colossalvoids wrote: »So it's some nerfs (which ones lol?) and ability for magicka users to use relequen and other stamina sets is what makes you personally perform worse? Not sure if serious.
colossalvoids wrote: »So it's some nerfs (which ones lol?) and ability for magicka users to use relequen and other stamina sets is what makes you personally perform worse? Not sure if serious.
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »
Because now why would anyone use a melee weapon when there are four ranged weapon options that all benefit from the same stats? Being in melee range should have a higher risk/reward stat than using a flame staff from the doorway
For PvE I agree, for PvP absolutely no chance. Stamina in PvP is already far superior in nearly all aspects compared to magicka. Its tough to balance
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »Because now why would anyone use a melee weapon when there are four ranged weapon options that all benefit from the same stats? Being in melee range should have a higher risk/reward stat than using a flame staff from the doorway
Hallothiel wrote: »Agree about the melee unfriendly mechs - would be a pleasant change if they had boss mechs where range got punished.
I have friends who main stam & hit hard & they often get excluded from vet hm runs due to the bloody meta being focused on magicka.
Do sometimes wish that the meta didn’t exist.
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »
Because now why would anyone use a melee weapon when there are four ranged weapon options that all benefit from the same stats? Being in melee range should have a higher risk/reward stat than using a flame staff from the doorway
Honest to God, why do ZoS keep nerfing Stamina more and more every patch?
Just looking at the PTR, you literally uselessifying us even further.
Even Relequen gonna be used by Magicka users, what good are we then?
And to top it all, you also nerf our abilities and passives.
Its gonna be less damage than current patch + the gap between stamina and magicka gonna be bigger, why even bother with stamina then ???
Consider how hard it is to play as Stamina, avoid stuff and what not, we should naturally do more DPS as compensation for that.
DMuehlhausen wrote: »
The new patch in Nov. will change this. Hybrid builds will become the flavor as all gear will have both Magicka and Stam on it.
What they need / could have done was introduced a new stat like Power and that became what Melee DD used. It's always been slanted toward Magicka since they don't have to use their primary resource to sprint, dodge, block, sneak etc. The only other option would have been to make those type of things go off the highest of the two stats, but magicka to dodge just doesn't make sense.
For PvE I agree, for PvP absolutely no chance. Stamina in PvP is already far superior in nearly all aspects compared to magicka. Its tough to balance
Ippokrates wrote: »I also looked at PTS and saw many wonderful proc sets that now can crit and give you a really great gameplay. Most of them are medium. And as a magicka char, you cannot sustain on full medium. 2-3 pieces max.
Just do not want to be more specific, because of potential nerfs xd
MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »
LMAO...there is no TRUE melee range in this game. There is Range and Mid Range, true melee is up close and personal. If you go to a sparring target check out the actual range each ability hits most hit in the 7m range or so the ability state but it is closer to 10-12M from my experience. Heavy Attack with 2H weapon hit targets at 15M or so if not further back.
Range characters on average are at 18-20m so melee is what 10m. IMO, if the devs buff melee damage they need to reduce the range of all abilities down to 3m and make sure they are at 3m and not state 3m but actually be a 7m+ for the actual range of the ability.
This is just another post about how Stamina DPS need to be top spot in damage rant.
I think you might be outdated on your ranting. I started to see some stamina players pulling great numbers. Have friends pushing over 100-110k already.
For a fact, Relequen jewelry and staff are better than 99% of the sets without wearing a single stamina item.
What are you even saying, I am a true meele and if I don't stick to the target, I cant even weave it in order to stack relequen, how ignorant ...
Parse have nothing to do with it, I also hit those numbers.
Almost 95% of the hard content in this game in DLC HM Veteran Dungeons and about 80% of Trials is simply NOT melee friendly in any way, shape or form.
The fact I have to move and dance around stuff while a range guy just find a goochie spot and hardly move compare to me should already be a red alarm.
There are simply NOT any "Easy Mode" stamina builds, all are highest skill cap.
I don't want you to make it easier on mechanics, I just want people to justify taking a melee guy that have higher chance to "***".
Keep buffing Magicka and nerfing Stamina every patch only make above argument even stronger as stamina become an even worse choice as time pass.
Bobby_V_Rockit wrote: »Because now why would anyone use a melee weapon when there are four ranged weapon options that all benefit from the same stats? Being in melee range should have a higher risk/reward stat than using a flame staff from the doorway