As far as I can tell, Resourceful restored health portion in pvp is halved. So it is something like 1562 every time you drink a potions (that is every 45 seconds, assuming potion button works in Cyro, but for the most part you need to spam the button and it may or may not fire & trigger the passive).I am not telling about PvP, it actually pointless there.
We just were forgotten. Nerfed for no reason. Left to die outside the meta. 6 long mounth we waited. Hoped. Suffered.
Zos, pay attention to us!
Every single Khajiit's passive is more better and more uneversal then our. Even first "roleplay" passive!
As common PvE dd/healer berfore new CP I had around 20-21k hp. So, this passive restored me 4/20=25% of my hp bar and it was not affected by Battle Spirit.
Now it is affected, but also it can crit, yeah? But wait, crit was also nerfed. Now, if I lucky enough, i can heal myself for about... 6,5/26=24%. With about 60% chance. In PvE.
Or 3.12/26=12% if I was not lucky. This is a penny compared to what it was before, and even before it wasnt much useful.
I am not telling about PvP, it actually pointless there.
Also it restores 3125 resourses that is equivalent to 3.125/45=69.5 magica/stamina recovery, but with a little nuance. It is not a magica recovery. So its not affected by any Intellect or Endurance buff!
Unlike the Khajiit, who has 85(!) mag/stamina recovery plus 100 hp recovery (about +4500hp per potion cooldown, affectable by +45% Fortitude buffs).
Life Mender
Increases your Healing Done by 6%.
Why it provides only a healing bonus? Khajiits have both healing and damage 12% crit buff. And the Thief meta makes it very usefull.
Most of endgame players prefer Khajiits or Altmers as healers, because they also can help their groups with dealing damage, not only healing.
Why not change that to e.g. "Increases your healing over time and damage over time by 10%"?
So that passive would mark the lizards not only as healers, but also as poison's archers, bleed assassins, etc. And it would make us much more useful and variable in all roles with right build balancing.
Unchain us!
10% dot dmg is too strong though.
The thing about the healing passive (and I really don't know why they left it like that after 2nd racial rebalance) is that, it is not even standardised at all.They can do whatever they want with the potion passive, but for god sake do something with that crap healing done. This is the only racial in the entire game, which is 100% useless if you are not in a specific role. Nord’s resistance is somewhat similar, but at least it’s useful in pvp. Racials supposed to be open ended and part of your character progression. Life mender is a massive design failure.
If they take the mender up 2% and put 50% of the potion passive back, they'd be fine.
ArgonianAustin wrote: »My brother plays khajiit while im argonian and im always jealous of his racial stats. Hes jealous of my swim speed though.
ArgonianAustin wrote: »My brother plays khajiit while im argonian and im always jealous of his racial stats. Hes jealous of my swim speed though.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »ArgonianAustin wrote: »My brother plays khajiit while im argonian and im always jealous of his racial stats. Hes jealous of my swim speed though.
Swim speed is easily the best of the "flavor" passives.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »the1andonlyskwex wrote: »ArgonianAustin wrote: »My brother plays khajiit while im argonian and im always jealous of his racial stats. Hes jealous of my swim speed though.
Swim speed is easily the best of the "flavor" passives.
either that or reduced fall damage. bosmer's one is pretty good. they can also detect people in stealth slightly better though that's not hugely amazing.
khajiit's one is solid, reduced detection radius and better pickpocket makes for better stealth in stealing/assassination quests which is nice.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »the1andonlyskwex wrote: »ArgonianAustin wrote: »My brother plays khajiit while im argonian and im always jealous of his racial stats. Hes jealous of my swim speed though.
Swim speed is easily the best of the "flavor" passives.
either that or reduced fall damage. bosmer's one is pretty good. they can also detect people in stealth slightly better though that's not hugely amazing.
khajiit's one is solid, reduced detection radius and better pickpocket makes for better stealth in stealing/assassination quests which is nice.
The stealth-related effects aren't part of the flavor passive. The flavor passive is just the first one that you get for free.
The thing about the potion passive to me is, it's cool.... but means that if you aren't running a niche clever alchemist build with potion speed enchants, your racial will never be on the same level as the other races.
But if they buff the potion racial, then those niche builds will have crazy sustain. It's just really hard to balance, and I hate to have cool unique things removed but maybe the best answer for argonian players is just to change the potion racial to something else.
Aren't khajiit the potion chuggers of TeS lore anyway? Skooma and all that...
The thing about the potion passive to me is, it's cool.... but means that if you aren't running a niche clever alchemist build with potion speed enchants, your racial will never be on the same level as the other races.
But if they buff the potion racial, then those niche builds will have crazy sustain. It's just really hard to balance, and I hate to have cool unique things removed but maybe the best answer for argonian players is just to change the potion racial to something else.
Aren't khajiit the potion chuggers of TeS lore anyway? Skooma and all that...
The joke is that the potion passive doesn't even synergize well with Clever Alchemist. You want to proc Clever Alchemist before your burst, when you are usually still topped on resources.
That's also partially why the passive sucks for sustain in PvE. You use your potion before a fight even starts, but then you are on a 45 second cooldown before you can make use of your sustain passive, at which point most PvE fights are already over. Even if the magnitude was higher, the whole concept is quite annoying to work with. I'd prefer if it just boosted recoveries while under effects of a potion.
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »I definitely also love Resourceful (and was sad to see it senselessly nerfed a few patches ago...) and agree that it's not the proper venue to seek a buff for the race.
To be honest, if the Healing Done passive were properly buffed to +12% to account for current set bonuses, the race would be a very strong choice for healing in both PvE and PvP.
Alternatively, you could toss tanks a bone and give them a +6% Healing Taken to go along with their current +6% Healing Done. Self-heals would be buffed by +12% but the passive would be more generally useful for roles other than healers as well. It would also somewhat reflect their regenerative capabilities that we saw embodied in their Skyrim racial power.
It was not because of healing received passive, but rather the fact that ZOS nerfed sustain across the board and later with Summerset added jewellery crafting and new jewellery trait - infused. So it was possible to get potion cool-down low enough to have good sustain. That is the reason - especially if you consider that other races did not had good passives back then. Orc, Breton, Dunmer, Altmer and Imperial for example had totally different and much weaker racial passives than what they have now. And yes, it was literally for "a Patch" - because Wrathstone was next major update (1st racial rebalance).TheUndeadAmulet wrote: »YandereGirlfriend wrote: »I definitely also love Resourceful (and was sad to see it senselessly nerfed a few patches ago...) and agree that it's not the proper venue to seek a buff for the race.
To be honest, if the Healing Done passive were properly buffed to +12% to account for current set bonuses, the race would be a very strong choice for healing in both PvE and PvP.
Alternatively, you could toss tanks a bone and give them a +6% Healing Taken to go along with their current +6% Healing Done. Self-heals would be buffed by +12% but the passive would be more generally useful for roles other than healers as well. It would also somewhat reflect their regenerative capabilities that we saw embodied in their Skyrim racial power.
I'm not 100% sure, but argonian might have already had +6% healing received before ZOS removed it, because everyone and their mom was an argonian in PvP for like, a patch.
In any case I would personally prefer argonians being buffed more towards abusing potions and poisons. Maybe a percentage increase in the buffs and debuffs potions and poisons apply?