My Opinion:
I think it's time to add push to talk for area/group chat on PC. I sincerely believe it takes away from the game by not having it.
Why I Think That:
1.) I have heard stories and personally played other games where push to talk really shined in meeting new people.
2.) You somewhat have to jump through hoops to actually talk to people over a mic. Ex: Either they have to send you a Discord invite or some other form of 3rd party communication server.
3.) No good in-game Roleplay for the roleplay guilds.
4.) People tend to not see the /say chat.
5.) /say takes time to type out what you have to say instead of pressing a button and talking.
6.) Xbox and PS have an in-game voice chat. (I know they have it because it would be ridiculous to type out everything)
7.) I heard a stories of people finding areas to hangout and talk to each other about the game and this sounds fun.
8.) I am sure some people don't want to download Discord or 3rd party communication software.
9.) I met a great group of people from all over the world through area chat that I've been friends with for over 2 years now on another Bethesda title.
10.) People I get to play ESO all ask me if there is an area chat. When I say no they express disappointment. (kinda the reason I decided to make this post)
11.) Other new MMO's specifically one in beta right now has area chat and from what I experienced it is calm, not toxic and very helpful.
Rules Around In-game Area Chat
1.) Push to talk should be mandatory so "hot mic" isn't a problem.
2.) There should be an easy to access a menu that shows the people that are talking with the ability to mute them in-case of mic spam.
3.) The ability to completely turn it off for the players that don't want to hear others.
My Question to You:
What is your opinion on adding area/group chat and what other rules around in-game chat should be added?
(really think about it with the rules I suggested above)
CP: 1750
Grand Overlord Grade 2
Former Emperor