At the risk of mentioning what might be a highly unpopular opinion, I want to address the necessity or lack thereof for the cross-hair. Light and heavy attacks are pretty auto-targeting at least at range. Or super close combat. There are some AoE ground target skills like Caltrops or Proximity Mines that seem to need the targeting cursor... But do they really? I think that even for other skills that do require aiming, they can still function with a generic target highlight system that doesn't require the narrow lens focus of the cross-hair, and the removal of the cross-hair would make aiming significantly easier. In my personal experience, doing without this target cursor, or at least widening the necessary directional focus, results in smoother gameplay. It's been stated there's an unofficial connection between Smite and ESO and the former does not seem to require a cross-hair for its targeting system. Both melee and ranged characters are easy to play, and if a specific skill needs to be aimed, that skill could reveal a projectile or AoE path or placement before casting. Do we really need the cross-hair? Am I the only one who feels like the targeting system should be adjusted?
Thanks for your considerations