Were all issues fixed in today's hotfix? it is unclear since they are in different threads, and some bugs like the taunt bug it is unknown whether it was fixed during this morning's hotfix. Can ZOS release consolidated patch note details when hotfixes/maintenance go out? that way players are on the same page, and can report any additional issues, or know what was fixed exactly instead of reposting in the forums whether bug xyz was addressed in the hotfix.
The only thing mentioned for today's(aug 31) hot fix thread is: Passives Not Working In Group Content
were other issues also fixed in the hotfix?
-Housing Storage Chests & Character Deletion (guessing this got fixed too in the hotfix this morning)
-was the taunt bug fixed?
I think providing information to players would be helpful, and a way to keep track of when certain bugs were fixed, and if they are still causing issues, or confirmed fixed.