excuse me, my kind Sir, but had you never ever saw one potao sold for 1M
(just queried PC EU and got this)
This is, normally, a part of Real-Money-Trade fraud, which is against the TOS
when gold seller has to buy an overpriced piece of junk to transfer theirs gold to TOS offender to get real money for it
I strongly hope Zenimax monitors suspicious deals like this.
Disturbed_One wrote: »Yes, people who are completionists and were not here for the first event will pay that much for that unbound voucher.
@Rezdayn i see your point.
Still this is not much a "Collectionaire thingie" in my humble perception, as it can be used only during the Jubilee Event for the most recent cake.
Cakes replicas are available at Impresario for 5 tickets each to be places in players houses.