gamerguy757 wrote: »
How did that affect HA Sorc
SeaGtGruff wrote: »My main on PC NA is a PetSorc who tries (emphasis on "tries") to weave HA with weapon skills to keep his stamina up, but the changes they made to everything within the last year have totally screwed him over so bad that he's not nearly as much fun to play on anymore. Everyone talks about how companions have poor DPS but I'm pretty sure Bastian's DPS is better than my main's, so my only hope is to either resign myself to tanking for Bastian or else completely respec my main until he no longer has any resemblance to his current self.
I'm not a PvPer-- although I enjoy playing PvE in Cyrodiil and Imperial City, and will join in AvA action every now and again-- and I'm not an endgame PvEr; I play solo PvE almost exclusively, and my DPS has always been low. It really bums me out that all these changes were presumably made in response to OP builds in bis/meta min-max PvP and endgame PvE, because it feels like I've been punished beyond all reason for everyone else's OP builds.
StamSorcs are really great, and I’m sorry you’re having to find your StamSorc’s identity again. My StamSorc is like the one stam toon I have that does not suffer from lack of stam resources, and she is probably my highest stam damage toon right now. She’s wearing ooooold meta gear for trash clearing, because I use her to solo normals if I’m farming specific gear.
gamerguy757 wrote: »So can someone tell me what a good DPS class is? I had a MagCro that I melted with, and sustain was insane, but I could never crack 55k on the trial dummy. Plus, I had self heal issues in arenas, even with ROTPO.
So I deleted and rerolled a magblade. So much damage, and easy survivability, but difficult rotation and my sustain, even with Recovery food and orbs is still subpar.
Pretty much this exactly. ZOS does all these nerfs and changes to try and counter the small top-tier players who can breeze through the hardest content, but in the end those people are hardly, if at all, affected by the changes, while most other players find content getting harder and harder. I'm not an endgame player by any means, I tend to hover around 30k DPS, which is enough for what I like to do. But after the proc set nerf, my WW Stamsorc lost about 10k DPS. I know "play how you want" doesn't mean "any and every build is 100% viable and you can clear all the content with it", but at the same time it shouldn't also mean gimping yourself when you want to play with a variety of different sets that worked fine before.SeaGtGruff wrote: »It really bums me out that all these changes were presumably made in response to OP builds in bis/meta min-max PvP and endgame PvE, because it feels like I've been punished beyond all reason for everyone else's OP builds.
Pretty much this exactly. ZOS does all these nerfs and changes to try and counter the small top-tier players who can breeze through the hardest content, but in the end those people are hardly, if at all, affected by the changes, while most other players find content getting harder and harder. I'm not an endgame player by any means, I tend to hover around 30k DPS, which is enough for what I like to do. But after the proc set nerf, my WW Stamsorc lost about 10k DPS. I know "play how you want" doesn't mean "any and every build is 100% viable and you can clear all the content with it", but at the same time it shouldn't also mean gimping yourself when you want to play with a variety of different sets that worked fine before.
Enemy-of-Coldharbour wrote: »Because the DPS is terrible.
ssewallb14_ESO wrote: »They're at least as effective as they were a year ago, in the situations where they were strong before they're still strong now.
You won't see them so much in trails because they don't scale well with raid buffs and heavy attacks don't work well with a lot of trial mechanics, but that was pretty much always the case.
If you want to take a HA Sorc to a trial, people would welcome wearing Infallible Aether, Master Architect, and your choice of monster set; Maw of the Infernal if you want to keep pet themed. Just run the Atro ulti so people can synergise from it, and you get it at a reduced cast cost.
I would welcome that into most vTrials even, if we’re just going for a clear.
Too add as an answer to the original question, there's also a heavy attack but with the lightning staff at least. Sometimes the heavy attack just won't start. I'm leveling a HA DK and it's quite annoying, been around since before CP 2.0 I believe, and that of course didn't help things either.
Also for the class advice, if you look at the above Liko video remember that Bahsei's is difficult/annoying to use optimally. And actually that describes the Necro class pretty well tooI've found magden most similar because shalks and blastbones are both cast every third skill. Perhaps give that a try?
If you want to take a HA Sorc to a trial, people would welcome wearing Infallible Aether, Master Architect, and your choice of monster set; Maw of the Infernal if you want to keep pet themed. Just run the Atro ulti so people can synergise from it, and you get it at a reduced cast cost.
I would welcome that into most vTrials even, if we’re just going for a clear.
There are easier sources of Minor Vulnerability now, though, so Infallible Aether has lost a lot of its raison d'être.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »A trial tank would welcome Maw of the Infernal??
If you want to take a HA Sorc to a trial, people would welcome wearing Infallible Aether, Master Architect, and your choice of monster set; Maw of the Infernal if you want to keep pet themed. Just run the Atro ulti so people can synergise from it, and you get it at a reduced cast cost.
I would welcome that into most vTrials even, if we’re just going for a clear.
Here's a HA MagSorc build that's very effective. Use Caltrops to proc the Undaunted Unweaver HA buff and any Mag skill to proc the Undaunted Infiltrator HA buff. Combine those with the HA buff from the Maelstrom staff, slotting the Weapons Expert CP (15% boost in light and heavy attacks), and using lightning staffs to proc Off Balance, and you get a pretty beefy heavy attack along with big AOE damage. I've run vet trials (though not typically) as well as a Maelstrom Flawless and The Vateshran Chosen with this build.
This is a solo/arena build but skills could easily be adapted for trials. Not everyone's cup-o-tea, but a fun and effective build.