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Transmute Crystal Cap needs improvement (Or personal carry cap raised) (PC N/A)

Hello, good day. Ok, so I am going to go out on the ledge here and say I probably speak for everyone.

Transmutation Geode , is the subject today. I am sorry, but , I'm ESO plus, have been since as far as I can remember. Considering now 8 years playing this. Ugh, it's the small things that trigger people. Transmutation Geodes. Open them up and get a number of Transmute Crystals , based on the color of the Geode.

Ok, we all know thing. On my ESO plus account, I have , like anyone dedicated player, multiple toons. And over time, each toon can accumulate an overwhelming amount of these geodes, that 1. is useless while on your toon inventory, 2, cannot be stored in a Bank, 3 , cannot be stored in a guild bank, 3, cannot be stored in a house coffer, 4 cannot be traded or exchanged, 5 cannot be mailed to someone, and my all time favorite, the one I love most, the usage of decompressed crystals to recreate a sticker book learned item, the return of said crystals when you decide to deconstruct said item to get your crystals back to make what you actually wanted to start with, is woefully, PITTIFUL!

Ok wait, don't take my word for it, lets review the tape:


Here's me reconstructing a Belt of Syvarra's scales. I haven't learned many items. Maybe 2. Yeah. And the cost to make this item, why I chose it, it because it used up 73 of those transmute crystals, which helped deplete the max alotted from my personal wallet, however, storing said item in a house coffer to later use to decon and get those crystals back, with no change in the amount of items learned in said sticker book, produced a woefull, sorrowful, PITY of a lesser amount. I say a 3rd of what I spent. Wait, more pop up pictures for proof:


As you can see. From the images above, I spent a total of 73 transmute crystals to make the item. Then I got back 25 crystals to decon the item.

Win/Win? For whom? Certainly not me. And considering all my toons, and inundated with massive amount of Geodes in the inventory, and with ESO plus one can only have 1000 crystals in your personal toon wallet, ACCOUNT WIDE, meaning for 1 toon or 10, the amount is the same.

Zenimax, either you need to raise the bar, or change it so that we get exact spent in return when decon, or up the max cap for personal inventory from 200 to , oh something else much larger, or, like ESO plus CRAFT bag, make an ESO PLUS crystal Wallet so we can hold infinite number of crystals, or just let us bank the crystals like every other currency. Gold, AP, Writs, why not now crystals?

How long, will you make us suffer?

Please, once and for all, PLEASE, take this serious, and in consideration. I do not need an excuse, or you telling me or others what to do with them, how to use them, or we get so many there is no need to make changes, (That is just sad) and what ever logic you think of, it's not going to satisfy me as a player, and someone that wants to do what ever I want with them. For what do you care if I want to use them, or save a million of them in my bank? You should only care, once again, as I have addressed this before, as I am sure it was mentioned by others, that change needs to be considered. Having my toons inventory maxed out with useless geodes is FRUSTRATING, ridiculous, redundant, old, bland, useless, and irritating. It's going to be sad is no one from ZOS reads this, or even posts anything here, then we have just another lost thread, and I will probably remember a year from now to make a new thread about the subject.

Ok, I said what was needed.

Thank you, for reading.

Warm regards, Chaz.

ESO Beta Test Ultimate Question for control!
Lord Dagon's Mythic Dawn Guild is now recruiting. Dailies, trials, Raids, Fun, Discord (required for staying on Crown), guild bank and so much more. Msg me or mail me in game @Chaz for invite. **See Link Here** ElderScrollsOnlineYouTube

ElderScrollsOnline Purchase History April 17, 2017 through May 30th 2022 (Crowns,Upgrades, ESO Plus) = $5,610.38
  • StevieKingslayer
    I agree. We could use a higher geodes cap, or at least somewhere to put the extras. I dont wanna waste my time reconning gear I dont need to decon it to get lesser gems back. I serial run dungeons for fun. Its getting to the point I dont wanna do undaunted dailies coz Im sick of the geodes clogging up my toons. It was a joke among my friends how I could recon two whole builds and be instant at cap again with more geodes still to open. This has to be addressed in the near future.
    I am demanding better customer service from Zenimax Studios.
    I am demanding better and more open communication between the devs & the playerbase.
    Majin Stevie || Iothane || Nymphetamine
    PVP || PVE
    Player since beta.
  • Mayrael
    Given how the current system works and how high the limit on transmute stones is I think this limit is pointless. Just blow it out and that's it.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • evymyu233
    im a new player,always lack of them :'(
  • ClevaTreva
    I always get a 100% return when I decon.

