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Came back after 4 months same story toxicity in dungeons almost --

wish there is a narrative mode just to see dialogue and story without zero rewards, 3 instances today, rushed totally could not wait me 2 mins to read
other player started to rage
i accidentaly pressed light attack for those boxes to move in Moonglade's grove instant saltyness
i was not in time at boss in 5 seconds complains
we died rage again

i have pretty thick skin but there is clearn difference to be annoyed and to take it personally and be sensitive i m just hell of an annoying that in 95% of dungeons me still after 500 hours havent seen all of them cannot find 3 decent players i think it was just once to wait 5 minutes to someone to finish reading , this is impossible to fully immerise yourself and enjoy, some players like me reading and experiencing fully is importnat and i have issues finding people that will just take it slowly , everyone just rushes in like a crazed goat

i understand farming but when you are first time in something its not possible , it ruins experience , so many people complain and rage for little things, its unbelievable and just use lame language and i perfectly understand some people want to take it fastest possible to farm BUT THEY FORGET other people have other needs and ways too!

btw if you have a guild that would accept someone like me for more slower approach and emphasis on story can you invite me i m tried of these groups , first experience is important and especially trials , its so hard to find group or 3 that wont speed things up i dont want to blaze through mindlessly not for a long time at least.

i m lost and not experienced enough , Today I tried to advert in few regions for players that want to take it slowly, not a single response , I swear it srs.

p.S This was a normal dungeon! I can understand also pros in veteran hard mode that i will never reach and such attitude but cmon for us casuals to be treated in such way, some people have simply lost respect and way, if you are not on their level you are auto garbage or just usual toxicity begins. This is only complain i have no power in dungeons i cannot solo DLC ones, i can some older, but soloing DLC dungeons is beyond me and why would I solo something that is supposed to be enjoyable 4 man experience?? Literally today i got a response:

Dude solo it? you are kidding me right? Some people think anyone has a gear experience or time to solo things others can it has no logic, well myself I cannot.
Edited by Vanya on August 10, 2021 12:47PM
  • colossalvoids
    Random finder is not the place for that, people rush to complete and that's it. Not sure why players expect it to be primary way to do them.

    Can you state your server and platform so we might help you find a group or just join you for that?
  • Mythreindeer
    Crazed Goat would be a cool combat pet!
  • JoDiMageio
    There are definitely different guilds out there that cater to casuals who want to enjoy the dungeons - from guilds dedicated solely to slow runs to trading guilds that offer different guild events that sometimes include lore runs.

    I agree with you that the attitude of some players in dungeons suck, but luckily for us casuals, there are like-minded people out there, we just have to find them.
    Edited by JoDiMageio on August 10, 2021 1:18PM
  • SeaGtGruff
    What server are you on? And are you in any guilds?

    I mostly play solo, since I spend a lot of my play time doing crafting writs, but after I get my daily writs and endeavors out of the way I've been doing an occasional dungeon, and I usually like to go slow so I can loot everything and kill everything.

    If you're on PC NA or PC EU, I'd be happy to attempt a normal DLC dungeon with you if I'm on and am free.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • lordxyrax_ESO
    While I occasionally end up in a group with a spoiled brat, most of my dungeon finder PUG's are understanding as long as I tell them right off the bat that I'll be doing the quest. Worst case scenario, they vote you out and you requeue (there is no requeue penalty timer if you get vote kicked).

    Speaking up at the beginning and informing the group that you'll be doing the quest or that this is your first time in this dungeon usually ensures a decent PUG experience. This is on Normal, vet is a different story. Queuing for vet should not be done until you've run the dungeon a number of times and are familiar with the normal mechanics. The you just need to let the group know its your first vet run and need to learn the additional vet mechanics.

