depravity_influence wrote: »This may be very karenish and snow-flaky but I would like to hear ya'lls opinion on this matter, though I'm sure its all been said before. There has been an ongoing plague while doing dungeons that is very troubling to some players. The act of misrepresenting a class to get a faster que. Its mainly in pugs and I know you take the risk of it every time you decide to pug a dungeon and I've accepted that and I really don't mind as long as you can "hold you own". The majority of us can identify the player is not the class they qued as by the first boss. Sure we can vote to kick that player but that won't stop them from doing it again.
So would this rule from the ESO Codes of Conduct 2.7 You will not intentionally mislead, trick, con, swindle, deceive, hustle, grift or attempt to defraud another user, guest or ZeniMax staff member/teams using ZeniMax sites and services. Confidence schemes, trade scams, impersonations or other actions which involve tricking people using false or bogus information in an attempt to misrepresent intent or in an effort to defraud others for personal gain is strictly forbidden be used to report a player.
I am aware that this has been happening for a long time now and will continue to happen until players are punished for this action. Now most of yall will say that this is an mmo meant to be played with friends or that players should join a guild and play with guildies but I dont think we should have to do that. I love solo play in this game, I feel it forces you to learn your class and skills and I'm not knocking guilds or those that are in them. We all need to learn from somewhere.
So please give some input into the issue and maybe, maybe the devs will read this and try to correct the issue from our suggestions (but with all the other changes I'm not holding my breath). Investigation into a reported player takes times but if the penalty such as losing the option to do dungeons and trails for a day is enforced then I feel that more and more players would be inclined to report other players who lie just to get a faster que.
Joy_Division wrote: »The issue with this is that sometimes the "fake" group member are actually better (or at least facilitate the run) than the "real" ones.
The game is full of honest people who are inexperienced or just not as skilled; they are the ones who would get punished in any scheme trying to prevent "fake" people in groups.
Joy_Division wrote: »The game is full of honest people who are inexperienced or just not as skilled; they are the ones who would get punished in any scheme trying to prevent "fake" people in groups.
They say it because it's true.Skinfaxe_DK wrote: »Not only is it disrespectful and selfish but also often "justified" with ignorant arguments like "Tank is not needed for normal..." etc..
They say it because it's true.
People solo normals, even vets.
4 dd's would get through the normal faster than a traditional group.
2 good dd's would get through a normal faster than a traditional group.
They say it because it's true.
People solo normals, even vets.
4 dd's would get through the normal faster than a traditional group.
2 good dd's would get through a normal faster than a traditional group.
My solution for this would be useful in any content of the game:
When you select your "role" in the group menu, your character gets buffs and debuffs according to their roles:
- Tank: +10% buff potency, +10% healing received potency, -10% damage potency.
- Healer: +10% healing done potency, +10% buff potency, -10% damage potency.
- Dps: +10% damage potency, -10% healing done potency,
This keeps people from faking roles, and could be applied similar to how "Battlespirit" is applied in status FX.
The 10% values can be increased to further gap the roles, and increasing dependency on the others. Of course, group content would need a rebalance also--but nothing too difficult for the ZoS team.
But you know, people who dislike this idea are probably the fakers. \o/
Actually... I dislike this idea, and I am not a tank. Not even a fake one.
1. What is the incentive to tank and heal? Just to be better at it?
2. DPS is king in this game. People will see the +10% damage buff and queue as DPS. They won't even see the rest.
3. I have seen cases where players need to cross roles to avoid a wipe and this will penalize that.
I have 1 healer, and 3 tanks--and it doesn't incentivize people to queue as just dps, because dps wait times would just be longer for them if they are tank or healer and queue as dps. Trust me, I tank or heal specifically because my queue times are shorter and just hope that I get strong dps to make the longer dungeons go faster (unless people have quest, then I have patience).
1. The point of this is to incentivize people to NOT queue as tank or healer to just "get their crystals and be done with it."
2. A tank doing 5k dps or even 13k dps will only get 1.3k dps boost tops. Who cares? The game mechanics certainly won't allow that to break anything as much as burning down bosses on dps as is.
