard it occasionally, too, but I use addons AND an addon to prevent LUA error noises so I don't really check
  • p6kocka
    No no..no errors...no messages or notifications at all. Nothing.
  • whitecrow
    I still hear it. I don't think the bug was ever fixed.
  • Wise_Will
    i also get this every 10mins or so, super annoying
  • SickDuck
    Yeah I get it too and it's super annoying. Same sound that I get with new mail, notifications or whispers. So I keep checking what happened.

    It may be related to trial scores for friends or guildies though. Mine is suppressed cause I'm not really interested to receive those for trading guilds with 500 people, but I think it is suppressed by an addon from chat? So the sound could still be coming through? Just a guess, but it was not always like this, just recently.
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