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Specific questions I have are:
Is there anything I'm totally missing? Like another set over deadly or something (maybe convergence with stampede, or chill?)
At 20k pen, is that enough AND should I still slot minor and major breach? (PotL and Caltrops)
Living Dark even worth it? I like it back bar so while I'm escaping, hits are healing me and I'm CC'ing those on my tail.
Sweeps vs flawless dawnbreaker?
Stats are roughly 16k mag, 29k stam, 31k health, 6k WD, 29/26k resistances.
Poisons vs enchants?
Should I try slotting Turn Evil for a longer CC? I obviously like toppling Charge for gap closing and stun, but AoE fear + 3% WD is pretty good too! What would I drop for it?

# Cresent Sweeps
1. Rally
2. Jabs
3. Toppling Charge
4. Repentance
5. Echoing Vigor

# Barrier
1. Quick Cloak
2. Restoring Focus
3. Living Dark
4. Flare
5. Extended Ritual

Tristat potions
Bears food
Escaptionist poison Back Bar
Crown poison Front Bar
Orc race
64 stam
Lover mundus
Tristat enchants
Divines Armor (sustain is really good due to magika abilities)
5-1-1 (med, heavy, light)

Sithis helm and Domihaus shoulders
Stuhns body pieces
Deadly front bar and jewels, infused WD and sharpened
BRP swords with defending backbar
  • Sluggy
    That's just about what I run. Though, this patch I dropped restoring focus for caltrops. With the danger of Hrothgar's I've been sitting with way less armor than I usually feel comfortable with. I also prefer to run Gryphon's for more speed rather than Stuhns just because I suspect people in general will have less armor (though freeing up a slot for caltrops gets me a lot of that pen back anyway). I'm still debating if I prefer Gaze of Sithis or Wild Hunt. I think it depends on my internet that night as well as the kinds of opponents I'm running into. And I've been running divines on my Stamplar for years. It's a better option than it ever has been so no worries there. Really all of that stuff is up to your personal preference and playstyle though.

    The only thing I would suggest is swapping the Vate 2-hander to your backbar and Dual Wield to the front. That way you can get more damage and pen. Vate still works even when on your backbar so you can gain stacks and use the burst even while on the front. Then you can run nirned vate and the dual wield can be a nirned sword and a sharpened mace. Even better, if you run something like Heartland in place of stuhn's you'll get nearly the same pen on the frontbar with a lot more weapon damage on both the front and backbar (assuming you use the setup I suggest above). This gives you beefier heals while still letting you hit hard and penetrate.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention you could also consider Dagon's in place of Deadly Strike. That way you can use something like Whirlwind for an execute and still get it to hit hard. Though, Deadly now boosts mag skills too so you might consider running Radiant Destruction as your execute instead. Really melts some faces off.
    Edited by Sluggy on September 6, 2021 6:51AM
  • Amerises
    Really like the ideas! I kind of feel like a nerf to hrothgar and convergence are coming real soon, so I'm a little concerned at the moment, don't want to have to rebuild AGAIN in a couple weeks.

    So if I heavy on front bar (DW) while I have Rally up on backbar with vate 2h, that will proc the damage??? That'd be nuts.

    I've considered DW front for every reason you gave, while using heartland, but I can't figure out if it's worth losing 18% to jabs. Almost seems like an even trade, and because I've had deadly so long, gold jewels are tough to spend on a PvP build lol (had the gold deadly jewels for PvE a while ago).

    I like the idea of considering getting rid of Restorong Focus if Hrothgar doesn't get nerf'd and continues to grow in popularity, I think I'd change that and sithis for more damage (DW front bar and maybe Marcarth or full monster set)

    Lots to consider, maybe I'll wait to see how the next month pans out with the new sets before I make any hard commitments on golding gear (not like it's much behind purple anyways for body pieces).

    Any have hard numbers on Dagon vs Deadly since the (sorta)nerf for a stamplar build?
  • Sluggy
    Sorry, not sure what the numbers look like on Dagon vs Deadly but apparently some folks had been using it since it came out and said it gives comparable results so I'd say it's probably even.

    Yes, The vate will both build stacks and proc the burst damage regardless of what bar you are on. You just need to have momentum running. It's really quite absurd.

    Personally, I'd drop the BRP swords and the cloak since you can already get major protection from Flare. That will free up a skill and two weapon slots on the frontbar that you can use to complete the deadly/dagon while leaving heartland's active at all times so that you get the bonus. And with that heartlands active and a nirned vate sword on the backbar running a weapon/spell damage glyph you can get some real high numbers for extra umph in your rally heals. Alternatively if you want to keep stuhns then you can have the dual wiled bar finish both 5-piece sets that way you get both 4-piece bonuses even on the backbar.

