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Defeating Crowborne Horror Tips?

I am actually a pretty high level character, yet I am unable to defeat this boss. Any tips from someone who has succeeded?
  • trackdemon5512
    Go in with a group. 2.5 million health isn’t a joke.

    A companion out definitely helps. Kill the tombstones as they come up or else mobs spawn. If you’re solo at the end focus on executing the Horror as too many tombstones come up spawning zombies.

    Make sure you focus the wraith when it comes out as it’s the only other enemy that has resistances.

    Like Harrowstorms avoid the slow moving AOE attack the crown spawns. Stay away from the center where the cauldron is.

    Enjoy your 3 plunder skull reward after.
  • pdblake
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.
  • Talyndor
    Never mind. Wish I could delete this thread. I just found out its a group boss. Sorry to bother everyone.
  • colossalvoids
    It was a group boss..?
  • Finedaible
    Ring of Pale Order and Brawler makes it easy. Not really worth the 3 simple plunder skulls though. Boss can't even be looted for a chance at companion gear.

    The amount of adds might make it a decent xp farm however.
  • trackdemon5512
    It was a group boss..?

    Yup. Has a little “+” symbol to the quest but strangely it’s a single instance. Like the old school Craglorn delve instances.

    It’s definitely supposed to be fought with a group.
    pdblake wrote: »
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.

    It’s harder content but then what’s the point? 3 plunder skull reward and mechanics that while interesting the first time quickly become boring and aggravating when repeating it. This is why I’m not in favor of increased difficulty via either sliders or instances in overland. It’s a waste of time and quickly ignored rather than repeated.
  • method__01
    took me 5 min with my mag sorc,did it but won't do it again

    gave me 3 skulls for reward :|
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
    desperately need a survey assistant
  • Talyndor
    gave me 3 skulls for reward

    Yeah...I did it with a group of three others. Did not take long.
    Lousy loot.
    Not worth repeating or doing on other toons, imho. 'Should drop companion gear or a gold plunder, imho.

  • Tandor
    pdblake wrote: »
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.

    That's what I thought when I portalled in on my own without realising it was a world boss in a private instance :wink: !
  • aaisoaho
    For stamina dds: Carve (2h skill), a sprinkle of survivability (either via vigor or via ring of pale order) and kiting. Stay away from the kettle in the middle. A companion specced into a healer might help too. Focus on the boss and let the adds die in your aoes. Thankfully adds are undead, which means they provide awesome ultigen via fighter's guild passive.

    I personally just slotted vigor and crit surge, pulled out healer-Mirri and focused the boss down on the lefthand side wall. Soloed it, but decided 3 plunder skulls are not worth the hassle to do it again.
  • KalyanLazair
    My not so elegant strategy with a sorc was double AOE attacks - Shield - Heals (crit surge) - Spell damage pots - Atronach ulti - run around like Molag Bal is at my heels and don't let the boss hit you under any circumnstance while tossing at it whatever you can in between shields, heals and AOEs.
  • FlaviusVoyage
    I did it. It was not very pleasant. The Ring of the Pale Order and False God's Devotion set were vital. The Pale Order's 20% damage restored as health really helps when a tons of zombies are following you. Your AOEs on them keep you constantly but moderately healed. The False God's 30% movement speed you get from killing anything including the Ominous Gravestone is a blessing. You are always moving fast. My MagDK used Essence of Spell Power (Corn Flower, Lady's Smock, Water Hyacinth) until the Crowborne Horror reached 40% health and then switched to Crown Tri-Restoration Potions while Crushing Shocking the heck out of him.

    This is what really helped me. Good luck! :)
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I did it solo on my Magplar main, but any class is usable of course.

    - Self heal is required (direct heal)
    - Resto staff could help with rapid regen slotted (heal over time)
    - You could use Pale order (Mythical ring)
    - Make sure you have buff food and damage potions or a skill to buff damage

    Focus the main boss, when tombs appear destroy them, kite all the little undead mobs towards the boss and when they are all together, drop your ultimate (preferably an AOE ultimate).

    If you want to solo you can move around the arena in a circular fashion (clockwise or anti), it will take time but just breath and continue your routine making sure your hots and dots don't drop :)

    Good luck!

    *happy to see a challenge in event questing*
  • Brenticus12
    pdblake wrote: »
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.

    What are you solo'ing lol

    Anyone that can solo basic vet dungeons can solo this boss relatively easily. Anyone that can solo world bosses can do the same. The only mech that can blindside you is the carrion swarm but that's normal for all crow reaper enemies.
  • jaws343
    I went in on my normal False God, Mother's Sorrow, Sithis, Maelstrom destro setup. Took 3 minutes.

