Issues on the PS4 (EU server)

When I start the game, everything runs normally, but after a while I start getting severe audio delay, missing animations (opening doors, fast-travel, etc), the zone and world maps take a several seconds to load and only the icons appear immediately, and interacting with NPCs either doesn't work or takes longer.

I've not only reinstalled the game, but also the PS4 twice because I thought it was some sort of data corruption. Yet these issues always return.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on September 23, 2021 4:58PM
  • ZOS_Bill

    Deleting the local save data on your PS4 may help with these latency and loading issues.

    To delete save data on the PlayStation 4:
    1. From the PlayStation Dynamic Menu, navigate to Settings.
    2. Go to Application Saved Data.
    3. In Application Saved Data, select The Elder Scrolls Online box
    4. Press the [Options] button of the controller on the ESO Save Data.
    5. Select Delete.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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