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Ongoing PVP Bug List

  • OrangeShirt
    Soul Shriven
    Just to add, when Dragon Leap bugs out it can stop working entirely until you leave the PVP zone.

    Specifically, the range of the skill gets removed so it'll never go off no matter how near or far you are to the target. I've specifically never been able to use dragon leap in battlegrounds for the longest time. The same thing happens once I leave the sewers in IC.


    Nothing I've tried has been able to fix this, and battlegrounds are just that much harder without it :/

    U need change zone.

    Except changing zone in a battleground means leaving it. :|

    That said, if I trigger this bug in IC, no amount of zone changing fixes it. Once it starts, it starts and remains until you leave the PVP zone entirely.
  • Pauwer
    The dark convergence set kills npcs through walls. They can kill the siege merchant inside the keep with dark convergence cast outside. FIX ASAP. This set is the worst idea ever, you feel me? Hello?
  • silver1surfer69
    Just to add, when Dragon Leap bugs out it can stop working entirely until you leave the PVP zone.

    Specifically, the range of the skill gets removed so it'll never go off no matter how near or far you are to the target. I've specifically never been able to use dragon leap in battlegrounds for the longest time. The same thing happens once I leave the sewers in IC.


    Nothing I've tried has been able to fix this, and battlegrounds are just that much harder without it :/

    U need change zone.

    Except changing zone in a battleground means leaving it. :|

    That said, if I trigger this bug in IC, no amount of zone changing fixes it. Once it starts, it starts and remains until you leave the PVP zone entirely.

    if u refer to the leap bug which greys out leap and all gap closers then changing zone fixes it. Its not a garantee 100% but normally 1 zone change is enough, very rare u need to change zone agin means 2x. It happens mostly when respawning, so respawning in a different zone wont help. After respawn u need change zone. In IC u need enter another district, in BG u need leave and in cyro u need leave and enter again. If you have queue in Cyro shutting down eso via Alt+ctrl+del helps becuase if you logg in again with same char within 10 min u end up in cyro again.
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
  • Kwoung
    These are the main ones that I see on PC NA, please add any more you experience on all platforms! I will cross bugs out as soon as they seem to get fixed.

    Ongoing Main PVP Bugs:
    1. Cyrodiil Queue for Grayhost stops and gets stuck at a random number for over half an hour and then you have to ReQ and now the line is even longer.
    2. Stuck in combat outside of combat and are unable to mount or log out.
    3. Position Desyncs, rollbacks, being transported back to your position 10 seconds ago.
    4. 49710 day buffs/debuffs stuck on your character ex. Minor vulnerability, CC immunity.
    5. Slow bug, at large battles the entire server moves in slow motion. Even falling in slow motion.
    6. Frequent crashes that take 3-4 login attempts to get back in at which point you are dropped back at the entrance gate.
    7. Unable to Barswap in lag.
    8. Skills stuck greyed out and unusuable even outside of combat, usually after a Silence or a stun+Immobilization.
    9. Dark Convergence set is pulling off of roofs, through walls, causing position desyncs see #3, and forever bouncing people between 3 dark convergence procs.
    10. Dragon Leaps and other gap closers often bug out and do not fire correctly.
    11. Getting a busy system message while trying to fire siege weapons, siege weapons sometimes bug out and only shoot the ground.
    12. Getting stuck in the Psijic ultimate Undo, You are stuck bouncing back n forth in the Undo animation until you log out.
    13. Breakfree animation bugs out and you are stuck breaking free 5 times in a row.
    14. Skills take multiple attempts before going off.
    15. Knockup Bug after getting hit with the Mages Guild ultimate meteor or Volcantic Rune. You are stuck in the air for a period of time and the only thing you can do is hold block.
    16. Double dooring bug, going through a door and coming out the same side you went in.


