TequilaFire wrote: »Looks funny with Miri being Dark Elf and my character being Khajiit.
Logging made finally made her put her broom away, who knows where.
Would be nice if there was more detailed info on what the companions can do.
babykubrow wrote: »...I wonder if they have "hidden" animations for when they are in homes for example, so she starts tiding up.
SilverBride wrote: »
You can't take companions in your home. When you go inside it leaves them outside.
They have houseguest versions tho
SilverBride wrote: »
TequilaFire wrote: »Active companion running around in Reaper's March after doing a lot of scrying.
So the rapport boost from that may have triggered it if intended.
babykubrow wrote: »I wonder if they have "hidden" animations for when they are in homes for example, so she starts tiding up.
mirri likes cooking...
A LOT...
She can't get near open fire without commenting about roasting scribs... on a "infrequent" setting
jedtb16_ESO wrote: »why does it matter what mirri or bastian do when you are not in combat?
if mirri wants to sweep, let her. if bastian wants to complain about the temperature of his hands...
what difference does any of it make?
SeaGtGruff wrote: »Mirri when you catch a bug:
SeaGtGruff wrote: »Mirri when you catch a bug:
Sylvermynx wrote: »There was a thread here somewhere about Mirri sweeping after being near one of the NPCs who sweep. Can't find the thread offhand....
If they copy that nearby npc does that is very cool but it should be limited to the general area you are in like in an town or it get a bit weird like sweeping out in the wilderness.Sylvermynx wrote: »There was a thread here somewhere about Mirri sweeping after being near one of the NPCs who sweep. Can't find the thread offhand....
Reaper’s March
Fixed an issue where Aniel in Thormar could cause your Companion to join them in sweeping.
Going there as soon this one gets homembeetley_ESO wrote: »This was mentioned in last week's PTS notes, so the fix should eventually make its way to live:
Not clear from that whether it permanently affects them, but at least it's a known issue. Guess I'll stay away from Aniel in Thormar for the time being...
SammyKhajit wrote: »
Hey come on, if you just made an acquaintance and they invited you out for a stroll, and they start attacking butterflies and bugs by pulling them apart, that’d be, um, pretty unsettling.
Although equally perturbing is games designer who thinks this is fine to harvest insects and stuff