    If you follow the above advice and still find a group member that's being a ****, you can try voting him out. You'd be surprised how many people hate toxic players and are willing to push on without them while you wait for a replacement to drop in on nDF PUG's.
  • hands0medevil
    With such large community focused on casual playing it's not difficult to find guild/group doing lorefriendly, slow runs. Heck... I'm sure you already know/run this type of guild. Keeping alive casual part of the community is one thing that ESO is actually doing pretty fine imo. If by anychance you don't have guild/group making lorefriendly dung runs, use guild finder, I believe you will find such guild in 3 minutes
  • redlink1979
    If you haven't yet, you should join a guild. At least one.
    In guilds players are more comprehensive, more helpful and less dramatic than the folks you might find on a pug.
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear"
    • Sons of the Night Mother | VforVendetta | Grownups Gaming EU | English Elders [PS][EU] 2360 CP
    • Daggerfall's Mightiest | Eternal Champions | Legacy | Tamriel Melting Pot [PS][NA] 2190 CP
    • SweetTrolls | Spring Rose | Daggerfall Royal Legion | Tinnitus Delux [PC][EU] 2345 CP
    • Bacon Rats | Silverlight Brotherhood | Canis Root Tea Party | Vincula Doloris [PC][NA] 2090 CP
  • Michaelkeir
    Sad thing is rushing (especially in normal mode) is just how things are in most pugs. Not many guilds, in my experience, run slow dungeons. I’ve seen some advertise they do, but after the 5th or 6th time doing it with new people they get tired and stop all together.

    My advice. Solo them. Yeah yeah I noticed you said you can’t. So to that I say, then learn. With a relatively simple build you can solo most of if not all base game content including dungeons. Slap on a crafted (or found) tanky set, a DPS set crafted or found), a heal and you are good to go. Grab a companion, set them up to heal or tank, and you are good to go.

    To test this I ran a my baby stamina dk through a base game dungeon (Spindle) with a companion set to heal, with no CP (honestly I just forgot to set them up after I created my new character) and I had soloed 3 dungeons before I realized I forgot about my champion points. It’s not that difficult I promise you. Especially with a companion.

    Or just become a werewolf to make it even easier. The tanky white version since it last longer and can take a hit.

    Otherwise your experience will depend solely on the kindness and willingness of others. And that’s not very fun given the current rush to the end and nuke the trash there gameplay of most groups.
  • arun_rajputb16_ESO
    I usually burn through dungeons but, personally speaking, if someone said in group chat that they'd like to go slow to follow the story, I'd pause for them.

    But, I get that you don't want to type that every time. You should remember that many people have done these dungeons over and over lots and have other things they'd rather do.

    If you're on xbox EU, I would happily run normal dungeons with you so you can get the story line. They're all doable with two people.
  • inf.toniceb17_ESO
    You know my wife started a new toon last year and she got that Undaunted quest to visit Spindleclutch 1. We decided to 2-man it on normal while we are at it and i think for the first time i actually paid attention to what is going on in a dungeon. We read every dialog and note and such and i gotta say this was the most enjoyable dungeon experience i ever had in ESO. This game deffo needs a story mode for dungeons and trials. Keep the rewards for all i care. ZOS nerfs them into oblivion every 3 months anyway xD But let us, solo players, experience the story and get a skill point at our own pace.
    Edited by inf.toniceb17_ESO on August 10, 2021 2:42PM
  • JoDiMageio
    This game deffo needs a story mode for dungeons and trials. Keep the rewards for all i care. ZOS nerfs them into oblivion every 3 months anyway xD But let us, solo players, experience the story and get a skill point at our own pace.

    Yes yes yes yes yes.
    So. Much. Yes.
  • Parasaurolophus
    Why can't you solo normal dungeon? It's easy even if it's dlc. Why can't you find a roleplaying guild or community?
  • Vanya
    Why can't you solo normal dungeon? It's easy even if it's dlc. Why can't you find a roleplaying guild or community?

    there we go I wanted to respond but when I see comments like these

    "Why cannot you solo dlc dungeon" how many % of ESO playerbase is soloing dungeons sometthing that is designed for 4 man group it completely breaks logic when some elitist or pro player that falls in category of very minority gets confused or worse and asking someone to solo, not its not that easy for many , its easy because some players have nothing else to do but to invest huge amount of tim eand perfect their skills and gear and etc etc MANY CANNOT! Can you not understand that? That MMO's are played by others ,not solo

    its not easy people think all is so simple finding decent RP guiild or just a decent drama free guild is not that simple especially if you want quality over quantity i came to thread saw that last post, i will respond to more later on, thanks all ,some really good responses catched a glimpse of it.

