Werewolf Customization 🐺

As of now, your werewolf appearance is limited only to few fur colors depending on skill chosen. Implement new system for Werewolf fans to be able to personalize their beast forms Fur, Eyes, Face and Mane, along with option to stay in the form outside combat

Inspired by Moonlight tales (Skyrim Mod)
Edited by Cucumber on November 2, 2021 10:23AM

Werewolf Customization 🐺 178 votes

vailjohn_ESOxxslam48xxb14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOAektannParasaurolophusLumsdenmlRatarotoTyharBobby_V_RockitIcy_WafflesGadget4Trapasaurus_Rexwolf486SallymenSianTamzinSpawniaqPeacefulAnarchyschooberDragonlord573NerfSeige 21 votes
NeeScrollsmilesrodneymcneely2_ESOCaligamy_ESOdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESORonin37NirntrotterJanus_CruentinpukObsidian3Zephiran23WraithShadow13priestnall.andrewrwb17_ESOSheezabeastWowSalamanNZSilentFox22ElvenheartBloodyStigmataWolfchild07Reif 141 votes
ThorntongueBerduskBomblePantsChrysa1isMyuxspartaxoxojoergingerNotaDaedraWorshipperMissAetheAdremalDreamyLuAmotticaTempestMDP99GrahamJoyceatherusmora 16 votes
  • Adremal
    Other: since WW builds are perfectly viable and vampire ones aren't, first focus on fixing vampires, then and only then worry about cosmetics for either "monster class".
  • MissAethe
    I think the better solution would be that fur color matches the character's hair color, since that overall makes the most sense to me.
    Xbox NA 10am-2am EST/EDT - Find me In-Game @MissAethe
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  • Amottica
    Adremal wrote: »
    Other: since WW builds are perfectly viable and vampire ones aren't, first focus on fixing vampires, then and only then worry about cosmetics for either "monster class".

    I agree with this. However, I would also suggest that WW form is the ultimate and offering customization of the appearance of the form would mean players would suggest being able to change the appearance of other ults and skills. We know this because it already happened after Zenimax provided a skin for the Warden bear.
  • SydneyGrey
    It would be nice if we could choose the color of the fur independently from what morph we choose, but I suspect this is something we'll never get.
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    I would for them to look like the werewolves in Skyrim or if we can play a smaller version of the werewolf behemoth (which most likely won’t happen)
  • deejayvee
    MissAethe wrote: »
    I think the better solution would be that fur color matches the character's hair color, since that overall makes the most sense to me.

    That would make sense. But I hope it doesn't match exactly because my orc werewolf has bright red hair when not transformed.
    PC - NA
  • Nord_Raseri
    I would be happy for a visual upgrade from our rabid mickey maus with mange :D
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • VDoom1
    People have been wanting this for years. I don't know if it will ever happen but I hope so.
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
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  • Cucumber
    I would for them to look like the werewolves in Skyrim or if we can play a smaller version of the werewolf behemoth (which most likely won’t happen)

    hmm yes, model update least would be appreciated too 😊
  • Ruhlf
    I’d like all of this. Slightly more wolfy option for the model. (Not a fan of the behemoth but give that to folks who want it). Fur color customization. Maybe patterns? Options for male/female depending on preference?

    This feels like it would be part of the same update as new animals/skins for wardens and sorcerer pets.
  • Chrysa1is
    I think your character's hair colour should affect the werewolf fur colour.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Great opportunity to make other were-creatures possible via skins, altering both 3D model and sound set.

    But... lets be real. It is not gonna happen. They went lazy on Khajiits & Argonians (they only did them correct in TES III Morrowind imho). Not to mention various datamined "tail" adornment / costumes that never made it into the game or crown store. Also, remember that Argonian dude from the Blackwood trailer ? Did he ever appeared in the actuall game ? Or at least a special "tail armour" outfit he is wearing ?

    ^ That is why I think something like alternative man-beast or WW customization will never appear in ESO. ZOS does not care about details. And "details" are very important. If you will look at every successful game - those games care about details. And details are things that players appreciate the most. Details change mediocre & cliche things into most unique & interesting things.
  • priestnall.andrewrwb17_ESO
    I like the idea of your werewolf’s fur using your characters hair colour. Possibly with a slight model adjustment or aura to represent the chosen morph.
  • Finedaible
    Lore supports different were-archetypes. We have seen Were-bears in Tes V, Wereboars in Daggerfall, and Werebats in ESO and Legends. There's stupid amounts of potential for lycanthropy skins.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Some colour options would be nice, but Fur, Eyes, Face and Mane is a bit too much.

    I mainly want skins for other werebeast shapes. Werecrocodile, werelion, werebear, wereboar and such. Werebat and werevulture is a bit too different to add, cause they're winged,
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Vevvev
    I like the idea of your werewolf’s fur using your characters hair colour. Possibly with a slight model adjustment or aura to represent the chosen morph.

