I just very recently played through "The Dread Cellar" and completed the quest. Some thoughts at the top of my head I want to get out before I forget.
-I felt like I had to rush through dialogue. I couldn't "savor" the voice actors saying their lines. This seems like a insult to the voice actor and the player. As it probably took the voice actor many tries to get the specific line right and a insult to players who want to listen to their lines.
Why does it feel rushed?- If you play through any dungeon and attempt to listen fully to any NPC. Many factors are thrown at you.
1. Your other group members go ahead. Going through mobs and potentially a boss without you.
2. The NPC's will disappear because your allies went ahead so far.
3. You will get pulled into the boss fight because of the new mechanic where you "Join the encounter in progress"
These make it feel like it is difficult to enjoy the quest and experience that comes with a fully voice acted game. I can't listen to the lines all the way and if I want to I COULD skim through the dialogue but that clearly lowers the quality and experience you get from enjoying the dialogue at the players pace because of the 3 points I mentioned above.
I want to offer some points and reasons in a polite and reasonable manner because I hope and assume the developers are looking and reading through the forums and players ideas.
I got this from another post saying something about how the joining encounter in progress mechanic is bad. I don't agree with that. I actually love it since it prevents the player from being locked from a boss fight.
Instead I read a comment and thought it was a great idea. Simply make it a option to join. Make it so you can either click y for yes or n for no. Similar to getting a group invite. Make it a option in settings to prevent pop-ups because I assume it would be annoying for some players. However make it so the pop up appears by default.
Now assuming the previous idea get's implemented. We fixed the player getting involuntarily being teleported to a location without their consent. We can now think about dialogue, NPC lines, and the voice actors. This one is a bit difficult. On one hand. removing the lines all-together removes content. On the other hand. It's difficult to read it through in a dungeon. So how can this be fixed?
While thinking about this. I thought that perhaps it can be done that the lines will be said during encounters and boss fights. This is already done most of the time. Like when you do the "Black Drake Villa" dungeon. While fighting the first boss, the minotaur, she will say some lines during the fight. There were also some lines said "out loud" by NPC's in "The Dread Cellar". Simply moving some of the dialogue that the player gets from interacting with the NPC and moving that dialogue so it is said automatically makes it so that players who do not care about lore or dialogue can simply ignore it or mute it in the settings. However, this allows people who want to listen to the dialogue and learn more about the environment they are in, aka the dungeon, allows them to listen while also fighting.
I know this probably won't be read completely by people. Most people will probably skip to the bottom. However I just hope the devs read this and perhaps take some consideration. I believe that while it seems very petty to complain about this and perhaps a waste of time. I think listening to dialogue and how NPC's react to their environment is pivotal to a good dungeon experience. The other part of a good dungeon experience is the combat, mechanics and boss fight. Simplified as just the general combat and action in dungeons is what also makes a good dungeon.
so TL;DR I like the voice lines in dungeons and dialogue you get while interacting with NPC's there. However moving the voice lines, or dialogue so that they are said by the NPC during boss fights instead of forcing the player to interact with the NPC's and having them miss fights or making them feel like they have to skip the NPC's. It allows them to go through the dungeon and fight bosses without them missing any action.
If the TL;DR was too long.
Make NPC's say their dialogue lines during boss fights.