Hello, good day. Ok, so I am going to go out on the ledge here and say I probably speak for everyone.
Transmutation Geode , is the subject today. I am sorry, but , I'm ESO plus, have been since as far as I can remember. Considering now 8 years playing this. Ugh, it's the small things that trigger people. Transmutation Geodes. Open them up and get a number of Transmute Crystals , based on the color of the Geode.
Ok, we all know thing. On my ESO plus account, I have , like anyone dedicated player, multiple toons. And over time, each toon can accumulate an overwhelming amount of these geodes, that 1. is useless while on your toon inventory, 2, cannot be stored in a Bank, 3 , cannot be stored in a guild bank, 3, cannot be stored in a house coffer, 4 cannot be traded or exchanged, 5 cannot be mailed to someone, and my all time favorite, the one I love most, the usage of decompressed crystals to recreate a sticker book learned item, the return of said crystals when you decide to deconstruct said item to get your crystals back to make what you actually wanted to start with, is woefully, PITTIFUL!
Ok wait, don't take my word for it, lets review the tape:

Here's me reconstructing a Belt of Syvarra's scales. I haven't learned many items. Maybe 2. Yeah. And the cost to make this item, why I chose it, it because it used up 73 of those transmute crystals, which helped deplete the max alotted from my personal wallet, however, storing said item in a house coffer to later use to decon and get those crystals back, with no change in the amount of items learned in said sticker book, produced a woefull, sorrowful, PITY of a lesser amount. I say a 3rd of what I spent. Wait, more pop up pictures for proof:

As you can see. From the images above, I spent a total of 73 transmute crystals to make the item. Then I got back 25 crystals to decon the item.
Win/Win? For whom? Certainly not me. And considering all my toons, and inundated with massive amount of Geodes in the inventory, and with ESO plus one can only have 1000 crystals in your personal toon wallet, ACCOUNT WIDE, meaning for 1 toon or 10, the amount is the same.
Zenimax, either you need to raise the bar, or change it so that we get exact spent in return when decon, or up the max cap for personal inventory from 200 to , oh something else much larger, or, like ESO plus CRAFT bag, make an ESO PLUS crystal Wallet so we can hold infinite number of crystals, or just let us bank the crystals like every other currency. Gold, AP, Writs, why not now crystals?
How long, will you make us suffer?
Please, once and for all,
PLEASE, take this serious, and in consideration. I do not need an excuse, or you telling me or others what to do with them, how to use them, or we get so many there is no need to make changes, (That is just sad) and what ever logic you think of, it's not going to satisfy me as a player, and someone that wants to do what ever I want with them. For what do you care if I want to use them, or save a million of them in my bank? You should only care, once again, as I have addressed this before, as I am sure it was mentioned by others, that change needs to be considered. Having my toons inventory maxed out with useless geodes is FRUSTRATING, ridiculous, redundant, old, bland, useless, and irritating. It's going to be sad is no one from ZOS reads this, or even posts anything here, then we have just another lost thread, and I will probably remember a year from now to make a new thread about the subject.
Ok, I said what was needed.
Thank you, for reading.
Warm regards, Chaz.