Hello there,
I like to promote some suggestions about improving guilds. First off let me just say that i strongly believe the foundations for the guild system in ESO is really good better than other games ive played but there always ways to improve so hear me out!
- First off, guild tabbards. They haven't been updated ever! as far as I remember, we need more icons! Heck put them in the crown store! I'll buy. (More in game factions would be great)
- I like to be able to purchase/donate a house to the guild without having it being just someone's house. Make porting to it available through a button in the guild UI just like some add-ons already do.
Additionally leaderboards need some work(please), a lot of people i ran into don't know they even exist!! You should make the leaderboard more impactful.
- Allow for guilds instead of individual names to be displayed, this could be done by people wearing tabbards throughout the trial. In the leaderboard it can display the name of the guild and upon clicking it a drop down would appear showing the participants.
- piggybacking on that, i think showing off to the community which guilds are doing great would improve guild pride and drive more competition, you could display the top weekly guilds every time you open the world map.(off to the side)
- in addition, leaderboards should provide something other than gear, some buffs. For example you could maybe remove 1% off the the "house cut" fee, lower cost of crafting for guildies by 1%, reduce cost of armor repair by x% different tiers y'all can go crazy with it but.
Feel free to reply to my suggestions or post your own!
Edited by Ethos_evos on October 1, 2021 6:04PM PC NA/EbonheartPact