    Cost: 25
    Return: 25

    Just get a mule and store them with him/her/it/they/them/ze/hir/xe/xem/hy/hym
  • ClevaTreva
    * I agree though, the limit does seem arbitrary and pointless, given you can't trade or bank them.
  • Ippokrates
    With the whole collection, you can reconstruct equipment for whole build for 300-350 TC, so i would say they could raise a limit to 600/1200 TC. That would be convenient.
    Edited by Ippokrates on November 5, 2021 10:04AM
  • Amottica
    It seems to be working as intended since the design clearly indicates Zenimax wants us to keep doing content to get crystals. We make a choice to horde the geodes but that is a choice. There is only one geode we should horde.
  • bmnoble
    Transmute random weapons to Nirnhoned and then decon them for the chance of getting potent Nirn, till you have freed up enough inventory space to store more.

    If you have more than you have any intention of using why do you need the cap increased? They already increased the cap from 200 to a 1000 I doubt they will be making any changes again for the foreseeable future.

    I would rather they just let people sell the geodes in guild stores.
  • StevieKingslayer
    I would like a way to trade, not sell them to newer players tbh. I dont want anything for them, I just want them to be useful to someone instead of rotting on my toons, I play all my toons so....alt's are out :D
    I am demanding better customer service from Zenimax Studios.
    I am demanding better and more open communication between the devs & the playerbase.
    Majin Stevie || Iothane || Nymphetamine
    PVP || PVE
    Player since beta.
  • Rowjoh
    For players with multiple characters the 1k 'mute cap is pitiful. Furthermore they can't be stored anywhere and don't stack.

    The quickest way to farm crystals is by doing random normals on multiple characters for the x10 geode - I have over 3k spread across 8 or 9 chars atm and I also have 3 PVP characters that earn the rewards for the worthy geode and the x50 geode.

    So whenever I need to use them which is fairly regularly I have to play 'pick a character' and log in and out of multiple chars to replenish. Not the worst of the worlds problems, sure, but in the context of quality of life in a major game, it's a pain and should be so EASY to fix.
  • Larcomar
    Yep +100%. I have an entire toon dedicated to storing transmute crystals and another storage due who's prob half full of them / maelstrom stuff. yes I hoarde crystals. But then you never know. And I always like to play with sets.

    As far as I know you can store an unltd amout of cash, AP, undaunted tickets, writ vouchers etc etc Can't see why there's a cap on transmutes.

    Tbh it shd just be unlimited. Got to be less server space to have one number rather than multiple items on multiple toons ot keep track off
  • bmnoble
    Larcomar wrote: »
    Yep +100%. I have an entire toon dedicated to storing transmute crystals and another storage due who's prob half full of them / maelstrom stuff. yes I hoarde crystals. But then you never know. And I always like to play with sets.

    As far as I know you can store an unltd amout of cash, AP, undaunted tickets, writ vouchers etc etc Can't see why there's a cap on transmutes.

    Tbh it shd just be unlimited. Got to be less server space to have one number rather than multiple items on multiple toons ot keep track off

    You gotta remember one thing though, they treat the transmute cap the same way they do the bank/furniture space for ESO+ doubling the cap if your subscribed, halving it if you choose to go free to play.

    If they made it infinite it would be one less reason for people to subscribe and players could open all their stored geodes whenever there is an ESO+ free trial.

    No matter how much of a pain the issue is, its something they intentionally designed the transmute system to cause in the first place as one of the many ways they try to encourage/pester people to subscribe.
  • danno8
    I remember when we didn't have Transmute Crystals. When they first came out, you could only change the trait, not reconstruct either.

    There was no sticker book, and the cap was only 100/200. No weighted RNG either to make sure you get all the items even faster.

    The current system makes it so much easier to get what you want out of a dungeon and have the ability to free up inventory since you can just recon anything you ever need again instantly.

    If you think about Transmutes as essentially being ready-to-make sets, you can begin to understand why there is a cap on the amount you can carry. The reason ZoS has it in place is because infinite TC's essentially means infinite storage for set items.

    As much as I would love to have infinite TC's, I fully understand why we can't have it, and am very happy with the trade-off in regards to how easy it is to get the items I want now compared to then.
  • rauyran
    Can you explain why you want the cap increased if you're not using them?
  • SickDuck
    I would welcome an increase in the limit, especially that it can be worked around already. Just reconstruct pieces that cost 25 crystals - easiest to do is some monster masks, although with curated drops there will be more and more options. Now you can store these items in the bank, at a mule or in storage chests. A single mule can hold over 5k crystals worth of stuff, basically you can horde tens of thousands of crystal in a constructed form.

    Although I'm not sure how people can run of these little buggers. I've started to use the above method when constantly got to the 1k limit.
    Holdviola - Khira'de Regalo - Lélekvadász - Used To Be An Adventurer - Zetor - Does-Not-Give-A-Duck - Lord Sugar - Tenar Arha - Da'rinka - Violent Moon - Extreme Runner
  • jaws343
    I've been a proponent of raising the cap since the introduction of jewelry crafting and different jewelry traits. Literally, the only way to get most traits on dropped jewelry is to use transmute stones. All other gear can drop in all traits, so you could grind out a desired trait and not rely on transmutes to change the trait. But jewelry, you have to use transmutes. Have to. And since you are forced to use them to change a jewelry trait, the cap should be increased.

