Hello there,
(I apologize for my grammar, English is not my mother tongue)
I am a new player to ESO and I have few questions about the game.
1) Is ESO “community friendly” ? I have heard that the game is doable in solo, at least for questing (and I like that). But I wonder if there is some activities in game which require cooperation ? I my opinion it is the real core of an MMO and I don’t really wish to do everything alone, which is quite boring isn’t it ?
2) How does the guild system work ? I read that players can join “five different guilds”, but does it apply for one account or for one character ?
3) About gameplay : is it possible to create a character who can use both dual wield and heal (himself and mates) ? I don’t really know which class would be adapted to this ? (maybe mag warden or stam sorcerer ?) Do all the physical attacks use stamina ?
IMO currently...I would say GW2 offers better group content unless your an RPer then you can always join a RP guild.
This game is more single player oriented.
Ok all, thank you for your indications !
I will check UESP as soon as possible. I used to play to Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim before, so some elements here are not really obvious for me (especially regarding armor types or ressources).
I think I will play an argonian ; if ESO is like in TES IV and TES V, the race is not really important except for HL mix-maxing ?
Hello there,
(I apologize for my grammar, English is not my mother tongue)
I am a new player to ESO and I have few questions about the game.
1) Is ESO “community friendly” ? I have heard that the game is doable in solo, at least for questing (and I like that). But I wonder if there is some activities in game which require cooperation ? I my opinion it is the real core of an MMO and I don’t really wish to do everything alone, which is quite boring isn’t it ?
2) How does the guild system work ? I read that players can join “five different guilds”, but does it apply for one account or for one character ?
3) About gameplay : is it possible to create a character who can use both dual wield and heal (himself and mates) ? I don’t really know which class would be adapted to this ? (maybe mag warden or stam sorcerer ?) Do all the physical attacks use stamina ?
8 - If you're on EU and want to get xp a bit fast sent mail at @Orack89 and I'll sent you an crafted XP set (just precise which type of armor you want and weapon)
Welcome to the game, hope you'll have some good moment in Tamriel !
Yes, you can use 2 sets of weapons whether that's a bow and a heal staff in the other. There are also stamina abilities that heal. As far as I know, all physical attacks use stamina and scale their effects with stamina.