3. Cross roles to avoid wipe: So at least 1 or 2 players were so bad at their primary roles in that particular dungeon that they had to do something different than intended dungeon delve group formation? That sounds like a niche and personal situation, and the rest of us shouldn't suffer fake tanks and fake healers just to cater to those few who came into a dungeon unprepared. EDIT: I hate to sound rude, but it's tough love. One can't just "will" themselves to beat a Vet DLC dungeon with sub-optimal gear for their role, or at least not enough "correct" skills needed to complete their roles. 4 dps self-healing and dodging the boss' heavy attacks because no one has enough damage mitigation is a personal/team issue--partly because people are faking support roles! haha
Yes, that is the reason. But cutting in line and lying about what they will be doing for the group is a waste of time if you get pulled into a DLC dungeon and the fake tank then DROPS GROUP right at the start, making dps and healer wait for another RARE role, or drop the whole group and requeue. This pisses off the DPS more than anything, because their queue times are longer! Just because I have tanks doesn't mean I don't like to queue as dps occasionally. So this observational comment is not a supporting argument as to why we shouldn't punish people faking roles....As near as I can tell from observation... The reason that there are fake tanks is because queue times are too long and people lack patience, or time, to sit around. If they queue up as a rare participant, they get right in. This is similar to the reason some PUGs turn into speed runs. There really isn't an effective form of punishment, or mix of reward and punishment, that can fix that situation...
This only works when a DPS debuff becomes significant, which is just adding more punishment. I am sure that a few people would shy away and pull out the crosses and garlic, just because it "hurts DPS". Others may just suck it up and take it so they can get the dungeon done quickly, or simply stop doing PUG dungeons. In the long run, situation does not get better.
However, the point of my objection was to point out that there is no added incentive to become a tank or healer other than to just "be better".
Then why are you using dungeon finder if you can form a tank brigade, for crystals? Dungeon finder with daily rewards is to promote the standard PUG formation style groups, and to play in a group that plays with a standard formation. Again, this is somewhat exploitative, and you can do it--but you shouldn't mind the penalties for your niche scenario so that the rest of PUG players suffer fake roles just so someone can bypass roles and still get crystals or "practice".
The player can join the Tank Brigade, and since the damage is already pitifully low, they won't mind if it gets nerfed more? Alternately, they can just pull out the DPS that we know they have, and do the same dungeon with a DPS buff. Sure, they might have to wait a little longer, but when they get in, it will be quality buffed DPS fun.
There is no quantitative way to say that a buff to healing or buff potency makes up for the nerf to damage. Taking the DPS role, with a DPS character, is the simple answer for anyone who is not a "career" healer or tank.
Tough love is what creates toxic environments in games like this. Sometimes people don't know the mechanics. Sometimes they are at their level of maximum incompetence and simply cannot do better than they are. Sometimes they just aren't yet ready for the challenge. These are PUGs, not organized groups. You take the hand you are dealt, or take your marbles and find another group.
The bottom line as far as I am concerned is that any "fake tank mitigation" that does not encourage players to try tanking, or try healing, so that they can FAIL and get better, isn't really a good idea. It is worse if it manages to punish people for trying and failing, so that they go away and stop trying.
Yeah, it pretty much is. Sorry.
...tough love, steadfast to the rules but showing care to those who don't know why it's that way...
Arbiter7070 wrote: »If it's normal or vet non-dlc, does it really matter? I would prefer 3-4 DD's in those instances so I can get in and get out as fast as possible.
Yes, that is the reason. But cutting in line and lying about what they will be doing for the group is a waste of time if you get pulled into a DLC dungeon and the fake tank then DROPS GROUP right at the start, making dps and healer wait for another RARE role, or drop the whole group and requeue. This pisses off the DPS more than anything, because their queue times are longer! Just because I have tanks doesn't mean I don't like to queue as dps occasionally. So this observational comment is not a supporting argument as to why we shouldn't punish people faking roles.