    The freed up slot would let you then run an execute. Personally I've been having trouble getting the small radius of Whirlwind to hit lately so I'm trying out the Jesus Beam instead. It definitely hits hard when rocking Deadly Strike but I do miss having a lazy AoE execute XD
  • Sluggy
    Hmmm and I just realized that you could also run something like an infused crusher glyph on your backbar too if you really wanna keep that penetration high lol. I really do love the heartlands set. So versatile yet so low key at the same time. ZoS really needs to make more sets like this instead of that stuff from last week's patch!
  • Amerises
    I was thinking, what does Vate 2H proc hit for in PvP? In PvE, there's almost nothing that hits as hard as Jabs, basically Ritual, Volley, and Trap are all you use, but 2 of those are mostly used for buffs.

    Sounds like with Gold Deadly Jewels (infused with WD) would than be better than Dagon's for now. I never thought about duelwielding two different set pieces to keep the 4th piece bonus though, that's an awesome idea.
  • Amerises
    I do like the idea of Jesus Beam on a stamplar 🤤
  • Sluggy
    I've rarely seen a vate proc on my recap that went beyond 6k or 7k. I suppose it might be possible to get it higher but in reality it's more like an additional spammable in terms of damage. I think mine usually sit between 3k and 5k.

    I tend to just let it build up and rest at max stats so that I have the increased weapon damage. If I'm going for a kill and they are low on health then I'll work it into a combo. The extra damage is basically one like extra free spammable going off in the same 1-2 second GDC. The nice thing about both jabs and charge is that you can preload the medium/heavy attack while they are going off so.
  • MadeInVN
    Amerises wrote: »
    Specific questions I have are:
    Is there anything I'm totally missing? Like another set over deadly or something (maybe convergence with stampede, or chill?)
    At 20k pen, is that enough AND should I still slot minor and major breach? (PotL and Caltrops)
    Living Dark even worth it? I like it back bar so while I'm escaping, hits are healing me and I'm CC'ing those on my tail.
    Sweeps vs flawless dawnbreaker?
    Stats are roughly 16k mag, 29k stam, 31k health, 6k WD, 29/26k resistances.
    Poisons vs enchants?
    Should I try slotting Turn Evil for a longer CC? I obviously like toppling Charge for gap closing and stun, but AoE fear + 3% WD is pretty good too! What would I drop for it?

    # Cresent Sweeps
    1. Rally
    2. Jabs
    3. Toppling Charge
    4. Repentance
    5. Echoing Vigor

    # Barrier
    1. Quick Cloak
    2. Restoring Focus
    3. Living Dark
    4. Flare
    5. Extended Ritual

    Tristat potions
    Bears food
    Escaptionist poison Back Bar
    Crown poison Front Bar
    Orc race
    64 stam
    Lover mundus
    Tristat enchants
    Divines Armor (sustain is really good due to magika abilities)
    5-1-1 (med, heavy, light)

    Sithis helm and Domihaus shoulders
    Stuhns body pieces
    Deadly front bar and jewels, infused WD and sharpened
    BRP swords with defending backbar

    Do you mostly solo or play in groups?
  • Fawn4287
    Templars, especially stamplars vary in effectiveness based on how laggy it is. It has always had crazy high damage output and was what I mained for years but the main issue I find on the class is that its gameplay is so heavily dependent on connection. Between the time it takes to barswap with Potl on backbar and Landing jabs in the lag, one of, if not the hardest hitting combos in the game becomes literally worthless.
  • Amerises
    Usually solo sewers and IC, or battlegrounds. It seems people don't like to pick random people to group with (prolly because so many people are so bad lol)

    I would agree though, lag is not a jabs best friend. I want to put PotL on my build, but would prefer it on main bar for that reason. Thought about putting Vigor backbar, but wasn't sure what I'd drop. In reality it could be any of them really, all are good, none are absolutely needed
  • MadeInVN
    Amerises wrote: »
    Usually solo sewers and IC, or battlegrounds. It seems people don't like to pick random people to group with (prolly because so many people are so bad lol)

    I would agree though, lag is not a jabs best friend. I want to put PotL on my build, but would prefer it on main bar for that reason. Thought about putting Vigor backbar, but wasn't sure what I'd drop. In reality it could be any of them really, all are good, none are absolutely needed

    For solo you'd want to have these abilities:

    # Dawnbreaker of Smiting/Crescent
    1. Rally
    2. Jabs
    3. Toppling Charge
    4. Executioner
    5. Power of the Light

    # Undo
    1. Quick Cloak
    2. Restoring Focus
    3. Resolving Vigor
    4. Race Against Time
    5. Extended Ritual

    Removed Living Dark because it's not needed at the moment. Slot Power of the Light for extra burst as it just got a huge buff.

