Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »I may like ESO but I would never dedicate a whole room to it.
Nicely done nonetheless!
James-Wayne wrote: »Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »I may like ESO but I would never dedicate a whole room to it.
Nicely done nonetheless!
Agreed its not for everyone but ESO came out same time my son was born 3 months prem which got me through some tough times so it has a special place in my heart.
Peacatcher wrote: »
TwinStripeUK wrote: »
It's not really a gaming room, but it has a few gaming themes to it.
5 coins, and 4 statues.
My wife calls the statues Gargoyles and claims that they protect our home. I laugh every time she does that.
It's not really a gaming room, but it has a few gaming themes to it.
5 coins, and 4 statues.
My wife calls the statues Gargoyles and claims that they protect our home. I laugh every time she does that.
...Yeah not a single one of those gargoyles would do any actual protecting of your home if they were real. Especially that jerk on that far left.
James-Wayne wrote: »
belial5221_ESO wrote: »That is a cool room.If I had room like that,I'd add stone wall wallpaper,and some kinda sconce,or chandelier that looks ESO-ish.
Def not the best pics of them.... its missing the late night drama of the main lights being off and the red glow from the desk side lights coming out...
Plus you can't see the pile of statues / plushes to the left of the screen... except in the bottom pic where there's an extra Khajit!
Elvenheart wrote: »I love the shelves around the monitors and the two different monitors you have there! I’ve been wondering about curved monitors like that, are they fun to play ESO on? And I’ve never really considered a dual monitor set up like that, how does that work when you’re playing ESO?