Is battlegrounds dead? Xbox NA

Just wondering what’s happened to the queue times for battlegrounds.
A few months back I was getting matches easy under 5 minutes now it’s above 15 minutes up to an hour if I don’t give up first.

Battlegrounds is really the only thing I’ve enjoyed playing for a while mainly under 50s as I feel everyone is on even ground except the few who make builds purely to dominate under 50s but it’s always good when you get that one kill on them after being killed 10 times and give them a quick t-bag to fire them up.

I know they changed it to death match only but I didn’t think it would have that big of an impact.

In my opinion they didn’t have to go that far just remove chaosball and be done.
It’s the only mode that people who just play to get kills really had an effect on.

Relic and flag games it was always easy to get the win if you had one or two going for kills while the others round of the relic or flags.

I don’t know just getting pretty bored sitting here 15 minutes at a time waiting for a match…
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