    Just drop AOEs. It's no more difficult that most world bosses. Lay down AOEs to hit the adds, using VO or False God for sustain.

    There are enough adds that using Pale order would also just constantly heal you.

    And after dropping aoes, just move out of red and block when the boss flies at you. Kill adds when you need resources.

    And finishing this fight in 3 minutes is only doing 11K dps. Fairly easy amount of DPS. And the only reason I even took this long was because I was taking my time and not pushing a parse on it.

  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    pdblake wrote: »
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.

    What are you solo'ing lol

    Anyone that can solo basic vet dungeons can solo this boss relatively easily. Anyone that can solo world bosses can do the same. The only mech that can blindside you is the carrion swarm but that's normal for all crow reaper enemies.

    Everyone has different levels, remember.
    Keep it cool if you want more events like this in future ;) *pushes Bretinicus back into the car and closes the door* (jokes)
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Next year, have it be Bittergreen the wild world boss' cousin - Bittergreen the moderate. He can wear a store bought mask and a hoodie.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • jaws343
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    I did it solo on my Magplar main, but any class is usable of course.

    - Self heal is required (direct heal)
    - Resto staff could help with rapid regen slotted (heal over time)
    - You could use Pale order (Mythical ring)
    - Make sure you have buff food and damage potions or a skill to buff damage

    Focus the main boss, when tombs appear destroy them, kite all the little undead mobs towards the boss and when they are all together, drop your ultimate (preferably an AOE ultimate).

    If you want to solo you can move around the arena in a circular fashion (clockwise or anti), it will take time but just breath and continue your routine making sure your hots and dots don't drop :)

    Good luck!

    *happy to see a challenge in event questing*

    I had no trouble with this fight solo and I didn't even know that there was a tombstone mechanic. What does that do? Is it just an add spawn mechanic? If so, using pale order and FG or VO, the adds are actually resource and heal sources.
  • Nanfoodle
    He can be solo, just make sure you have some AE in your rotation to kill the adds. I had the load out below on my companion, I find it helps soloing things like world bosses.
  • Colecovision
    Most people clearing it on their own probably have an actual solo build. For the most part this has been made trivial the ring of pale order, but I'm not complaining about the ring, I'm wearing it. Any vMA/ vVH build will do. There's plenty out there that use crafted and overland gear. But you need to think in terms of covering healing and damage mitigation/avoidance.

    If you are stam, the key is to use stampede to get the graves before you end up with a bunch of adds. If you are also wearing VO and the ring, it's pretty much over. You're gonna win with that. I paired VO and the ring with unfathomable darkness because when I get hit by a crow, I like to hit back with crows.

    If people don't want to deal with all this, just make a group and it's not a big deal. I did it with 2 other people on a low cp account and 2 of us had pvp gear. We all had companions too. It was a big messy fight, but fine.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Companion tanks the boss, the damage circle becomes predictable as it will only target and follow you so don't position your companion between yourself and the boss or else they take unnecessary damage when it spawns and passes over them. You focus on the tombstones as they come up, don't heavy attack or else your companion will switch targets. Slot a couple heals, one heal over time like Vigor and a spammable burst heal.
  • deviousthevile
    This boss is super easy to kill solo. All you need is to go in with Rally and Brawler (2H skills) and alternate Brawler and heavy attacks to shield you and keep stamina up respectively. Then just make sure Rally is always up. That way you can just cast it again if your health dips below 50%. Granted, you will be moving around a lot because on the nasties on the floor.

    This is how I solo every world boss. It's not very fast, but it is very manageable by anyone. Good luck!
    CP 1220
    Devious The Vile Lv 50 Stamblade
    The Elven Terror Lv 50 PvP Support Healplar
    Kintao Doombringer Lv 50 MagSorc
    Healz Ur Bum Lv 50 Healplar
    Toby the Fat Node Hunter Lv 50 Stamina DK (Farmer)
    Something Disgusting Lv 50 Stamden
    You Hit my Splodey Button Lv 50 Blazing Shield Templar Tank
    Kyo Kane Lv 50 Magblade
    Watch Me Burn Lv 50 MagDK
    R N Geesus Lv 50 Stamblade
    Rampage the Vile Lv 50 Stamblade
    Backslash Playdead Lv 50 Healcro
    Sallidadna of House Vile Lv 50 Stamcro
    Hand of the Night King Lv 50 Magcro
    Fróstβíté Lv 40 Ice Warden
    Bella av Cava Vile Lv 24 MagSorc
    Storc the Orc Stam Sorc Lv 50 StamSorc

  • trackdemon5512
    As a solo boss it is very much so comparable to a base game Vet Dungeon boss. One along the lines of the COA1, Selenes Web, Blakcheart Haven but not COA 2.