    and its time consuming ,draining soloing dungeons is not that something anyone can do and shnould go and i will leave it right there im tired of arguing with people that put some borderline pressure to someone else ,if i wanted to solo something i wouild not have play Massievely MULTIPLAYER game. srs there are so many other solo games out there, i hope someone understand what i m trying to say here.
    Edited by Vanya on August 10, 2021 3:38PM
  • Vanya
    Sad thing is rushing (especially in normal mode) is just how things are in most pugs. Not many guilds, in my experience, run slow dungeons. I’ve seen some advertise they do, but after the 5th or 6th time doing it with new people they get tired and stop all together.

    My advice. Solo them. Yeah yeah I noticed you said you can’t. So to that I say, then learn. With a relatively simple build you can solo most of if not all base game content including dungeons. Slap on a crafted (or found) tanky set, a DPS set crafted or found), a heal and you are good to go. Grab a companion, set them up to heal or tank, and you are good to go.

    To test this I ran a my baby stamina dk through a base game dungeon (Spindle) with a companion set to heal, with no CP (honestly I just forgot to set them up after I created my new character) and I had soloed 3 dungeons before I realized I forgot about my champion points. It’s not that difficult I promise you. Especially with a companion.

    Or just become a werewolf to make it even easier. The tanky white version since it last longer and can take a hit.

    Otherwise your experience will depend solely on the kindness and willingness of others. And that’s not very fun given the current rush to the end and nuke the trash there gameplay of most groups.

    Sigh, okay I will bite, i did solo some of Non DLC dungeons around 8 or 10 so far i think or 8 it was barely possible for me some of it, but DLC i have a glass canon sorcerer i find them too hard tough to be honest i never tried in many its just for me it seems a lot of investement learning curve, grind and frustration, yes I could probably do it if really want, but wth ,why? i did solo some world bosses too, but its just too long and extremely draining not to mention its easy to get 1 shooted TAKES EONS of kitting , re summoning , dodging and they have huge HP.

    i barely could pass some arena bosses was strugling a lot in Reach one it took me a lot , but I m nowhere near a noob, player i play dark souls no damage bosses and other chalenging games but this is mmo it breaks logic to me and because how is designed and RNG and all its just makes no sense to solo full dungeon or raid??

    Again returning to same point , I dont understand why to solo if 4 man can do it so much easer ,faster and its more epic to run with group?

    Aren't devs in first place desinged dungeon to be group based not solo? it breaks logic to me because overall an MMO that stuff a lot of things and how bosses work and npcs they are designed to counter multiple players and classes and then you have a solo player trying to do all??

    Soloing dungeons should not be even possible because of mechanics involved or just ESO is that easy ? I know landscape some of them can be cheesed i admit i have my sorecrer and some builds can do build that offers me crazy damage/shield, pet heal,,self heal aoe etc, etc depends what one has, , but how can even someone solo Veteran dungeon? but then again there is a difference between landscape normal foes some strong ones and doing full group dungeon, i know eso was also much harder before too, but to the point that someone can solo veteran dungeon thats really crazy.

    It strikes me it should be allowed even you get a player getting all rewards and stuff that should be completed with effort and coordination of 4 and most of all,Also public dungeons i admit they are not hard i do solo them, but i could swear they were much harder in 2014 and 2015 , it seems overall ESO has became easier game over time, but i have to back again and repeat myself, why on earth is something that is public group dungeon or veteran dungeon or some class extremely OP to the point is God mode, why did you allowed it Zenimax? i will prob laugh at my post one day when i learn more or maybe i suck major but its just that all of this soloing seems extremely unbalanced.
    Edited by Vanya on August 10, 2021 3:54PM
  • Vanya
    If you haven't yet, you should join a guild. At least one.
    In guilds players are more comprehensive, more helpful and less dramatic than the folks you might find on a pug.

    Maybe I am just bad of finding a proper guild for me its not that simple too from experience i learn that many guilds will say that they are friendly,mature ,social,helpful etc and then in end in there and then its a different story i tend to be very cautions about joining guild, gotta think before at least.
  • Darkstorne
    Soloing dungeons is not realistic for most casual and new players. I know most people on this forum think it's easy, but we're not representative of the majority here.

