xylena_lazarow wrote: »
AJones43865 wrote: »How about less than 100% AP rewards when grouped? The larger the group, the higher percentage of AP reduction. For instance, a 12 man group would get only 50% AP awards, a 6 man group 75% AP etc.? Scaled reward based upon group size. The bigger the group, the lower the AP.
lmao go for it, I really see the disconnect here. Unless you've been in one of those groups you probably don't understand. Its not about the AP.
Maybe not you or even your group, but plenty of them over the years have been all about "farming AP."lmao go for it, I really see the disconnect here. Unless you've been in one of those groups you probably don't understand. Its not about the AP.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
Waylander07 wrote: »This is only my opinion but what about raising the rewards for capturing a keep, scroll, town or resource so that its more beneficial than just running around in a ball group farming AP. This would encourage players to actually play the campaign as it would be more rewarding. Getting 1.6k ap for taking a resource/town or something like 7k ap for taking a keep is not much reward for a lot of hard work. The ball group playstyle as far as I am concerned sucks the life out of the game so why not make the only decent way to earn ap is to play the campaign as intended.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
There is no competitive value in repeatedly killing weaker disorganized players who are basically NPC trash mobs compared to the skilled organized group. If it was really about the PvP, they'd find a venue where they can fight others on their level. I can agree that it's a shame there's no 12v12 arena in this game, or any proper XvX arena.AP farming groups and organized ball groups are different classes of players.
The only reason why my group would ever pull off is if a stronger group beat us and pushed us out. So long as theres a large group of pugs or solo players theres a reason to keep coming back. AP be darned
xxslam48xxb14_ESO wrote: »What do they actually get out of playing like that? Ap is probably garbage because of how many players are attacking and getting kills while in a zerg is not hard or rewarding. There was certainly a point in time where ball groups were smaller then the zergs they were farming, but now a days they are about the same size.
I am thinking its about power and prestige in truth. They can claim whatever they want, but the reality is they want to be feared and renowned. If we stop calling them "ball groups" as if there is some distinction between them and a common zerg they won't feel special anymore. Just call them zergs, because they are now. The pop cap is low enough that they are just as big as any other zerg. Don't give them respect, call the zerglings, mock their skill level, shame them out of playing in a zerg. Catch any of them outside their groups and they play like pvers. They aren't skilled, they are just pvers doing rotations in a pvp environment. Its only possible because of how unbelievably bad zos is at fixing their game and you all know this to be true. Is zos would finally fix the mechanics they are exploiting they would probably quit because they can't play at all without their zerg.
Except that it's the larger enemy who doesn't stand a chance. They're unarmed untrained peasants trying to fight elite soldiers rolling around in a tank with machine guns. I can understand the power fantasy appeal, but I wouldn't call it glory.There used to be some sense of glory in banding together to defeat a larger enemy, and personally I think if everyone experienced it pvp would be larger than what it currently is.
For groups like that its not about the ap. The only thing that is gonna do is make pvdoor more popular. These groups are placing themselves where they can find pvp not ap so it doesn't matter where the players go, these groups will follow.
The only real way to deal with "ball groups" is to beat them so many times they don't want to come back, not run to the next keep sorry.
"After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
xxslam48xxb14_ESO wrote: »What do they actually get out of playing like that? Ap is probably garbage because of how many players are attacking and getting kills while in a zerg is not hard or rewarding. There was certainly a point in time where ball groups were smaller then the zergs they were farming, but now a days they are about the same size.
I am thinking its about power and prestige in truth. They can claim whatever they want, but the reality is they want to be feared and renowned. If we stop calling them "ball groups" as if there is some distinction between them and a common zerg they won't feel special anymore. Just call them zergs, because they are now. The pop cap is low enough that they are just as big as any other zerg. Don't give them respect, call the zerglings, mock their skill level, shame them out of playing in a zerg. Catch any of them outside their groups and they play like pvers. They aren't skilled, they are just pvers doing rotations in a pvp environment. Its only possible because of how unbelievably bad zos is at fixing their game and you all know this to be true. Is zos would finally fix the mechanics they are exploiting they would probably quit because they can't play at all without their zerg.
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
xylena_lazarow wrote: »
xylena_lazarow wrote: »