Deathmatch Leaderboard
With 56 minutes remaining, I reached 1003240 points.
How is your score so high?
Any 7500+ heal earns the Critical Heal badge which gives 100 points.
Here's 500 points:
Match Breakdown
Best Game: 3.7m healing
0 Kills 0 Deaths 0 Assists
"perfectly balanced, as all things should be" - Skara Thanos
The Build![D7yE1Gt.png](
Class: Magicka Sorcerer
Race: High Elf, Dark Elf, Argonian, Breton
Attributes: 64 magicka
Set 1:
Spell Power Cure
Set 2:
Healer's Habit
Monster: 1x
Sentinel of Rkugamz heavy
Monster: 1x
Symphony of Blades medium
Resto staff (front bar): Powered trait w/ Weapon Damage Enchant
Resto staff (back bar): Powered or Defending trait w/ any enchant
Jewelry: Arcane trait, Magicka Recovery enchant
Armor: Divines trait, Maximum Magicka enchant
Bar 1: Bound Aegis, Hardened Ward, Twilight Matriarch, Radiating Regeneration, Inner Light, Life Giver
Bar 2: Streak, Boundless Storm, Twilight Matriarch, Dark Deal, Power Surge, Life Giver
Mundus: The Atronach
Vampire Stage 3
Clockwork Citrus Filet
Essence of Spell Power
Battleground (No-CP) stats w/ potion and Boundless Storm active:
Use heavy attack when idle to keep Major Mending up.
Streak into clusters of enemy players for the aoe stun.
Dodge roll frequently to avoid damage and use Dark Deal to recover stamina.
Final Thoughts
~170 deathmatch games were played which took 6 hours/day for 7 days. 6 games were abandoned at a rate of ~3.5%.
All games were queued without a premade using "Deathmatch Only Battleground" queue. The solo queue takes too long.
Burnout wasn't an issue until around 150 games for the week, or approximately 900k leaderboard points.
Deathmatch is fun but after playing so many games, I want the objective game modes to come back.