Such possibilities spoiled by overpricing. With several alts I won't be buying more slots - just too expensive. I might even have considered paying a bit more if it opened a slot on every character. I had expected ZOS to do this but I am still disappointed.
I can only see one benefit of the Armory system and that is to be able to switch between a PvE build and a PvP build where I might want different morphs (e.g. Daedric Prey v Haunting Curse). And that won't require an additional slot. Though the lack of mundus change is disappointing. Admittedly I would then have to wait for a PvP queue to pop but I am not a great PvP player. As a PC player, I will be sticking to the add-on I use. I feel sorry for console players.
Yet another 2021 feature (like Companions) that doesn't quite hit the mark. I hope 2022 will be better.
AJones43865 wrote: »There are at least two add-ons that do everything the armory appears to do, and they are free. Am I missing something?
I did notice that one of these add-ons had a lot of it's functionality disabled a couple months ago though.
I'm not sure why people keep bringing add-on functionality as alternative into this when the Armory and the add-ons are fundamentally doing different things.
Mind you, my experience of add-on usage lies only with Dressing Room so it might not be the case for another similar add-on but DR lets you switch gear and skills on the fly. While the Armory lets you tinker with the build basics - attributes, skill morphs, vampirism/werewolf. So I'd say they don't replace each other. I certainly wouldn't use an Armory slot to save my solo setup and my dungeon setup since they don't have different attribute allocation or CP, just gear and skills. DR handles that type of switching just fine. At the same time DR cannot possibly help me to switch between magicka and stamina setup, or PvP and PvE builds. This is where the Armory functionality comes in.
...Is what I would say if not for the amount of free slots available and pricing to increase them! While being character specific to boot!
I wanted at least on my main char to have stam spec, mag spec, tank spec and PvP setup but the thought of paying 3000 crowns for the privilege is just hurting my soul.
Also, the bug reports about this new feature are off-putting. I'll just wait until it's working properly. Might come to terms with the parting with the 3k crowns meanwhile...
dk_dunkirk wrote: »I can see having several slots on my main, but I can't imagine using more than 2 on an alt. To the people complaining about the system being alt-unfriendly: How many slots would you need, and on how many alts? How many of your alts would really need more than the base 2 slots? Serious question.
IronWooshu wrote: »150,000 gold for an armor slot if you doing crown trading... seems an alright cost to me then again I only have one character I do everything on who has 350+ skill points, 20+ titles and still adding to them.
So don't you really need two slots to begin with if you intend to play more than one role? It seems to me like a single slot is only good for backing up your existing build before you try making changes to it.