inf.toniceb17_ESO wrote: »This game deffo needs a story mode for dungeons and trials. Keep the rewards for all i care. ZOS nerfs them into oblivion every 3 months anyway xD But let us, solo players, experience the story and get a skill point at our own pace.
Parasaurolophus wrote: »Why can't you solo normal dungeon? It's easy even if it's dlc. Why can't you find a roleplaying guild or community?
Michaelkeir wrote: »Sad thing is rushing (especially in normal mode) is just how things are in most pugs. Not many guilds, in my experience, run slow dungeons. I’ve seen some advertise they do, but after the 5th or 6th time doing it with new people they get tired and stop all together.
My advice. Solo them. Yeah yeah I noticed you said you can’t. So to that I say, then learn. With a relatively simple build you can solo most of if not all base game content including dungeons. Slap on a crafted (or found) tanky set, a DPS set crafted or found), a heal and you are good to go. Grab a companion, set them up to heal or tank, and you are good to go.
To test this I ran a my baby stamina dk through a base game dungeon (Spindle) with a companion set to heal, with no CP (honestly I just forgot to set them up after I created my new character) and I had soloed 3 dungeons before I realized I forgot about my champion points. It’s not that difficult I promise you. Especially with a companion.
Or just become a werewolf to make it even easier. The tanky white version since it last longer and can take a hit.
Otherwise your experience will depend solely on the kindness and willingness of others. And that’s not very fun given the current rush to the end and nuke the trash there gameplay of most groups.
redlink1979 wrote: »If you haven't yet, you should join a guild. At least one.
In guilds players are more comprehensive, more helpful and less dramatic than the folks you might find on a pug.
Michaelkeir wrote: »Sad thing is rushing (especially in normal mode) is just how things are in most pugs. Not many guilds, in my experience, run slow dungeons. I’ve seen some advertise they do, but after the 5th or 6th time doing it with new people they get tired and stop all together.
My advice. Solo them. Yeah yeah I noticed you said you can’t. So to that I say, then learn. With a relatively simple build you can solo most of if not all base game content including dungeons. Slap on a crafted (or found) tanky set, a DPS set crafted or found), a heal and you are good to go. Grab a companion, set them up to heal or tank, and you are good to go.
To test this I ran a my baby stamina dk through a base game dungeon (Spindle) with a companion set to heal, with no CP (honestly I just forgot to set them up after I created my new character) and I had soloed 3 dungeons before I realized I forgot about my champion points. It’s not that difficult I promise you. Especially with a companion.
Or just become a werewolf to make it even easier. The tanky white version since it last longer and can take a hit.
Otherwise your experience will depend solely on the kindness and willingness of others. And that’s not very fun given the current rush to the end and nuke the trash there gameplay of most groups.
Sigh, okay I will bite, i did solo some of Non DLC dungeons around 8 or 10 so far i think or 8 it was barely possible for me some of it, but DLC i have a glass canon sorcerer i find them too hard tough to be honest i never tried in many its just for me it seems a lot of investement learning curve, grind and frustration, yes I could probably do it if really want, but wth ,why? i did solo some world bosses too, but its just too long and extremely draining not to mention its easy to get 1 shooted TAKES EONS of kitting , re summoning , dodging and they have huge HP.
i barely could pass some arena bosses was strugling a lot in Reach one it took me a lot , but I m nowhere near a noob, player i play dark souls no damage bosses and other chalenging games but this is mmo it breaks logic to me and because how is designed and RNG and all its just makes no sense to solo full dungeon or raid??
Again returning to same point , I dont understand why to solo if 4 man can do it so much easer ,faster and its more epic to run with group?
Aren't devs in first place desinged dungeon to be group based not solo? it breaks logic to me because overall an MMO that stuff a lot of things and how bosses work and npcs they are designed to counter multiple players and classes and then you have a solo player trying to do all??
Soloing dungeons should not be even possible because of mechanics involved or just ESO is that easy ? I know landscape some of them can be cheesed i admit i have my sorecrer and some builds can do build that offers me crazy damage/shield, pet heal,,self heal aoe etc, etc depends what one has, , but how can even someone solo Veteran dungeon? but then again there is a difference between landscape normal foes some strong ones and doing full group dungeon, i know eso was also much harder before too, but to the point that someone can solo veteran dungeon thats really crazy.
It strikes me it should be allowed even you get a player getting all rewards and stuff that should be completed with effort and coordination of 4 and most of all,Also public dungeons i admit they are not hard i do solo them, but i could swear they were much harder in 2014 and 2015 , it seems overall ESO has became easier game over time, but i have to back again and repeat myself, why on earth is something that is public group dungeon or veteran dungeon or some class extremely OP to the point is God mode, why did you allowed it Zenimax? i will prob laugh at my post one day when i learn more or maybe i suck major but its just that all of this soloing seems extremely unbalanced.
hands0medevil wrote: »Just a general, friendly tip, for everyone - finding a friendly, helpful, nice guild in ESO is much faster than creating a thread about "toxic" community... and solves most issues