price101610 wrote: »Good job, pvp’ers been complaining for weeks, but you sir have found the only effective way to get Zos to nerf this set 🤣🤣🤣
Kr4ftw3rkub17_ESO wrote: »I have it slotted on my PVE DK toon as well. It can cause problems for a tank who's trying to group the NPC's around their location and then your 'Dark Convergence" pulls the NPC's away... lol. So Ima just drop it on the tank as soon as they position themselves. Combine that with the groups AOE and the NPC's melt
Nice screen shot but what it doesn't show is the long wait for the proc to be back up. I've tried it. It's gives you a nice first hit but then pretty sub par dps. That sort of effect would be very handy on a tank though. Just pulls all the mobs in for the dps to burn down.
Tbh. I will laugh super hard when eventually we will see a sledge nuclear nerf hammer happened to DC & Hrothgar and dev comment will basically be: We nerfed it because of PvE...price101610 wrote: »Good job, pvp’ers been complaining for weeks, but you sir have found the only effective way to get Zos to nerf this set 🤣🤣🤣
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »Dark Convergence is on the upper end of the power ratings for PvE but not broken.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »Totally does not need a nerf in PVE maybe a small nerf in PVP. I would just raise CD and leave rest untouched. Or alternatively only have it activate on ground effects that are ultimates. This would reduce its uptime alone.
MindOfTheSwarm wrote: »Totally does not need a nerf in PVE maybe a small nerf in PVP. I would just raise CD and leave rest untouched. Or alternatively only have it activate on ground effects that are ultimates. This would reduce its uptime alone.
It’s already been nerfed considerably since this topic was opened. The Dark Convergance you use today bears only slight resemblance to what is was like in September. That’s the risk of bumping old threads.