"hurts dps"--the game should be balanced for a standardized PUG formation. No one is forcing people to group in those roles if they want to hop into a dungeon with 3 of their guildies or friends and try different stuff and practice, as you say--But while in a PUG, you respect PUG rules: Don't fake your role, or there (should) be consequences. That's a big assumption that people will stop doing dungeons if they have to actually DO what they told the DF and their group what they would do... Not a good argument beyond speculation. At least I was trying to come up with a balanced solution that shouldn't hurt anyone but the fakers. People want to run 4 dps healer hybrids? Sure, but don't use DF unless you have a full team!
obviously not cause many complain that the dungoen is completet to fat by evil speedrunner fake queue tanks -players suffer fake roles
wrong again 3 dds obviously can clear dungoens faster than 2 (speaking of non dlc dungoens)If you're faking roles in a PUG, it's wasting others' time
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »yea but me for example - i would do that regardless of if i am fake tanking / healing / playing as normal dd - and simply because i expect ALWAYS if i queue with randos that i have to do everything (sure there are some good randoms but most of the time they are not and by just running dungoens i can easily solo clear i safed lots of time) and if its a dlc dungoen i dont expect the randoms to be better than all the time = even if i could clear the dungoen i ll still leave cause the trouble is just not worth the effort
Yes, play how you want, but you can't hinder other's experiences because of how you play, it's rude. If you want to play like that, get guildies or friends to run with you on 4 dps. Don't rush noobies doing quests and not explain how mechanics work. That does nothing for anyone, as previously mentioned.KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »eso ALWAYS uses the term "play how you want" if i wanna play a tank without spot and medium gear why should that be forbidden but dds with heavy armor and sword and board not ? (btw for real i saw once a serious tank build without spot xD)
KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »wrong again 3 dds obviously can clear dungoens faster than 2 (speaking of non dlc dungoens)
3>2 you know ?
If you're doing a non-dlc normal dungeon (and some vet non-dlc dungeons) like this, fine.
But you also admit that you drop group on random normal dlc dungeons? You're literally why dps have to wait ages for another healer or tank, or the group fails and all that time is wasted. You only prove my point further. We need a buff and debuff for every role to make sure people learn how to do their roles for mechanics. Random normals are where people are starting out and your rushing doesn't teach new players anything, you're just there for your own wants/needs and don't care who gets neglected along the way. THIS is toxic behavior.
Everyone gets blamed occasionally, and sometimes they are right. Sometimes they're not and you have to let it go. But it sounds like you let one experience make you bitter and vengeful. Either way, doesn't justify rushing a group activity to suit just YOUR needs. If you want to be selfish, solo the dungeon yourself.KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »...vDsa, i was on a healer, we had a good expierenced tank, and the dude and another of his friends on the same skill lvl - i explained them every small mechanic - and after 5 tanks and 13h they gave up quit the game and blamed me for it - and what did i get from that time
litterly nothing i wasted it cause i was kind to a random - why should i continue to waste my time by doing dlc dungoens normal or vet doesnt matter basicly alone not getting anything from it like it should be for a carry and maybe even getting blamed by randoms cause i dont wanna explain every mechanic of e.g. nWgt
Welcome to the grind. People are there for loot also, if you happen to need something someone else needs, it sucks but you move on and keep grinding. I spend weeks grinding the same place until someone is willing to trade. Just how it goes, and it doesn't justify being bitter about it.KhajiitLivesMatter wrote: »and the few times i still did dlc dungoens like 1 time i farmed wgt withrandoms they are NORMALY increadibly annyoing - i did farm a specific item - 5 randoms got it - i asked them if i could buy it for 100k - 3 didnt awnser / 1 said no cause they need it for collection but dont wanna play it / 1 said no cause i have a addon which shows me their loot - like rly how am i supoust to know if they normaly not even write in chat....
On ANY of my 11 characters I would still move forward and clear the dungeon.You're literally why dps have to wait ages for another healer or tank, or the group fails and all that time is wasted. You only prove my point further.
On ANY of my 11 characters I would still move forward and clear the dungeon.
As the group is.
With a companion.
Slide myself over to "tank" and let another dps come make it easier.
Hit up a guild asking for any dps to join.
Those who would wait are just...seriously?