    Don't think it's completely necessary honestly. If they don't have wolves it's base or berserker, and if they do it's pack leader. If they were to make them visually different a model adjustment would be better since an aura would only get in the way and annoy players like with the Vampire Blood Scion form.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • GrahamJoyce
    I wouldn't mind being able to customize. The only caveat I would have is that it shouldn't be TOTAL customization. (For example, no bright yellow werewolves with unicorn horns and polka dotted tails.) But as long as the options were lore-friendly I wouldn't mind having the option.
  • Sheezabeast
    I'd love to see shaggy hair with beads in it, or feathers. It doesn't have to be too fancy, but some customization would be nice, it used to just be "I wanna be the white WW with the pups" or "I wanna be the black WW" and now it seems like everyone runs the same morph so even that has lost its identity.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • huskandhunger
  • spartaxoxo
    I wouldn't mind the hair and eye colors changing but I think that the werewolf form shouldn't persist out of ult

    1) because of dueling/pvp. People should be able to recognize whether you're in ult form or not.

    2) there is a house where that's the special feature and the value of that should be retained.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on October 29, 2021 8:08AM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    I wouldn't mind being able to customize. The only caveat I would have is that it shouldn't be TOTAL customization. (For example, no bright yellow werewolves with unicorn horns and polka dotted tails.) But as long as the options were lore-friendly I wouldn't mind having the option.
    That would happen if you would have WW's fur colour based on hair colour and you would have Khajiit or Argonian character. Argonian in particular as they have feathers instead of hair and those can have very... um... "vivid" colours :D
  • Cucumber
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind the hair and eye colors changing but I think that the werewolf form shouldn't persist out of ult

    1) because of dueling/pvp. People should be able to recognize whether you're in ult form or not.

    2) there is a house where that's the special feature and the value of that should be retained.

    hmm, good point! the persisting form could work similar to polymorphs, anyone who owns lycanthropy can activate the form two ways

    first, normally as is how it works now through combat

    second, for persistent form have some sort of collectible that cannot be activated in pvp

    i dont play pvp much so im not sure, but surely there exists solution where everyone comes out happy in this! 😅
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Only if we can customize the Blood Scion as well.
  • Cucumber
    Only if we can customize the Blood Scion as well.

    Yup, both skill lines deserve love! 🧛🐺
  • Kordai
    More customizations are always good. Like in Skyrim with that Moonlight tales mod. Different colors, werebears etc.
  • Toanis
    Adremal wrote: »
    Other: since WW builds are perfectly viable and vampire ones aren't, first focus on fixing vampires, then and only then worry about cosmetics for either "monster class".

    Bloodfiend builds using only vampire skills are just as viable as Werewolves. Niche builds for fun (mainly) solo play.

    The difference is that WW is optional gameplay and outside of werewolf form provides only optional passives on (otherwise useless) skills (+15% Stamina recovery, Major Savagery and Major Brutality, if you can spare the slots on your main bar)

    Passive Vampirism used to be a good trade, but avid vampire roleplayers were offended by the number of players that were vampires just for the passives, so here we are, with vampirism being mostly a RP choice for the most dedicated of RPers. Careful what you wish for.

    And yes, skins for Werewolfs (and the pack) would be great, can I have a mangy zombie WW skin with skeletal wolves for my Stamcro, please?
    Edited by Toanis on October 31, 2021 2:03PM
  • Vevvev
    Toanis wrote: »
    Adremal wrote: »
    Other: since WW builds are perfectly viable and vampire ones aren't, first focus on fixing vampires, then and only then worry about cosmetics for either "monster class".

    Bloodfiend builds using only vampire skills are just as viable as Werewolves. Niche builds for fun (mainly) solo play.

    The difference is that WW is optional gameplay and outside of werewolf form provides only optional passives on (otherwise useless) skills (+15% Stamina recovery, Major Savagery and Major Brutality, if you can spare the slots on your main bar)

    Passive Vampirism used to be a good trade, but avid vampire roleplayers were offended by the number of players that were vampires just for the passives, so here we are, with vampirism being mostly a RP choice for the most dedicated of RPers. Careful what you wish for.

    And yes, skins for Werewolfs (and the pack) would be great, can I have a mangy zombie WW skin with skeletal wolves for my Stamcro, please?

    As an RPer I never understood the complaints about it being passive. I mean like.... outside a few abilities all of vampirism's benefits have been passive buffs to strength and magical power. The devs didn't even make the passive stats boosts actual passives during the rework. They stuck it on a stupid health cost toggle and then said, "Blood Frenzy ticks all the boxes of what it means to be a vampire!" I'm still a little ticked off about that to be honest.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Cucumber

    Toanis wrote: »
    can I have a mangy zombie WW skin with skeletal wolves for my Stamcro, please?

    Undead werewolves sound sick! 👍
  • Darcwolf
    Scaled down werewolf behemoth skin please :)
  • Cucumber
    Darcwolf wrote: »
    Scaled down werewolf behemoth skin please :)

    Behemoth model is definitely pretty neat! But i personally wouldn't see it as replacement for player werewolf models.

    Have new customizable player werewolf forms, and then additional skins like the Behemoth that can be earned as rewards from quests, dungeons, etc!
    Edited by Cucumber on November 2, 2021 7:52AM
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