    ESO's group dungeon design does not mesh well with a story-heavy branching dialogue quest setup. Those are two gameplay styles in conflict with each other, so it's not surprising that reports like this are so common.

    I adore healing in dungeons. I adore solo questing and listening to the voice actors. I feel awful if I listen to quest NPCs in dungeons because that holds the group up, so I always skim read which feels rubbish :disappointed:

    Potential solution:
    Once we have more companions available in the game, let players choose to enter a dungeon with a team of three of them (while still limited to one in overland content). No need to redesign and rebalance every single dungeon for solo difficulty that way. It would just be like running a PUG with low DPS players. Perfectly serviceable, but not as fast as it should be. Which if you're doing it mostly for the story isn't an issue anyway :smile:
  • Parasaurolophus
    Okay, I understand that this is difficult for you. Although I am a high-end player, I still understand that not every player has to play well, especially when they just want stories. But now there are companions. Find at least one more like-minded person, call the companions and all the normal dungeons in the game will be open for you.
  • Grandchamp1989
    Sorry you had that experience OP.

    Was this on Normal or Vet? People "may" be more patient on normal if you tell them you got quest.
  • Michaelkeir
    Vanya wrote: »
    Sad thing is rushing (especially in normal mode) is just how things are in most pugs. Not many guilds, in my experience, run slow dungeons. I’ve seen some advertise they do, but after the 5th or 6th time doing it with new people they get tired and stop all together.

    My advice. Solo them. Yeah yeah I noticed you said you can’t. So to that I say, then learn. With a relatively simple build you can solo most of if not all base game content including dungeons. Slap on a crafted (or found) tanky set, a DPS set crafted or found), a heal and you are good to go. Grab a companion, set them up to heal or tank, and you are good to go.

    To test this I ran a my baby stamina dk through a base game dungeon (Spindle) with a companion set to heal, with no CP (honestly I just forgot to set them up after I created my new character) and I had soloed 3 dungeons before I realized I forgot about my champion points. It’s not that difficult I promise you. Especially with a companion.

    Or just become a werewolf to make it even easier. The tanky white version since it last longer and can take a hit.

    Otherwise your experience will depend solely on the kindness and willingness of others. And that’s not very fun given the current rush to the end and nuke the trash there gameplay of most groups.

    Sigh, okay I will bite, i did solo some of Non DLC dungeons around 8 or 10 so far i think or 8 it was barely possible for me some of it, but DLC i have a glass canon sorcerer i find them too hard tough to be honest i never tried in many its just for me it seems a lot of investement learning curve, grind and frustration, yes I could probably do it if really want, but wth ,why? i did solo some world bosses too, but its just too long and extremely draining not to mention its easy to get 1 shooted TAKES EONS of kitting , re summoning , dodging and they have huge HP.

    i barely could pass some arena bosses was strugling a lot in Reach one it took me a lot , but I m nowhere near a noob, player i play dark souls no damage bosses and other chalenging games but this is mmo it breaks logic to me and because how is designed and RNG and all its just makes no sense to solo full dungeon or raid??

    Again returning to same point , I dont understand why to solo if 4 man can do it so much easer ,faster and its more epic to run with group?

    Aren't devs in first place desinged dungeon to be group based not solo? it breaks logic to me because overall an MMO that stuff a lot of things and how bosses work and npcs they are designed to counter multiple players and classes and then you have a solo player trying to do all??

    Soloing dungeons should not be even possible because of mechanics involved or just ESO is that easy ? I know landscape some of them can be cheesed i admit i have my sorecrer and some builds can do build that offers me crazy damage/shield, pet heal,,self heal aoe etc, etc depends what one has, , but how can even someone solo Veteran dungeon? but then again there is a difference between landscape normal foes some strong ones and doing full group dungeon, i know eso was also much harder before too, but to the point that someone can solo veteran dungeon thats really crazy.

