[BUG] Appearance: "Conjurer's Eyes" can't be combined with Lipsticks, even remove your Lipstick

Appearance: "Conjurer's Eyes" can't be combined with Lipsticks, but even remove your standard Lipstick
It's a logical bug, as they are both in the same category. So the game is basically working like it's being told, but i still consider "eye-colors", which remove "lip-colors" as a bug.

Could you please consider creating a new category for these new head markings "Conjurer's Eys" and also "Spiderkith Eyes", so they can be combined with real head markings and lipstick colors?
They look fantastic but litterally make them useless because the rest of you head gets a reset.
If "eyes-markings" gets it own category, it would be possible to combine them with fitting lips or at least keep your chosen standard lips. The eyes of that new category always gets priority and will be painted on toplevel, but doesnt remove all other markings like purple Dremora lip colors e.g., because its an addition, not a "instead of".

Another solution could be, to move them at least to "Minor Adornments", so they have the same weight as ear rings/nose rings and veils.
Here are some screenshots which might describe the issue in a better way:

So this is the base (no markings used):

Here are the eyes (merged them because they act the same way, removing the black lipstick)
(i get it, i chose a black lipstick back in the character creation screen, so my standard view is like a perma "Black Eyeliner and Lips" which then gets removed when i pick another one from the same category)

Also opened a ticket ingame and added this post for additional info/pictures (but not sure if i picked the correct category).
Ticket-Nr.: 210926-002626

I just realized, we already have an "eye style" in the game, which is in the category "Facial Hair" (not like the 2 new ones in "Head Markings"). So with the old style "Oracle Eyes" it is already possible, to keep at least your standard "Head Markings" like Lipstick.

Here is a picture (Oracle eyes which DOES NOT remove lipstick, cause different categories):

So now i think for sure, that putting the new red and purple (crown crate-) eyes into "Head Markings", while the existing gray eyes are located in "Facial Hair", is a bug.
Would be a huge improvement to place them in "Facial Hair" as well, like the base game ones.

Edited by tim77 on September 26, 2021 3:53PM
  • Bleakraven
    This would be great, as well as having scars and tattoos be their own separate category. There's so many cool head tattoos but unfortunately they can't be combined with scars :(
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