Here's a quick primer for "faking" roles:
1. SLOT A TAUNT! Pierce Armor from 1h/shield (bonus, you now have a shield), Inner Fire from Undaunted, Frost clench from ice staff (best at close range but can be ranged too, if you don't miss)
2. Stick stuff in place. DK Talons, Sorc Encase, Warden gripping shards, Necro totem or grasp, Time Stop from Psijic, Caltrops from Assault. Lots of ways to make sure adds don't run around chasing people
3. STAND STILL. Block, don't run. If you don't have enough stam to block, roll/move in a small circle. This is called kiting.
That's it. Now you have gone from "fake"tank to "ok" tank. If you slot Chains (DK unrelenting grip or Silver Leash from Fighters guild) now you're a decent tank.
1. Slot an AoE heal or 3. Illustrious Healing, COMBAT PRAYER from Resto staff. Altar from Undaunted. Templar Extended ritual. Neco Undeath, Warden Budding seeds or enchanted growth, DK cinder storm, Sorc Matriarch, NB refreshing path.
2. Slot Energy Orb from Undaunted. It's an AoE heal AND resources for your team. Templars can slot shards (but remember, only 1 person benefits from a shard)
Now you are an "ok" healer.
3. RAPID REGEN IS NOT A GROUP HEAL. Radiating regen is ok in 4 person groups, but an AoE heal will help more. Breath of life is ok, but also not an AoE group heal.
If you show up as a DPS with any taunt (especially frost clench) and a lot of AoE heals, you aren't helping the group, you're being selfish. There is a much higher chance of getting a DLC random now so you want to have all the DPS you can do slotted. A self shield and a self heal should be plenty. More than that and you're hurting your DPS output.
"But I'm going to get a fake!" Then leave the group. The penalty isn't that bad, and it's the only way for fakers to learn that we don't want to play with them.
Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on October 5, 2021 6:14PM