    As for #15, if hit with it in the doorway to a resource tower, you get stuck in the ceiling. People do this on purpose and you can't get out until combat ends, which in some cases never happens due to bug #2.
  • Thecompton73
    Well into year two of stamina recovery getting permanently stuck at zero when I use cloak during a fight on my NB (also happens on other characters if I accidentally crouch while in a fight). If I stand still and don't do anything that costs stam for a few seconds then do something like LA or activate sprint I'll get back whatever amount I should have been recovering gradually in one big chunk. But you can't just stop and stand still doing nothing in the middle of a fight. Re-logging is the only cure but it happens again as soon as I get in another fight so it's not even worth doing. Posted multiple times about it in different parts of the forums and have seen others post about it too but have never seen an acknowledgement of the issue.
    Edited by Thecompton73 on November 2, 2021 5:57PM
  • silver1surfer69
    I wanted to inform you that the fossilize problem/bug is still in the game. Its far less often now. But when i encounter it its unusually often fighting against Necros. Sometimes its with wardens too. I think templars sometime too. All that leads me to the thought that is also has something to do with a purge that necros (Expunge) and wardens (Betty Netch) have. Pls check this. Maybe they purge/autopurge the immobilization or something but as already described sometimes i cant fossilize them at all, over minutes, or i can fossilize 1 or few times and then i cant anymore over long durations.
    Edited by silver1surfer69 on November 26, 2021 11:14PM
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
  • silver1surfer69
    Another thing i encounter recently is that major expedition isnt working reliably. Sometimes i have to cast Race Against Time 3 or 4 times until it works, when i have no negative effect on (im not snared). Once i thought there seems to be cancelling each other out with eg major expedition from a potion and then casting but i think i had it also without potion or any other source of major expedition but i needed cast Race Against Time 4 times until it worked.
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
  • blktauna
    Well into year two of stamina recovery getting permanently stuck at zero when I use cloak during a fight on my NB (also happens on other characters if I accidentally crouch while in a fight). If I stand still and don't do anything that costs stam for a few seconds then do something like LA or activate sprint I'll get back whatever amount I should have been recovering gradually in one big chunk. But you can't just stop and stand still doing nothing in the middle of a fight. Re-logging is the only cure but it happens again as soon as I get in another fight so it's not even worth doing. Posted multiple times about it in different parts of the forums and have seen others post about it too but have never seen an acknowledgement of the issue.

    This one really makes me mental. My recovery is bad enough without this adding on top of it.
  • Alutora
    I agree with most of these and more could be added for console.

    I’m heavily reconsidering playing the game, as I just get disappointed time after time. If only I could fire my ultis/didn’t get stuck in walls/animations/with 300 hours of debuffs….day after day in Cyrodiil, it’s the same story.
  • stybbe17b16_ESO
    - Blastbones doesn't count towards battleground damage score
    - Summon twilight summon the bird twice instead of healing the second time.
  • SimonThesis
    Its been 6 months and there is an ongoing PvP event. Has there been any progress on these bugs?
  • silver1surfer69
    Its been 6 months and there is an ongoing PvP event. Has there been any progress on these bugs?

    I Kind of admire your optimizm. I mean there is some stuff Happening and some bugs are fixed, IT seems all the Bugs that can be fixed without a greater amount of effort, but most Stuff is in the game for years now and Nothing is Happening.
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
  • robpr
    Ultis not firing even with animation play halfway. In my case it's Corrosive Armor, I have to press it several times in some ocasions, especially when under attack of someone spamming jabs for some reason.
  • malistorr
    They're rewriting the game this year supposedly, or at least the PVP part. So hopefully they'll use this list of things to make sure work correctly in the new version. I doubt you'll be getting any fixes in the next year or so because the rewrite supposedly will be the fix for hopefully all of this. I assume it will come out with new/different bugs but hopefully fix a lot of known issues. That's about as optimistic as I can be since it's been years that most of these problems have been happening.
  • silver1surfer69
    malistorr wrote: »
    They're rewriting the game this year supposedly, or at least the PVP part. So hopefully they'll use this list of things to make sure work correctly in the new version. I doubt you'll be getting any fixes in the next year or so because the rewrite supposedly will be the fix for hopefully all of this. I assume it will come out with new/different bugs but hopefully fix a lot of known issues. That's about as optimistic as I can be since it's been years that most of these problems have been happening.

    yeah fingers crossed everything works as intended after that. Im kinda anxious...
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
  • sbialkow
    I’ve found that the semi-permanent staus effects, debuffs, go away after entering a Cyrodiil delve.
    Light armored MagBlade, Mag Templar (healer), MagSorc, Hybrid DK, MagDen, and MagCro.
  • blktauna
    Its getting back out of the delve that's the problem.
  • JaRqUe50
    Hello all!

