For some reason, 1 time I acquired a singular book furnishing. I don't know why I haven't stumbled on any other 'book' furnishings out there, but I would like to propose something I believe would really make the game more immersive for me and housing rewarding over all: interactive bookshelves that sync with all the books your character has collected around the world. Of course, you can click into the codex and read there, but I think it would be really cool and rewarding if you could purchase an entire bookshelf that gave you the reading animations all that, for you to browse all the lore books discovered so far. I guess I'm weird but I'd probably chill in my house for a whole weekend just reading all the lore books. Then, when my character re-emerged into the open zones, everything would feel even more alive, interconnected, and immersive.
Anyways I'm really serious about this suggestion and I think it would super easy to implement. We should take a community vote.