Actually I believe that the 33k resistance is a cap anything above that is only carved off if someone debuffs you. So someone with 40K resistance will still be hit like they only have 33k resistance. That extra 10k only comes into effect if somebody puts a debuff on you. So if you got 40K resistance and I've got 20K pin, when I hit you I ignore 20K of your 33k resistance not your 40K. Leaving you truly with only 13k resistance not 23k.starkerealm wrote: »Resistance capped won't help. It's possible to boost your resists far beyond 32.5, and when someone else tries to penetrate that, it carves off their resits above cap, before reducing your mitigation.
Actually I believe that the 33k resistance is a cap anything above that is only carved off if someone debuffs you. So someone with 40K resistance will still be hit like they only have 33k resistance. That extra 10k only comes into effect if somebody puts a debuff on you. So if you got 40K resistance and I've got 20K pin, when I hit you I ignore 20K of your 33k resistance not your 40K. Leaving you truly with only 13k resistance not 23k.starkerealm wrote: »Resistance capped won't help. It's possible to boost your resists far beyond 32.5, and when someone else tries to penetrate that, it carves off their resits above cap, before reducing your mitigation.
So if you got 40K resistance and I've got 20K pin, when I hit you I ignore 20K of your 33k resistance not your 40K. Leaving you truly with only 13k resistance not 23k.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »So if you got 40K resistance and I've got 20K pin, when I hit you I ignore 20K of your 33k resistance not your 40K. Leaving you truly with only 13k resistance not 23k.
This is completely wrong.
If you have 35k resist and receive a 5k debuff, your character info will say 30k not 28k.
If you have 40k resist and receive a 5k debuff, you will still have 35k resist (capped at 33k or 50% mitigation).
This is why it's important to stack resist greater than 33k in PvP because players always have penetration.
fyi "anti pen" builds go all the way up to ~50k resist in PvP
Yes I know the dummy would not be able to block, Dodge roll but I will be able to get basic understanding of what my set will do when someone else is not blocking or Dodge rolling. I have also a couple of gank builds that I catch people off guard when they're not blocking or Dodge rolling. I'm willing to pay real money for it lol. I just figured with the tank metal we got out there and the so few penetration options for stamina it would be nice.
SkaraMinoc wrote: »So if you got 40K resistance and I've got 20K pin, when I hit you I ignore 20K of your 33k resistance not your 40K. Leaving you truly with only 13k resistance not 23k.
This is completely wrong.
If you have 35k resist and receive a 5k debuff, your character info will say 30k not 28k.
If you have 40k resist and receive a 5k debuff, you will still have 35k resist (capped at 33k or 50% mitigation).
This is why it's important to stack resist greater than 33k in PvP because players always have penetration.
fyi "anti pen" builds go all the way up to ~50k resist in PvP
Ok just had a friend put on heavy armor so his resistance was above 33k it was actually 34k and some change. My lethal error hitting him from the back at 30m away on a nightblade did 3438 damage non-crit. Then he put on a different armor set in his resistance was 41k almost 42k. In the same position firing at his back lethal arrow did 3398 damage non-crit. A difference of 42 points of damage and that's with 8,000 plus more resistance. I figured by your rule that the damage should have been way lower since his resistance was higher I'm so confused now. LoL I just wish ESO had an actual rule book to read that was official. Thanks for trying to help though ☺️