DLAA and nameplates

I switched on DLAA today to check it out, and something caught my eye as being different about nameplates.
I focused in on it, and noticed it got "fuzzy" - to use a technical term. There appears to be some horizontal fuzziness (best way I can describe it) or flickering. I turned off reshade, and that didn't help.
I uploaded to youtube, and you can still sort of see what's happening if you view full 1440p: https://youtu.be/Gm57DU8yhmQ
For comparison, here's FXAA that does not have the nameplate fuzziness: https://youtu.be/KdB_Amk1T3U
This is on an RTX 3060, i7 7700k, win10 21h1, newest nvidia game-ready drivers 496.49.
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