After a lot of mentions on the pts forums to not do it, it seems that the devs have chosen next patch to buff tanks slightly with the new CP regardless.
I went to Olms in vAS to test out the difference the new CP actually make. Especially bracing anchor gives you god mode when you block with a damage shield enabled.
I make a new character and use a skill respec scroll to remove every skill and passive I could have.
Than I slot only the Bracing Anchor CP.
Lastly I unlock the obsidian shield skill on my DK.
When I use obsidian shield(1966 dmg shield) and block I get hit for only 15351.
When I don't block or use a shield I get hit for 155478.

After that I looked into how much I can actually mitigate in there.
On veteran mode I could bring that 155478 hit of olms when he hits you fully buffed up all the way down to only 320

which comes down to 99.8% damage mitigation.
Block mitigation cap seems to have been increased slightly to 4259.8% in case 100% is not enough to help you stay alive.

The Bracing Anchor CP will give a 40% increase in damage shield strength, twice the amount the tooltip says.
After several attempts to bring it to the attention to the devs that ward master does not work properly it seems that it's supposed to sometimes have only 2 stages rather than the 5 it shows in the CP tree.
Edited by superryan94 on August 10, 2021 9:08PM