Looking to replace Sugar Bowl because I can't fit both the well, vampire utilities and crafting stations inside.
The usual needs: right next to wayshrine (no riding!), short distance to bank, okay distance to all crafting sites & writ board without doors.
AngryGremlin wrote: »Sleek Creek, thought the house itself is a bit puny. It has a good sized court yard, it near a town with crafting stations, writ drop offs, a shrine, and you are a hop skip and jump away from an outlaw refuge.
SilverBride wrote: »Looking to replace Sugar Bowl because I can't fit both the well, vampire utilities and crafting stations inside.
The usual needs: right next to wayshrine (no riding!), short distance to bank, okay distance to all crafting sites & writ board without doors.
If you find a place close to crafting stations why do you need them inside your house?
TeruKisuke wrote: »@moo_2021 I am a very efficient person who does 12 character writs every day. What I do is simply use the Travel Outside of House function. You can use whatever house you want while still having an efficient gateway to your crafting writs. I either port outside Sugar Bowl for writs or Water's Edge to swing by that manor (chance for rare furnishing plans) on the way to it. But the Leyawiin bank is not very convenient.
Nowadays I would say having your player house close to everything is purely for roleplay, otherwise i could just port there. (My main house is Earthtear cavern. Love that place but far away from anything.) Just pick your favorite house and use your apartments/other houses as wayshrines.
If you want a convenient free place then you could fix up the Hall of Lunar Champion. Free, equal distance to bank and crafting area. Rimmen is small and my go-to, I leave most my characters parked there. Mount upgrade halfway between writ turn-in and crafting area. Wayshrine in the center in the open. Barely any obstacles, super convenient.
TeruKisuke wrote: »If you want a convenient free place then you could fix up the Hall of Lunar Champion. Free, equal distance to bank and crafting area. Rimmen is small and my go-to, I leave most my characters parked there. Mount upgrade halfway between writ turn-in and crafting area. Wayshrine in the center in the open. Barely any obstacles, super convenient.
Thanks. I do have that, but it still takes too long as I use my homes for all teleports to save gold. will check coldharbour and a few others tomorrow but I guess it has t obe either Alinor or the ugly Proudspire...
How about the other house in Rimmen that you get the tablet pieces for completing Northern/southern elsweyr and the 2 DLC dungeons? That would be plenty big enough
SilverBride wrote: »Proudspire Manor isn't ugly! It's one of my favorite houses and I love how I've decorated it. If you are on PC NA I'll give you a tour and show you how pretty it can be!
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Starbridge84", 71)
Veinblood1965 wrote: »Same issue here. It would be nice if ZoS added a home that had portals inside the house that took you to various main city wayshrines. Or even SELL wayshrine portals for inside the home that were each tied to a bigger city portal.
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Starbridge84", 71)
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Surprised nobody mentioned Ravenhurst.Yes there's no bank nearby but you can sprint to the wayshrine in < 10 seconds.
- 3500 crowns for 400 furnishing slots
- Wayshrine outside front door
- Load directly into the home. No front yard that wastes extra loading time.
- Big enough back yard for crafting stations, dummy, etc.
- Cozy tavern vibe