    For armor traits you'd want either impen or well fitted for better defense. For mundus you always want serpent mundus on stamplar. Your food, pots, poisons, gear enchants, race, and attributes are all good.

  • gariondavey
    MadeInVN wrote: »
    Amerises wrote: »
    Usually solo sewers and IC, or battlegrounds. It seems people don't like to pick random people to group with (prolly because so many people are so bad lol)

    I would agree though, lag is not a jabs best friend. I want to put PotL on my build, but would prefer it on main bar for that reason. Thought about putting Vigor backbar, but wasn't sure what I'd drop. In reality it could be any of them really, all are good, none are absolutely needed

    For solo you'd want to have these abilities:

    # Dawnbreaker of Smiting/Crescent
    1. Rally
    2. Jabs
    3. Toppling Charge
    4. Executioner
    5. Power of the Light

    # Undo
    1. Quick Cloak
    2. Restoring Focus
    3. Resolving Vigor
    4. Race Against Time
    5. Extended Ritual

    Removed Living Dark because it's not needed at the moment. Slot Power of the Light for extra burst as it just got a huge buff.

    For armor traits you'd want either impen or well fitted for better defense. For mundus you always want serpent mundus on stamplar. Your food, pots, poisons, gear enchants, race, and attributes are all good.

    These are good bits of advice.
    I main stamplar. In recent patches I've gone through a few builds.

    Before, I used deadly dw fb + unleashed + maelstrom 2h bb + mala + trainee.

    Then they nerfed maelstrom 2h and changed + nerfed unleashed. So I used stuhns 2h fb + master snb backbar + mala + unleashed + trainee.

    Then they further nerfed unleashed. So I've used deadly + stuhns dw fb + mala + vat 2h bb + trainee this patch. It's pretty strong.

    My current no cp set up feels so good. I love it.
    Shield-breaker sharp 2h fb, potentates defending ice bb (can swap for vate ice in proc based pvp), mala, 1 trainee, heartland conqueror.

    If you want more detailed information or want some further questions, please tag me.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Amerises
    @gariondavey So why do you suppose heartland+Shield breaker is stronger than Deadly+Stuhns? On paper, the latter appears stronger, but you've ran that before and found it less effective?

    What does your burst look like? PotL, Charge, Jabs, executioner?
  • Sluggy
    I dunno about everyone else but I've be seriously stacking the crap out of shields this patch due to all the nonsense going on with the new sets. And this is on a stam DK! Against foes like me, that shield-breaker probably really helps.
  • gariondavey
    Amerises wrote: »
    @gariondavey So why do you suppose heartland+Shield breaker is stronger than Deadly+Stuhns? On paper, the latter appears stronger, but you've ran that before and found it less effective?

    What does your burst look like? PotL, Charge, Jabs, executioner?

    Well it is my no cp set up. Stuhns doesn't work there. Deadly + shield-breaker is really nice too, and would work in no proc.
    What I like about heartland is it gives me a free spriggens on my front bar and a free fort brass or sanctuary on my back bar (equivalent sets).
    My combo is light attack + ele drain, bar swap, potl, gap closer, light attack + jabs, x3, dawnbreaker. I don't run executioner, I use potl as my execute.
    Potl, jabs, vigor, rally, toppling/stampede/turn evil + dawnbreaker
    Race against time, ele drain, elude, extended ritual, rune + remembrance
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • gariondavey
    And I like shield-breaker over deadly for the increase in all damage vs just your jabs + the dot from dawnbreaker. Juicing up your potl damage, dawnbreaker damage and light/heavy attack damage for using shield-breaker is great. And to add on the number of players with damage shields on, especially in no proc, you get that double value of shield-breaker. Hawt.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Amerises
    Never thought about ele drain! I see you're not using flare, but instead are using remeberence. I have a hard time saving up ultimate because I'm usually using front bar for a combo and rarely have a using left for defense. I think i could try ele drain vs. flare for more offense... It seems like i can 1v1 for several minutes because neither of us can get a combo at the right time, but with major breach, that might be the difference
  • gariondavey
    I have 18k pen in no cp with my set up, almost 6k wd, 29k hp, 28k stam, 21k mag, 2k stam recovery, then the 6-12 percent increase from shield-breaker and 16 from mala. Abilities hit hard, and then I have a really strong block + 26k resists on back bar. It's really well rounded, and I love the 2h + staff feel and look.
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
  • Stx
    Backbar frost staff as stamina for the breach and a little extra magicka sustain is actually really nice.

    I run a daedric trickery ice staff on my backbar.
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