Killing in the name of Profit

@Zos this is just a friendly [snip] post to you about the way you guys are handling things.

This game has lacked basic features that are common to other mmos of a similar nature since day one. it has had a great many performance and balance issues and in spite of all the issues has been one of my favourite games for the last 7 years.

So I recently found out with the new armory feature you guys are going to charge for assistants as well as saved slots.

@Zos you guys need to be very careful. Class specialisations is a very common feature that this game has lacked. Armory is a feature that should have been implemented into the base game from the beginning.

You plan to charge for something that lets be honest fixes an issue. Its not really a new great thing. Its a fix to a thing you guys couldn't be bothered adding in the first place.

@Zos [snip] People will leave as soon as something new comes out. And it won't be for any of the hundreds of problems. It will be because of you guys and your pricing strategy. Because why should they play this when there are dozens of other games that add these features in as a basic included feature.

[edited for demand/threat]
Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 4, 2021 1:08PM
  • mague
    slimwaffle wrote: »
    So I recently found out with the new armory feature you guys are going to charge for assistants as well as saved slots.

    But we get the first for free like with the style slots ?
  • slimwaffle
    mague wrote: »
    slimwaffle wrote: »
    So I recently found out with the new armory feature you guys are going to charge for assistants as well as saved slots.

    But we get the first for free like with the style slots ?

    We are supposed to get excited for one slot we can't use on the fly without paying for an assistant?
  • Sheezabeast
    TFW you think the board is about Telvar....

    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • BazOfWar
    I completely agree!

    I played another mmo that separates skills according to PVE and PVP and when you joined PVP your build was saved and all you needed to do was change gear.

    It is so frustrating that in this game you have to visit shrines that cost gold to change stats and skills, then change CP just to PVP.

    I get that it's a business but Zos just wants to milk everyone for the slightest thing, Things that should already be part of the game.
    Edited by BazOfWar on October 4, 2021 11:29AM
  • mague
    slimwaffle wrote: »
    mague wrote: »
    slimwaffle wrote: »
    So I recently found out with the new armory feature you guys are going to charge for assistants as well as saved slots.

    But we get the first for free like with the style slots ?

    We are supposed to get excited for one slot we can't use on the fly without paying for an assistant?

    It was only a question, i was not in beta.

    For me a free switch PvE and PvP is ok. For others probably not....
  • ADarklore
    DCUO does the exact same thing... gives you ONE armory for free and charges for the rest. To switch you can only have four armories on your bar at a time and have to return to your lair to change those four to another set of armories. While true that they don't force you to buy an 'assistant' to swap in the field, ZOS- as you know- monetizes EVERY LITTLE THING and what it gives away is usually pointless anyway. So it's not a surprise that they are doing this- as they know it will help them sell more Crowns (especially when they go on sale).
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Amottica
    I have played another title where we had to purchase in-game or with cash tokens an assistant if we wanted to respec in the field. Even then, the only game I can recall where a subscription is an option has free respecting to players who sub and an in-game cost to those who do not sub.

    My suggestion is the actual respecing should be free to those who subscribed. While not exactly how it is in other games, it is not unprecedented.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    I agree with some points the OP exposed.

    If I've understood correctly, the system is based off existing addon functionalities and groupping them into one tool.
    - We get two slots per character (no cost, ok)

    This implementation does feel like quality of life, right? I also feel as if this should be fully functional and attached to base game like the OP does.

    I've bought a banker and a merchant in the past at the real life cost of around 40 euros (correct me if I'm wrong), but I can't fathom paying any more of these additions at those sort of prices (it's essentially the price of a game).

    At this point in time my body and mind don't click with ESO pricing in relation to the quality of content being offered, sorry.

  • SeaGtGruff
    I plan to live without the Armory assistant, the same way I lived without the Merchant and Banking assistants for a couple of years, until I finally bought each of them (at different times) when they were on sale.

    Port to an owned house that has the Armory set up inside, switch builds, port to an unowned house to preview it, exut the housing preview, and you're back where you were* before you ported home-- easy peasy! I already do that to deconstruct gear when I'm so loaded down that I can't pick up anything more, and it works great. *It won't return you to the middle of a delve or dungeon, of course, so you'll need to do it before going inside.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Kiralyn2000
    slimwaffle wrote: »
    @Zos this is just a friendly [snip] post to you about the way you guys are handling things.

    This game has lacked basic features that are common to other mmos of a similar nature since day one. it has had a great many performance and balance issues and in spite of all the issues has been one of my favourite games for the last 7 years.

    So I recently found out with the new armory feature you guys are going to charge for assistants as well as saved slots.

    @Zos you guys need to be very careful. Class specialisations is a very common feature that this game has lacked. Armory is a feature that should have been implemented into the base game from the beginning.]

    Just curious - what MMOs have this feature (and/or had it "from the beginning"?)

    Because most of the ones I've played either didn't have it, or only added it (or a more limited version) later.
  • blkjag
    It’s a useless system if you can’t change it in pvp or a trial anyway
  • kmcaj
    Can you change in a dungeon or arena?
  • neferpitou73
    Wait is Dressing Room still going to be functional after this? Because I can't see people paying for something they can get a better version of for free (assuming you're on PC)
  • Tranquilizer
    Wait is Dressing Room still going to be functional after this? Because I can't see people paying for something they can get a better version of for free (assuming you're on PC)

    I'm not on the pts, but what I've heard is that Armory is much better than Dressing Room. DR just changes your equipment and your skills on the fly, but Armory can also change your skill morphs, your attribute points, cp and your vampire/werewolf status without any cost. You can change your character from stam to mag in one second.

    What I can see is that PC users are using both, Armory for the big changes (stam -> mag or tank -> dd -> healer) and DR to adapt for specific situations, thus needing less Armory slots than our console fellows.
  • Meiox
    blkjag wrote: »
    It’s a useless system if you can’t change it in pvp or a trial anyway

    Useless? Now I can have a 'pvp', 'pve overland', 'pve dungeon group' and a 'pve dungeon solo' build. I wouldn't call that useless.
  • Hallothiel
    Leaving aside the lack of understanding that this game is a business not a charity & so needs to make money, I am curious about people’s apparent necessity for the ability to swap mid-fight/trial/dungeon.

    Why is this even a thing? I know that may occasionally need to swap one skill, or maybe one piece of armour, but why whole builds?
  • Kiralyn2000
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Why is this even a thing? I know that may occasionally need to swap one skill, or maybe one piece of armour, but why whole builds?

    Well, clearly, if you're a super pro meta min-max master, you have separate builds for Boss 1, Boss 2, and trash clearing!

    (remember, this is a game where people have been doing silly stuff like putting on entire different sets to trigger a buff, then switching to the regular gear before starting a fight. Which is kind of nuts.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 5, 2021 1:35PM
  • Hallothiel
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Why is this even a thing? I know that may occasionally need to swap one skill, or maybe one piece of armour, but why whole builds?

    Well, clearly, if you're a super pro meta min-max master, you have separate builds for Boss 1, Boss 2, and trash clearing!

    (remember, this is a game where people have been doing silly stuff like putting on entire different sets to trigger a buff, then switching to the regular gear before starting a fight. Which is kind of nuts.

    Oh that is just [snip] ridiculous.

    [edited for profanity bypass & to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 5, 2021 1:38PM
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