Hello Everyone,
I have recently came back to the game, and I really wanted to create a Dark Lord Themed build. Basically It would be a Dark Elf/Necromancer/Vampire build. It would be tanky with a lot of self-heal and damage buffs/debuffs. Basically I want something that can be worthy of a Dark Lord: solo almost everything if not everything and can have both high survivability and high damage. And of course Vampire and Necromancers fit very well into the Dark Lord Theme. This is the build I have got so far:
I was thinking Summoner Armor for Pve and Hypnosys for PVP. As for the sets: Crimson Twilingth is a must. But the other ones put in there I am not really sure how or which to put them. For Pve I think War Machine would be best. For PVP I don't really know, maybe Twice-Fanged Serpent.
Any Insight and help would be very appreciated.