    New here to the forums, but been playing a lot over the past 2-3 years now, and I don't believe anyone had mentioned the Error 318 yet? Which is being dropped from the server for hitting the "message rate limit"

    I am often my magblade bomber over in Cyrodil and besides blue screening once in a while (PS NA) when bombing multiple targets, I have also managed to get dropped from the server completely for seemingly hitting too many targets at once.

    I'm not sure if it's the combat text causing it or what, but I also read an article from 2016 about a bomber who was also experiencing this issue when bombing large groups. It saddens me to see so many years have gone by without this being addressed? I understand the VD procs can be quite "vicious" lol but shouldn't the servers be able to handle this?

    It would be greatly appreciated if a dev or even @ZOS_Kevin could take a look. (Saw your name from earlier in this post) I posted on Reddit and my video got some attention, I will post the link below so everyone can see, if that's okay. Cheers! :smile:
    17 characters, 1500+CP
    Tank, Healer, DPS, PvP
    Former Emp
    Guildmaster of Gold Coast Empire
    PS NA
  • SimonThesis
    The only time I ever get the 318 message is when I enter cyrodiil with a trading addon still active. I would recommend checking your addons. Tho that crash video you posted is on PS4.
    Edited by SimonThesis on March 12, 2022 5:48PM
  • JaRqUe50
    The only time I ever get the 318 message is when I enter cyrodiil with a trading addon still active. I would recommend checking your addons. Tho that crash video you posted is on PS4.

    Hey Simon, appreciate your feedback, but yeahh I'm on console, I do not have any add ons at all.
    17 characters, 1500+CP
    Tank, Healer, DPS, PvP
    Former Emp
    Guildmaster of Gold Coast Empire
    PS NA
  • Flangdoodle
    Following up on number 6. on the OP:

    The times that crashes happen the most seem to be:

    1) when approaching a keep where a large battle is happening (especially if mounted)

    2) when respawning at a forward camp after dying in a keep where a large battle is happening.
  • Flangdoodle
    In regard to number 17 - it seems that the problem isn't desyncing, but that that the target area of the oils does not render, so that you don't know that you're standing under oils until you're dead, and see it in the recap.

    It's impossible to not "stand in the stupid" if you can't see the "stupid" 😁
  • Thecompton73
    No further dev replies after the initial comment in Sept 2021 promising follow ups. Typical ZOS communication strategy.
  • SimonThesis
    No further dev replies after the initial comment in Sept 2021 promising follow ups. Typical ZOS communication strategy.

    Unfortunately, I have to agree especially with the recent performance difficulties only getting worse. At the very least an update saying so and so are working on the issue but nothing yet would be better than the silence. Kinda seems like they forgot about these bugs.
  • silver1surfer69
    No further dev replies after the initial comment in Sept 2021 promising follow ups. Typical ZOS communication strategy.

    Unfortunately, I have to agree especially with the recent performance difficulties only getting worse. At the very least an update saying so and so are working on the issue but nothing yet would be better than the silence. Kinda seems like they forgot about these bugs.

    I think psychologist call that repression. I mean thats the case for the entire lifetime of eso, or at least since many years.
    My personal take on this is that i think zos has terribly too few ppl.Its like a firebrigade of a handfull of ppl for an entire city of millions. Only the biggest fires where the ppl scream the loudest can be adressed.

    -> And here is something i really critize!: All that few manpower (which is by far not enough) is used to create new content. There is just no time, effort and care to fix things. That is a BAD strategy for a company.
    Edited by silver1surfer69 on March 22, 2022 2:22PM
    Starstréam - NB, Loveknight - HybridDK (4*), Stahlstrahlenreiter - StamDen, Azgul Grahl Bashrugk - HybridSorc (5*), Tínúvíél - StamCro, Thógard - StamPlar
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