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What is best race for highest magic NB endgame dps?

Title says it all. Thank you.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on March 9, 2022 12:24AM
  • ixthUA
  • Zyva
    Zyvä (Nightblade) ~ Purricâne (Sorcerer) ~ Boñfürr (Dragonknight) ~ Cätnïp (Warden) ~ Boñespùrr (Necromancer)~ Catsänova (Templar)
  • Zyva
    tail bonus
    Zyvä (Nightblade) ~ Purricâne (Sorcerer) ~ Boñfürr (Dragonknight) ~ Cätnïp (Warden) ~ Boñespùrr (Necromancer)~ Catsänova (Templar)
  • WildLight
    I'd say khajiit for that crit damage bonus passive. Since nightblades excell in crit damage especially in an execute phase. And their other passives are also beneficial to sustain and damage, so there's no wasted bonuses.
  • Treeshka
    In a very well optimized group with high brittle uptime best race is Khajiit in my opinion. But i believe the difference between High Elf, Khajiit and Dark Elf is minimal.
    Thank you all for the input.
  • francesinhalover
    Khajit , high elf, breton , dark elf.

    Out of those, id say high elf.
    Or khajit if you dont want to use trap beast
    I am @fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
    Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!
  • WrathOfInnos
    Khajit , high elf, breton , dark elf.

    Out of those, id say high elf.
    Or khajit if you dont want to use trap beast

    It's hard to imagine not using Barbed Trap these days. It's a great DoT that is about to be equal in strength for stam and mag builds, and deals about the same damage per cast as entropy, while giving 3% weapon and spell damage for slotting, generating ultimate on kills, and giving Minor Force. It's effectively a free cast for mag builds, since it costs stamina and helps sustain. Even the immobilize is useful sometimes.

    Accelerate needs some serious buffs if it is intended to be an alternative to Trap.
  • etchedpixels
    Wouldn't worry about it - unless you are scoreboard chasing vet content it won't matter. In addition it tends to change by update.

    If you can already do 100K dps then maybe you should care, if not then it's not the race choice that's stopping you getting there, it's the gear, skills and then hours and hours of practice.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • El_Borracho
    Altmer. But I prefer Dark Elf. The stamina boost and fire resistances outweigh the minimal edge Altmer has in damage. You use more stamina that you would think with endgame PVE. The last boss in Hel Ra, for example.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Altmer and Dunmer are within a fraction of a percent of each other, with Altmer ever so slightly ahead (you wont notice it). Khajiit is in reality a touch behind these days in most scenarios with how crit caps work. If you are starting from scratch or race changing to min/max, pick one of the first two. Personally, I prefer Dunmer.

    Pros to Dunmer: Their bonuses go both ways, so if you ever want to play stam, they are great for that as well. You also are able to break free/dodge roll a time or two extra, which is not to be dismissed if progressing end game content. I think they are also better in PVP with the extra stamina. Lastly, Dunmers are Clearly the master race.

    Pros to Alter: Little better recovery, and like 90 more max magic (that is nothing in reality, but on paper it is more damage). Biggest downside is that you have to be an Altmer, LOL.

    Edit: also, just realized thread is a bit of a necro. Answer is different now than it was in August. In August, answer WAS khajiit.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on February 24, 2022 4:54PM
  • Everest_Lionheart
    Altmer. But I prefer Dark Elf. The stamina boost and fire resistances outweigh the minimal edge Altmer has in damage. You use more stamina that you would think with endgame PVE. The last boss in Hel Ra, for example.

    Shield of the North (Kyne’s Aegis) is more blocking and rolling than anyone should ever have to deal with in a trial. My Altmer blade does just well enough in there but I’ve got the blocking timed down to the last possible second to max out the recovery.
  • Vulkunne
    I really don't think race matters as much as you have the right gear and rotations.
    Today Victory is mine. Long Live the Empire.
  • El_Borracho
    Altmer. But I prefer Dark Elf. The stamina boost and fire resistances outweigh the minimal edge Altmer has in damage. You use more stamina that you would think with endgame PVE. The last boss in Hel Ra, for example.

    Shield of the North (Kyne’s Aegis) is more blocking and rolling than anyone should ever have to deal with in a trial. My Altmer blade does just well enough in there but I’ve got the blocking timed down to the last possible second to max out the recovery.

    Nice. I forgot about that one. I have both Altmer and Dark Elf magicka characters. Honestly, don't see a massive difference in the damage output between them, racially speaking.
  • ZOS_Bill
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