    Now, if they decided to release all jewelry traits into the drop pool, that'd be another story.
  • kargen27
    It is fine where it is at. We got the transmute stones to help alleviate outrageous numbers of runs to get our perfect trait. The system wasn't meant to be a way to change out traits on gear instantly. It was still suppose to take time and effort to get a full set of desired gear. The stones greatly decreased the amount of times we needed to run content.
    And now we have the sticker book and the new curated system that decreases the amount of time we need to spend farming gear a ton. The days of near 300 runs for one inferno staff is over.
    Frankly I am kind of surprised they let us store geodes and that deconned gear returns transmutes back to us. Defeats the purpose and intent of the transmutation system.
    And jewelry was never meant to be as easy as armor and weapons. Jewelry is special. That is why it is so expensive to upgrade.
    There does need to be some incentive to return to content we have completed. AN MMO can't survive without it. RNG is a component of getting players to return. Compared to where we started most the RNG has been reduced/removed. It wouldn't be healthy for the game to completely remove it or to make it even easier to circumvent. The limit on stones is good for the game and should stay where it is. I would say take away the alternative storage methods but that would cause mass outrage.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Pick a monster set you know all six pieces of, reconstruct them for 25 transmutes, store on a mule, deconstruct for 25 stones when needed. They don't stack, but can be passed through a bank. Perhaps not the most elegant solution, but works very well. I usually have between 30-50 of them on an alt.

    I also stockpile the 50 stone geodes from PVP. Again, usually have 30-40 of them. These I make sure to open the mail on my crafter, just to make it easy and keep them in one place.

    I only deconstruct/open when my personal stash hits 0, that way I can open the smaller geodes as I receive them. My personal stash usually sits in the 500-700 range. At 900, I make 4 monster helms to store. Rinse and repeat.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on November 5, 2021 6:02PM
  • Tigertron
    Its in this thread but you are doing it wrong.

    Any set you have all the parts for cost 25 to make and return 25. Like Maelstom bow. One item gets 25 to make 25 back.

    OR you have a set filled. make a piece for every body slot and duel wield plus backbar and deck out a alt with the set. No inventory space taken for 350 crystals. no mats used is you reconstruct at the base level.

    One note; you can not deconstruct mythics so don't use those with this method.

    Beyond that you are just hoarding for no reason and need to spend them or quit collecting.
  • chaz
    evymyu233 wrote: »
    im a new player,always lack of them :'(

    Hahaha, Awwww :( I know what you mean. (This was too cute not to quote) Thank you Evy.
    ClevaTreva wrote: »
    * I agree though, the limit does seem arbitrary and pointless, given you can't trade or bank them.
    Ippokrates wrote: »
    With the whole collection, you can reconstruct equipment for whole build for 300-350 TC, so i would say they could raise a limit to 600/1200 TC. That would be convenient.

    Something, any change for now that gets addressed is good. ZOS Has been too occupied with other things, these small things that trigger people really needs to be revisited on the white board.
    Amottica wrote: »
    It seems to be working as intended since the design clearly indicates Zenimax wants us to keep doing content to get crystals. We make a choice to horde the geodes but that is a choice. There is only one geode we should horde.

    I dis agree with you. It is not about hording. Take a look around you, who do you know, honestly, that doesn't change their builds based on each update with nerfs and buffs. This seems to be a constant motive at ZOS.

    Keeping that in mind, people may want to recon items, see a buff or nerf and wish to switch to another and recon and decon another. The current limit as to what it's intended to do, has sadly been poorly designed, reviewed, blacklisted not to hit the white board again to rediscover a better purpose. All in all, the flat out bottom line is, inundated toons with taking all their personal space in on toon inventory. Now correct me in I'm wrong but, people using that space to grind for gold, that doesn't have a merc or banker , would that not be safe to say suffocating people? IMO anyway.
    danno8 wrote: »
    I remember when we didn't have Transmute Crystals. When they first came out, you could only change the trait, not reconstruct either.

    There was no sticker book, and the cap was only 100/200. No weighted RNG either to make sure you get all the items even faster.

    The current system makes it so much easier to get what you want out of a dungeon and have the ability to free up inventory since you can just recon anything you ever need again instantly.

    If you think about Transmutes as essentially being ready-to-make sets, you can begin to understand why there is a cap on the amount you can carry. The reason ZoS has it in place is because infinite TC's essentially means infinite storage for set items.

    As much as I would love to have infinite TC's, I fully understand why we can't have it, and am very happy with the trade-off in regards to how easy it is to get the items I want now compared to then.

