PSA: Don't queue as a "fake' but if you do...

Here's a quick primer for "faking" roles:

1. SLOT A TAUNT! Pierce Armor from 1h/shield (bonus, you now have a shield), Inner Fire from Undaunted, Frost clench from ice staff (best at close range but can be ranged too, if you don't miss)

2. Stick stuff in place. DK Talons, Sorc Encase, Warden gripping shards, Necro totem or grasp, Time Stop from Psijic, Caltrops from Assault. Lots of ways to make sure adds don't run around chasing people

3. STAND STILL. Block, don't run. If you don't have enough stam to block, roll/move in a small circle. This is called kiting.

That's it. Now you have gone from "fake"tank to "ok" tank. If you slot Chains (DK unrelenting grip or Silver Leash from Fighters guild) now you're a decent tank.


1. Slot an AoE heal or 3. Illustrious Healing, COMBAT PRAYER from Resto staff. Altar from Undaunted. Templar Extended ritual. Neco Undeath, Warden Budding seeds or enchanted growth, DK cinder storm, Sorc Matriarch, NB refreshing path.

2. Slot Energy Orb from Undaunted. It's an AoE heal AND resources for your team. Templars can slot shards (but remember, only 1 person benefits from a shard)

Now you are an "ok" healer.

3. RAPID REGEN IS NOT A GROUP HEAL. Radiating regen is ok in 4 person groups, but an AoE heal will help more. Breath of life is ok, but also not an AoE group heal.


If you show up as a DPS with any taunt (especially frost clench) and a lot of AoE heals, you aren't helping the group, you're being selfish. There is a much higher chance of getting a DLC random now so you want to have all the DPS you can do slotted. A self shield and a self heal should be plenty. More than that and you're hurting your DPS output.
"But I'm going to get a fake!" Then leave the group. The penalty isn't that bad, and it's the only way for fakers to learn that we don't want to play with them.

Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on October 5, 2021 6:14PM
  • WarriorNinja9
    Thats what i do. i have a really tanky solo build with aoe heals and i queue up at a tank, i just change out power of the light for inner beast and my rotation is the same as any other world boss, just doing 10% extra damage instead of the 50% burst, and since im running extended ritual it even helps the healer or "healer" not have to worry about the melee fighters as much
  • neferpitou73
    Here we go again...
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Here we go again...

    I'm grinding transmutes right now to reconstrcut some sets. I completed 7 random normals and left 4 others yesterday.
    So 11 queue groups... only 2 had a tank with s/b.

    Of those 2 tanks, 1 had a taunt, and had to be told to use it.

    I don't care if you fake, as long as you can fulfill the basics of the role.

    Notice, I'm not complaining, I'm telling you how to do the bare minimum.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Maybe we should make companions explain things in their quests/speech patterns..
    Just a thought..
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all!

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    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on October 5, 2021 7:45PM
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  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    Maybe we should make companions explain things in their quests/speech patterns..
    Just a thought..

    Nah, from the number of people just reacting to the topic and not even reading the OP no one would listen.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    Maybe we should make companions explain things in their quests/speech patterns..
    Just a thought..

    Nah, from the number of people just reacting to the topic and not even reading the OP no one would listen.

    I have a much shorter advice for you :

    I you have expectations, DO NOT PUG. Set up your own group instead.

  • Grandchamp1989
    Well, you're not wrong OP.
    IMO the dungeon finder is like the wild west. Its not pretty.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Youyouz06 wrote: »
    Maybe we should make companions explain things in their quests/speech patterns..
    Just a thought..

    Nah, from the number of people just reacting to the topic and not even reading the OP no one would listen.

    I have a much shorter advice for you :

    I you have expectations, DO NOT PUG. Set up your own group instead.

    Ok, let's break down this advice.

    Here's what I do, every time I need to run a random. I post, IN ALL FOUR OF MY GUILDS: "Anyone for a random normal/vet? I am <INSERT ROLE>?"

    Here's the responses I get.

    <10 minutes of blank silence>

    I then check my friends list: NO one is online or the only people online are PvPers.

    Now, I guess if I only follow your "advice", I am never running a random normal. Unless I find 3 people who are ALWAYS ready to run when I am. You know, no life, waiting around for my coffee cup signal or something.