    It strikes me it should be allowed even you get a player getting all rewards and stuff that should be completed with effort and coordination of 4 and most of all,Also public dungeons i admit they are not hard i do solo them, but i could swear they were much harder in 2014 and 2015 , it seems overall ESO has became easier game over time, but i have to back again and repeat myself, why on earth is something that is public group dungeon or veteran dungeon or some class extremely OP to the point is God mode, why did you allowed it Zenimax? i will prob laugh at my post one day when i learn more or maybe i suck major but its just that all of this soloing seems extremely unbalanced.

    I too remember when things were harder. I remember the first time I played I could hardly solo more then 2 mobs. But now the dev team have chosen to go a more casual route so they are in turn nerfing the game to make it more accessible to those who are less inclined to get enjoyment out of a difficult fight. I’m pretty sure in a few years they will implement a solo mode for dungeons or just nerf them to the point that a 5 year old could solo them.

    But those are the breaks. So your options are clear. Learn to solo, or be at the mercy of strangers and guild mates. It’s not that hard to solo normal dungeons. Gear and rotation can make it go faster. But there are people doing these dungeons using no cp and even according to one of my guilds, using armor that they pick up in base game zones with no cp just for fun. Heck I was in a trail a few weeks ago and we did it naked, lol. But my point is, you gonna have to learn or suffer the luck of joining strangers.

    Honestly wish I could help. I’m on NA/PlayStation so if you were there I’d be more then willing to run you through a few of them. But I hope you find like minded individuals on these forums to assist you.
  • hands0medevil
    Just a general, friendly tip, for everyone - finding a friendly, helpful, nice guild in ESO is much faster than creating a thread about "toxic" community... and solves most issues
  • Vanya
    Edited by Vanya on August 10, 2021 5:56PM
  • Vanya
    Just a general, friendly tip, for everyone - finding a friendly, helpful, nice guild in ESO is much faster than creating a thread about "toxic" community... and solves most issues

    i could argue in both ways to say that simple way of ignoring toxic community and joining fake guild is not going to solve anything in a long shot either, creating thread and discussing some things may do so, leaving things to go their way neglected, hidden , shunned or be afraid to even post? thats what forums are,

    its not that simple and quick to join "friendly,helpful,nice guild", because do not be naive, every single guild willl advert they are friendly and nice and what does even nice means, why would anyone even say that word, you want to be in hostile guild rather?

    its an illusion of solving issues, its trying to get away from a problem and its nowhere near faster than it may seem, you dont look into details i do and details are important.

    There are many guilds who are honest and really mean what they say but to to think what everyone who advertises with those typical cheap ways to lure people in is true, nowhere near close. There are so many guilds out there and from my long experience a lot of them were not truthful to least some extent.

    if everything was so simple i would no be here discussing these things with thee. Raising an issue and potential problem and voicing my concern and venting out frustration is also part because i have a right to do so same as everyone else and i stand what i said, there are a lot of toxic people but also decent ones and of thousands of thousands guilds if you really think every single one of them is what they want you to think so -- than you must be totally new to MMO genre.

    Edited by Vanya on August 10, 2021 6:04PM
  • kojou
    I generally run these things with friends, especially the first time through and let those I am playing with know I am doing the quest, so they will take it easy for me during talking points.

    If you need to use group finder then I would say as quickly as possible let them know that you would like to do the quest, and ask they give you a chance to do so. I tend to believe that most people playing this game will accommodate you since they likely wanted to do the same their first time through. Not everybody is respectful, and maybe I have just been lucky, but I have had very few issues with random players. If I am stuck waiting for some dialogue then I will type (waiting for NPC to finish talking) or something like that in group chat.

    With companions (assuming you have access) duo'ing DLC dungeons on normal is generally not a problem. I have Mirri set to a healer spec, so I can go full damage spec without any major problems. If you can find one other like minded individual with a companion that may be an easier option then rolling the dice with a random group.

    I highly encourage you to find a guild though. It can be intimidating, but you get 5 guild slots, and if you don't like one, drop it and try another its not like you have to stick with one if you don't like the chemistry.

    Also, it helps to let people know which server you play on. I'm sure there even a few people in the forums that will help you out if you let them know.
    Playing since beta...
  • Folkb
    Thats odd I came back a couple of months ago too and I can only recall one jerk who got mad because our tank died.