    Ok, so only half of what you said should make sense. So I will reflect back at you basically what you said, but a scaled down version. You mentioned the history of "change" , how it was, and how it is now. Which suggests you're a person of a fairly good grasp at change is good. You cover a few things of change from what was to what is, and since these things are basically new, then it has to be readdressed and white boarded in order to suit the players needs more better.

    Not "Working as intended" is always the solution. I once worked for the State (Here in the U.S.) , and I like most people know State employee's on the desk side, there can be many months to years before a petition is signed off on and approved. Stated just works slowly like that.

    Example at ZOS, Zos right now is so focused on story content, everything else small and inbetween is being overshadowed. Posting this thread is to open up discussion for Zos to assign a team or even 1 guy (or gal) to a drawing board for pro's and con's of the current situation and how it can be improved.

    So that said, If anything, but nothing changes, at the very least in it's current state of cap or max map, can we at the very least make it so that the geode's are not limiting the max item help by a toon in it's own personal self wallet. I know it must be frustration for a non eso plus account, but let us look at that, the only good ESO plus has really, is that Craft bag. So, why not add a Currency Wallet? Something just to move these geode to a different tier placement or once open and collected the crystals, store those in the wallet so it has no impact on toons personal item carrying capacity holding placement tier.


    ESO Beta Test Ultimate Question for control!
    Lord Dagon's Mythic Dawn Guild is now recruiting. Dailies, trials, Raids, Fun, Discord (required for staying on Crown), guild bank and so much more. Msg me or mail me in game @Chaz for invite. **See Link Here** ElderScrollsOnlineYouTube

    ElderScrollsOnline Purchase History April 17, 2017 through May 30th 2022 (Crowns,Upgrades, ESO Plus) = $5,610.38
  • kargen27
    "Something just to move these geode to a different tier placement or once open and collected the crystals, store those in the wallet so it has no impact on toons personal item carrying capacity holding placement tier."

    I think storing geodes and creating weapons to be deconned later for stones is kind of like animation canceling as far as ZoS is concerned. It wasn't intended but not worth removing because players have accepted it as normal.
    It should be obvious by the limit they did not want us hoarding transmute stones so why would they introduce something that would make it easier for us to do just that?

    And I am more than certain that ZoS has different teams working on different aspects of the game. The people working on developing new content do not take away from the people working on content already released. It would break down even farther from there. For instance the team working on finding and fixing bugs is not the same team that works on game balance. Might be some overlap of personnel at some level but there would be separate teams.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • etchedpixels
    SickDuck wrote: »
    Although I'm not sure how people can run of these little buggers. I've started to use the above method when constantly got to the 1k limit.

    It's quite easy when you keep thinking "that sounds a fun set, I should see what it does". If you have a lot of toons and like trying supposedly non-meta gear or just stuff to see if it's fun you can get through quite a lot experimenting with crazy things.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • katanagirl1
    I PvP 2 hours a day and I just destroy transmute geodes when my inventory gets full.

    I hate to do it but jumping through multiple hoops is not something I am going to waste my time on. You really only get 4 of them (for the 4-25 ones) most of the time anyway.
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  • Hapexamendios
    I can't say I've ever had s problem with the current limit.
  • Jaimeh
    I'm grateful there are many sources for transmute crystals in the game, but I agree that the cap should be raised, for non-subs it's even more of a hassle to manage them.
  • Larcomar
    rauyran wrote: »
    Can you explain why you want the cap increased if you're not using them?

    Not sure who you were asking but let me try to explain. I have 8 characters; many people have more. Each of them has different set ups for dps, tanking and pvp. Thats generally 6 sets each. Some of them also carry sets for thieving, overland etc

    Given the propensity for Zos to fundamentally change stuff every three months, ofc I hoarde transmutes. For eg 6 months back, they suddenly banned proc sets from Cyrodiil. I honestly couldn't say how many transmutes reequipping all my toons for pvp cost, but it was easily over a thousand.

    Then, 3 months ago, they then fixed that little snafu by nerfing procs sets across the board in pvE; that wrecked a lot of my more niche builds, which just weren't viable anymore eg Ilambria-OS-Thunderbug and I ended up having to mass produce new sets to requip them. Cost less but few if any of those sets had been reconstructred so there was no transmutes from decon.

    I'm not even trying to keep up with the meta - if I was I'd be having to shift everyone to bahsei-Kinras or somethign equally silly this patch. All I'm doing is trying to make sure that the sets my toons are using actually *work* where they're using them, and are actually vaguely viable.

    TLDR You don't use transmutes between patches; you hoarde transmutes so that when zos makes another hand break turn and changes stuff around you can reequip you're toons for whatever they chucked on its head this patch
    Edited by Larcomar on November 6, 2021 10:40AM
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