    With that said let’s be clear, there are A LOT of players that can’t solo a normal dungeon boss let alone a vet dungeon. The bosses of Vet Maelstrom Arena are easier than this enemy with the exception of the final boss.

    If you can solo it then congratulations. You have the skill and likely the gear to place you in the top 1% of players. For the other 99% this boss is impossible to solo.

    If you don’t have Pale Order it’s difficult. If your solo build doesn’t have heals it’s very difficult. If your build is focused on single target damage (like dummy tests) it’s very difficult.

    The number of players asking to group up to fight this boss are a testament to that. And I doubt they will return repeatedly to fight it as grouping up is a considerable pain and the rewards clearly aren’t worth the time investment.
  • Brenticus12
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    pdblake wrote: »
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.

    What are you solo'ing lol

    Anyone that can solo basic vet dungeons can solo this boss relatively easily. Anyone that can solo world bosses can do the same. The only mech that can blindside you is the carrion swarm but that's normal for all crow reaper enemies.

    Everyone has different levels, remember.
    Keep it cool if you want more events like this in future ;) *pushes Bretinicus back into the car and closes the door* (jokes)

    "I can solo most things" implies a certain level of competence. Killing a few quests bosses that do [snip] all for damage doesn't say anything about being able to "solo things".

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 22, 2021 5:57PM
  • Jack-0
    If you can block or dodge out of the crow's charge attack, drop some aoe, and either use pale order or slot a self heal ability then you should be fine; keep your aoes down, move out of enemy aoes, use ulti on cooldown (some sexy aoe ulti like destro or dk's standard is nice). Block is your friend if you have a poor connection or slower reflexes, you can even just block cast and back away in a circle if you're struggling, but keep an eye on your stamina in that case.
  • Ippokrates
    Try Pelinal + Vampire's Kiss. Use those solo on my NB alt, and had better results than with main. Killed boss at the first attempt ^^
    Edited by Ippokrates on October 22, 2021 4:48PM
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    I did it solo on my Magplar main, but any class is usable of course.

    - Self heal is required (direct heal)
    - Resto staff could help with rapid regen slotted (heal over time)
    - You could use Pale order (Mythical ring)
    - Make sure you have buff food and damage potions or a skill to buff damage

    Focus the main boss, when tombs appear destroy them, kite all the little undead mobs towards the boss and when they are all together, drop your ultimate (preferably an AOE ultimate).

    If you want to solo you can move around the arena in a circular fashion (clockwise or anti), it will take time but just breath and continue your routine making sure your hots and dots don't drop :)

    Good luck!

    *happy to see a challenge in event questing*

    I had no trouble with this fight solo and I didn't even know that there was a tombstone mechanic. What does that do? Is it just an add spawn mechanic? If so, using pale order and FG or VO, the adds are actually resource and heal sources.

    Yeah I'd just suggest to people that they pack the mobs or kill the tombstones, up to them :)
  • SeaGtGruff
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    pdblake wrote: »
    I gave up. I can solo most things but this one is too much. Still all those shouting for harder content should be happy lol.

    What are you solo'ing lol

    Anyone that can solo basic vet dungeons can solo this boss relatively easily. Anyone that can solo world bosses can do the same. The only mech that can blindside you is the carrion swarm but that's normal for all crow reaper enemies.

    Everyone has different levels, remember.
    Keep it cool if you want more events like this in future ;) *pushes Bretinicus back into the car and closes the door* (jokes)

    "I can solo most things" implies a certain level of competence. Killing a few quests bosses that do [snip] all for damage doesn't say anything about being able to "solo things".

    I find "a certain level of competence" to be a rather insulting phrase in that content.

    Why? Because different bosses have different mechanics, and very often it's a question of being able to stay alive long enough to figure out how to handle the mechanics-- and more importantly, different mechanics might be much more difficult to handle depending on a character's specific build, gear sets, and skill rotations. A character that can solo a given boss with few if any problems might not be able to solo a different boss that has different mechanics.

    And as can be seen from some of the comments from players who did manage to solo this boss, some of them found it to be more difficult to handle on one character yet easier to handle on a different character. Presumably their "level of competence" as a player was still the same regardless of which character they were attempting it on.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 22, 2021 5:58PM
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Nanfoodle
    If you kill him fast enough it negates allot of his harder mechanic like the tomb stone and adds.
  • joseayalac
    I found it quite easy to solo, got it on my first try.

    Just remove the tombstones asap to avoid zombies from spawning.
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