Witches Festival 2021 Tips?

I usually miss out on stuff. So, I need tips for maximizing what I get out of this event. What else should I be looking for? Thank you

1. Crown Store has free quest. [The Witchmother's Bargain]
2. World Bosses, zone Deshaan seems to have a lot of people helping with bosses, dropping Skulls with loot, feathers, etc.
3. Writs (need recipe drops?)
4. ...

Event: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/61059
  • FrancisCrawford
    Kill bosses. Any bosses will do, although a variety of boss kinds is better.

    There used to be and probably still is a 5 minute or so cooldown between plunder skull drops, however, and even an add-on (Plunder Skull Timer, if you're on the PC) to track that.
  • bathynomusESO
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