Morrowind. It made me switch to the Ebonheart Pact.
Hi guys, girls and khajiits. I wanted to make my first post simple and sweet. Did you know it was practicality destiny for the warden class to come out with the Vvardenfell chapter, why you may ask? Wardenfell ,VVardenfell, VVarden? It's cheesy I know but I think it's cute. Do you reckon we'll have anymore dlc from morrowind in the future. I hope so. I'd love to join the morag tong. Maybe even veya as a strong, independent assassin going and doing her own solo jobs. While naryu struggles between you and her duty to the morag tong, since you would be the first to bring together th morag tong and the dark brother hood. Maybe that's the plot and your the peace keeper. Or maybe it's a side quest you can do when you join both guild. Ha look at me. Give me ten seconds on a keyboard and now look what happens
Skullstachio wrote: »Morrowind. It made me switch to the Ebonheart Pact.
Jokes on you, I was ebonheart pact since day 1 of first playing this as a dragonknight.Hi guys, girls and khajiits. I wanted to make my first post simple and sweet. Did you know it was practicality destiny for the warden class to come out with the Vvardenfell chapter, why you may ask? Wardenfell ,VVardenfell, VVarden? It's cheesy I know but I think it's cute. Do you reckon we'll have anymore dlc from morrowind in the future. I hope so. I'd love to join the morag tong. Maybe even veya as a strong, independent assassin going and doing her own solo jobs. While naryu struggles between you and her duty to the morag tong, since you would be the first to bring together th morag tong and the dark brother hood. Maybe that's the plot and your the peace keeper. Or maybe it's a side quest you can do when you join both guild. Ha look at me. Give me ten seconds on a keyboard and now look what happens
Welcome aboard, I played a warden when vvardenfell dropped and trust me, Traveling with a bear is the beary best idea. Wardens are never without unbearishable snacks. Fair note, do be careful on these forums as there are some threads that can be a bit unruly at times, but most times, it is usually a bit of constructive criticism, sometimes fun banter that even ZOS might chuckle at. (Psst, if you are with ebonheart pact yourself, try the mead at eastmarch, you won’t regret it.)
Hi guys, girls and khajiits. I wanted to make my first post simple and sweet. Did you know it was practicality destiny for the warden class to come out with the Vvardenfell chapter, why you may ask? Wardenfell ,VVardenfell, VVarden? It's cheesy I know but I think it's cute. Do you reckon we'll have anymore dlc from morrowind in the future. I hope so. I'd love to join the morag tong. Maybe even veya as a strong, independent assassin going and doing her own solo jobs. While naryu struggles between you and her duty to the morag tong, since you would be the first to bring together th morag tong and the dark brother hood. Maybe that's the plot and your the peace keeper. Or maybe it's a side quest you can do when you join both guild. Ha look at me. Give me ten seconds on a keyboard and now look what happens
EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »Welcome to the forums
I personally think all the map will get filled out eventually at some point.I may not be an lore expert but there should be still some part from Morrowind missing.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »Welcome to the forums. The true endgame - besides housing