    I do understand the feeling of being rushed though. I usually do enough dialogue to get the gist of the situation and then catchup.

    Although I'm unsure why people would get mad. Normal dungeons aren't exactly hard.

    If someone says they're doing the quest I usually hang with them.

    I still do wish there was maybe a solo or a story version.
  • Pevey
    There seems to be a trend lately where if you are doing a vet pledge through group finder and hm goes well, group lead might automatically queue for another pledge without even asking if everyone is okay with that. Then, if you e already done that pledge or haven’t picked it up or just didn’t like the group or whatever, you decline and have 15 minute lookout just because someone queued you without asking. Not cool.
    Edited by Pevey on August 10, 2021 8:34PM
  • VaranisArano
    If you want guild recommendations, you need to tell people your Platform/Server.
  • VilniusNastavnik
    If you are doing quests and you are doing random normal or targetted and I get your instance for my random normal, if you do not say you are doing quest, we are gonna pull to boss and skip optionals. Odds are i'm with 2 others.. we've got a scroll or pot on and want efficient xp. If you say you are doing quest we will take is at a moderate pace and kill optionals. Games been out for 7 years. Nothing the majority of us have not read or experienced. If you want to read every bit of npc dialogue thats ok. There usually isnt much. Just be a moderately quick reader. If you take 5 minutes to read 2 lines.. we're gonna move on without you. If you want to read every bit of codex notes in the dungeon, in the dungeon.. we're gonna move on without you. Do it after the dungeon ends. Or find a mate and 2 man it.
    Active Toons:
    NA - VilniusNastavnik - Magsorc DPS - Altmer
    NA - Ko'h Nehko'h - Stamblade Archer - Khajit
    NA - Arwyn Winterlight - MagPlar Healer - Breton
    NA - Urog Blackfang - DK Tank - Orc
    NA - Elen Windsong - Stamsorc DPS - Bosmer
    NA - Eats-Strange-Fungus - Magden HealzTank- Argonian
    NA - Harwyn Northwind - MagWarden DPS - High Elf
    NA - Raises-Many-Families - Necro HealzTank - Argonian

    Picture of my Active Toons.

    Location: Australia - Wollongong, NSW - Sydney.

    Obligatory ESO Fashion website plug: Vil's Portfolio
  • redspecter23
    OP seems to have extremely high expectations of completely random people and extremely low expectations from guilds. I get that you may have been burned on guilds before, but as others have said, once you find a good one, it's way better for running dungeons than the group finder is.

    Please try to lower your group finder expectations to a bare minimum. Remember that you may not agree with the way they are playing, but they likely don't agree with your slower playstyle either. Neither side is right. You are a random group of players put together. The odds of sharing the same speed and playstyle is not that great, but you can increase those odds by running with friends and guildmates. Finding people with playstyles that match your own and running with them will make the game much more enjoyable for you. Use the group finder as the last way to fill out a group instead of the first.
  • JKorr
    The good thing about joining a guild in this game is that you don't have to sign a legally binding not allowed to quit ever contract. If you join a guild and find out it doesn't work for you, drop it. If you're on pc/na, send me mail in game; there may be a couple of guilds that you could try..
  • Soulshine
    Honestly, finding people to take their time an a daily random is like almost never going to happen, so you would do well to adjust your expectations for that. Join a guild that can help you complete the stories in dungeons, as others have said there are many you can try.

    Most of the time, while I dislike the rushing around, I have gotten so used to it that I don't really think about it much anymore. If a group is going so fast that I am becoming uncomfortable, I will speak up and wait for response. If I get salty abuse for it, I will usually drop; nobody needs to put up with abuse; most of the time people are ok with dialing it down when I have asked though.

    Last night, I got Fang Lair for the random daily, and all four of us were about the same CP level for once, so I expected the usual mad dashing as we'd all been in there before. As it turned out, it was (even for me) a remarkably slow run, pace having been set by the tank and the dds respecting that which was very nice for a change. Very smooth run and no drama - so it does happen sometimes. But for the in between, you'd be better off with a guild to help you.

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