On a related note, a spirit sword summoning emote would be nice as well!
I agree. As far as I know they don't exist, but it would be nice to have them.
The khajiit ones were created for the Elseweyr expansion, for the NPCs to use in the adeptoriums and temples, then they made them available to players (via crown crates) because it was probably an easy thing to adapt and sell. There are various redguard training schools in the game but as far as I remember they all use the normal combat animations, probably because none have been added since Craglorn which was in the first year of the game when they weren't doing that sort of detail.
I imagine a redguard training routine would be less elaborate than the khajiit claw-dances, which are as much meditation as combat practice, so it probably would look closer to normal combat animations but I think they'd still have their own techniques for a lot of things and it would be nice to have a routine as an emote.