TwiceBornStar wrote: »I think it would be a blast to have at least one PvP server that has stun/immobilization mechanics disabled, just like we have servers with CP disabled. I think combat would be more about positioning, dodging, blocking and using offensive/defensive skills that way. No offense, but I think PvP is starting to become a bit of a bore. Everybody is using the same skills, same sets and same rotations over and over, with few exceptions. I think a server without stun/immobilization mechanics would drastically alter play style and allow people the freedom to consider alternative builds and tactics.
Stun is the ultimate I win - easy mode button in PvP. It's zero skills to perma stun a player and then face roll. Especially fantastic play at times, when imov pots don't even seem to work.
About half of the pvpers would become unkillable without stuns and immobilizers. People are already using positioning, dodging, and blocking to avoid damage.
ResidentContrarian wrote: »If they did that, there would be zero consequence to building for speed.
Considering you can already run out of the range of skills before they damage you, then the only thing that would happen is that the game would move towards speed + ranged builds with procs.
In other words, it would just be another variation of a shooter game.
Well it already kinda is...
moleculardrugs wrote: »I would like to be able to get shot at by a spell, hide behind a wall as it was heading towards me, and the spell not hitting me, instead of having to dodge roll the spell. It sort of takes away the positioning aspects of combat for objects in the game to not have more of an effect on combat (imo).
relentless_turnip wrote: »What ZOS need to do is fix their game and make break free work, make cc immunity work etc...
About half of the pvpers would become unkillable without stuns and immobilizers. People are already using positioning, dodging, and blocking to avoid damage.
TwiceBornStar wrote: »I think it would be a blast to have at least one PvP server that has stun/immobilization mechanics disabled, just like we have servers with CP disabled. I think combat would be more about positioning, dodging, blocking and using offensive/defensive skills that way. No offense, but I think PvP is starting to become a bit of a bore. Everybody is using the same skills, same sets and same rotations over and over, with few exceptions. I think a server without stun/immobilization mechanics would drastically alter play style and allow people the freedom to consider alternative builds and tactics.
TwiceBornStar wrote: »
You really think so?
JayKwellen wrote: »[
It would be awful. If you think 10 dudes chasing one guy around a tree is bad now, imagine if you had no way to reliably burst or slow them down. Think about how hard it is to kill people who run immoves as their main potion. Now imagine that was everybody, all the time, with no downside or opportunity cost.
Trust me, this isn't something you want.
TwiceBornStar wrote: »I think it would be a blast to have at least one PvP server that has stun/immobilization mechanics disabled, just like we have servers with CP disabled. I think combat would be more about positioning, dodging, blocking and using offensive/defensive skills that way. No offense, but I think PvP is starting to become a bit of a bore. Everybody is using the same skills, same sets and same rotations over and over, with few exceptions. I think a server without stun/immobilization mechanics would drastically alter play style and allow people the freedom to consider alternative builds and tactics.
universal_wrath wrote: »
I would suggest an immunie duration increase from 7 to 10 secs would be nice instead of removing the stun. If you don't stun in PvP, you probably wouldn't be able to kill people as effective, because block and dodge roll exist. Unless block and dodge roll have cooldown like stuns and immoblization, stun should not be removed ever.
universal_wrath wrote: »Unless block and dodge roll have cooldown like stuns and immoblization, stun should not be removed ever.