    "Just form a group" isn't as easy as it sounds. I often wonder how many of the "form a guild group" commenters here, actually RESPOND when someone asks for a random in their guilds?
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on October 5, 2021 8:11PM
  • phileunderx2
    Also you fakers don't whine when you get kicked from the dungeon.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Also you fakers don't whine when you get kicked from the dungeon.

    If I had a dime for every salty whisper I get when the faker/rushing DPS gets kicked...

    And for those who've never had to kick someone - most of those who end up being kicked start spewing vitriol at everyone in the group until blocked, regardless of who initiated the vote or who had crown.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on October 5, 2021 8:15PM
  • Girl_Number8
    Here's a quick primer for "faking" roles:

    1. SLOT A TAUNT! Pierce Armor from 1h/shield (bonus, you now have a shield), Inner Fire from Undaunted, Frost clench from ice staff (best at close range but can be ranged too, if you don't miss)

    2. Stick stuff in place. DK Talons, Sorc Encase, Warden gripping shards, Necro totem or grasp, Time Stop from Psijic, Caltrops from Assault. Lots of ways to make sure adds don't run around chasing people

    3. STAND STILL. Block, don't run. If you don't have enough stam to block, roll/move in a small circle. This is called kiting.

    That's it. Now you have gone from "fake"tank to "ok" tank. If you slot Chains (DK unrelenting grip or Silver Leash from Fighters guild) now you're a decent tank.


    1. Slot an AoE heal or 3. Illustrious Healing, COMBAT PRAYER from Resto staff. Altar from Undaunted. Templar Extended ritual. Neco Undeath, Warden Budding seeds or enchanted growth, DK cinder storm, Sorc Matriarch, NB refreshing path.

    2. Slot Energy Orb from Undaunted. It's an AoE heal AND resources for your team. Templars can slot shards (but remember, only 1 person benefits from a shard)

    Now you are an "ok" healer.

    3. RAPID REGEN IS NOT A GROUP HEAL. Radiating regen is ok in 4 person groups, but an AoE heal will help more. Breath of life is ok, but also not an AoE group heal.


    If you show up as a DPS with any taunt (especially frost clench) and a lot of AoE heals, you aren't helping the group, you're being selfish. There is a much higher chance of getting a DLC random now so you want to have all the DPS you can do slotted. A self shield and a self heal should be plenty. More than that and you're hurting your DPS output.
    "But I'm going to get a fake!" Then leave the group. The penalty isn't that bad, and it's the only way for fakers to learn that we don't want to play with them.

    Why don’t you be the tank or healer?? Do that and your problem is solved.
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    Why don’t you be the tank or healer?? Do that and your problem is solved.

    I have 3 tanks and 1 healer that i queue with. Then the problem becomes the 3rd part of that, which you seemed to have missed (despite quoting it): DPS

    When I am on a REAL tank, I am wearing TANKING sets - group buff sets in 7 heavy. I run SLOW. Granted I am a good tank, but the DPS and sometimes the healers don't wait and run ahead through all the mobs and pull the boss. I guess in the future I"ll be pulled in, but it's rather annoying. Especially when 1 DPS wants to skip EVERYTHING, including mechanics. Which doesn't work in vet dungeons (and I queue in vets to avoid people who only want to put in minimal effort.)

    It would be great if queueing as a tank mean I got to tank and not always be expected to clean up the mess everyone makes by rushing ahead.

    So, problem solved - Just don't be a jerk in randoms. Do your role, and don't try to be a "super hero" ok?
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on October 5, 2021 8:25PM
  • neferpitou73
    I will stop fake tanking and healing when the average DPS player learns how to do 20kdps in a normal dungeon.

    Of the number of times I've run dungeons I can probably count on one hand the times where I got angry for a fake tank. On the other hand bad DPS are the reason I've stopped queueing with an actual tank at all.
  • ZOS_GregoryV
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    • Flaming: It’s okay to disagree and debate on the official ESO forums, but we do ask that you keep all disagreements civil, constructive, and on-topic. If a discussion gets heated and turns into a debate, remember that you should stick to debating the post and/or thread topic. It is never appropriate to resort to personal comments or jabs about those participating in the thread discussion.
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