I desire to create more atmosphere in one of my home builds, so I purchased the Furnishing Pack: Witches' Coven which includes the Fog of the Hag Fen (specifically purchased it for the Fog of the Hag Fen because its the only way to obtain this furnishing item).
There was no source of information that I could search on the internet to gauge how wide/spread out Fog of the Hag Fen is, and you certainly can not gauge its size in the furniture preview.
While I do not expect Fog of the Hag Fen to cover a house, or even a large part of the house. I do expect it to at least cover a single, small space (small not by human standards, but by 3D asset creation standards for a 3rd person game environment). The Fog of the Hag Fen effect is small, very small. Too small to be of any use unless you spam 20 of them in an area.
Fog of the Hag Fen is extremely underwhelming and had I known it was this small, I
would not have purchased the Furnishing Pack: Witches' Coven in the first place.
ESO could do better by giving the scale of items in the furniture preview, both in dimension and with a comparison to the average player height so that customers are able to get a better idea of what they are purchasing.
EDIT: The ESO customer service refunded the crowns for this item after they requested I delete the items in my inventory. Thank you team!
Edited by Raideen on October 24, 2021 3:40PM