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Please buff Magsorcs

The fact that there are few Magsorcs in BGs is a clear indication that they need to be buffed.

They don't have a really good stun skill and lack in mobility.

And let's talk about damage, they are lacking skills that do a significant damage.



edit: the resistance is with Pariah at full health.
Edited by Marcus_Aurelius on July 19, 2021 9:32PM
  • milllaurie
    Your post can be mistaken for a legit one so beware.
    Also try some crit resistance ;)
    Edited by milllaurie on July 20, 2021 6:18AM
  • Alucardo
    Mag sorcs just reading the title

  • Luede
    The fact that there are few Magsorcs in BGs is a clear indication that they need to be buffed.

    They don't have a really good stun skill and lack in mobility.

    And let's talk about damage, they are lacking skills that do a significant damage.



    edit: the resistance is with Pariah at full health.

    9k isnt a lot and i think ur effective armor was somewhere near 20k because of spell pen & debuff
  • Alucardo
    Luede wrote: »
    The fact that there are few Magsorcs in BGs is a clear indication that they need to be buffed.

    They don't have a really good stun skill and lack in mobility.

    And let's talk about damage, they are lacking skills that do a significant damage.



    edit: the resistance is with Pariah at full health.

    9k isnt a lot and i think ur effective armor was somewhere near 20k because of spell pen & debuff

    With 8k weapon damage (22k tooltip) and a fair amount of pen my dawnbreaker hits for 9k, so 9k on a cheap ability that can be flung across the map is fairly strong. Not saying it needs nerfing or anything because it can be easily dodged, but it's not exactly weak, especially when a curse pops at the same time.
  • WaltherCarraway
    I am running 40k spell resistance and 3.8k crit resistance in BG
    Back from my last hiatus. 2021 a new start.
  • geonsocal
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Mag sorcs just reading the title


    Edited by geonsocal on July 20, 2021 6:53PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • techyeshic
    Their shields need 6 be stronger and last as long as they have value left as well.

  • Kusto
    Few magsorcs in BGs? We must be playing a different game lol. And they are OP AF. If anything they need a nerf.
  • Luede
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Luede wrote: »
    The fact that there are few Magsorcs in BGs is a clear indication that they need to be buffed.

    They don't have a really good stun skill and lack in mobility.

    And let's talk about damage, they are lacking skills that do a significant damage.



    edit: the resistance is with Pariah at full health.

    9k isnt a lot and i think ur effective armor was somewhere near 20k because of spell pen & debuff

    With 8k weapon damage (22k tooltip) and a fair amount of pen my dawnbreaker hits for 9k, so 9k on a cheap ability that can be flung across the map is fairly strong. Not saying it needs nerfing or anything because it can be easily dodged, but it's not exactly weak, especially when a curse pops at the same time.

    ur wpn dmg mean nothing, how much stamina, how much pen? Armor is not the best way to avoid dmg, its dodge roll, LOS, block and minor/major Protection + Armor

    stack armor, walk into pvp, and think u are immortal is the best way to show everyone that you have no clue.
  • Luede
    Kusto wrote: »
    Few magsorcs in BGs? We must be playing a different game lol. And they are OP AF. If anything they need a nerf.

    Depending on the rating, you will see different classes in the BG. "a lot of sorcs" are definitely not top tier.
  • divnyi
    They don't have a really good stun skill and lack in mobility.

    And let's talk about damage, they are lacking skills that do a significant damage.

    First of all, I came here to say that I disagree with you, because they should also buff sustain, as it takes insufferable amount of time (2-3 GCD) to regain lost magicka.
  • Marcus_Aurelius
    milllaurie wrote: »
    Your post can be mistaken for a legit one so beware.
    Also try some crit resistance ;)

    Maybe I should go from 5 impen / 2 well fitted to 7 impen?
    Thought that was enough
  • Luede
    milllaurie wrote: »
    Your post can be mistaken for a legit one so beware.
    Also try some crit resistance ;)

    Maybe I should go from 5 impen / 2 well fitted to 7 impen?
    Thought that was enough

    i play with light armor and 7 well fittet. Impen dont save ur live, its how u react and play ur class.
  • Septimus_Magna
    To be fair, an incoming hit of 9k doesnt say much really. You dont know the stats of the sorc and what buffs/debuffs that were active.

    For all we know you were debuffed with minor+major breach, brittle and hit with a Colossus. The sorc could be buffed with major courage, powerful assault, major beserk and war horn.

    Id rather fight a magsorc than a heavy stam build in most cases, even after not pvping on my stamden for years I still won a decent amount of 1vX fights during the last event. And that was on a Redguard stamden in purple medium armor.

    Magsorcs definitely have a strong skill set but its not the only class that can hit like a truck if you build it right.

    PC - EU (AD)
    Septimus Mezar - Altmer Sorcerer
    Septimus Rulanir - Orsimer Templar
    Septimus Desmoru - Khajiit Necromancer
    Septimus Iroh - Dunmer Dragon Knight
    Septimus Thragar - Dunmer Nightblade
    Septimus Jah'zar - Khajiit Nightblade
    Septimus Nerox - Redguard Warden
    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Marcus_Aurelius
    The main point of my post is not on how to survive.

    My point is that a range skill on a class with exceptional mobility should not hit for 9k someone having 33k resistance and wearing 5 impen.

    Frags is just plainly broken when the only thing you have to do is to cast some other skill and use it when procs to delete other players from range.

  • ThePianist
    Sorcs have a passive that increases their damage per maximum health you have. Its a tiny amount of damage though.

    Heavy armor also has a penalty that increases your damage taken from magical attacks, per piece worn.

    If you want to build specifically for fighting against magsorcs, go craft light armor fortified brass. You might get 2 tapped by a NB but you'll be specifically tanky against a magsorc.

  • WuffyCerulei
    Sorcerer's pretty much been the same for years. Nerf Rush of Agony and Saints&Seducer's
  • Brazier_of_Roebeck
    Out of interest why are you using pariah on a sorc? Armor master is alot better ;D
  • baselesschart
    I honestly do not think mag sorcs need a buff. They lack skills that do good damage but yet you use a death recap where you were hit with a 9k frags, if thats not hypocrisy then I don't know what is. Nightblades and mag sorcs have the hardest hitting burst in the game, but the trade off is that it's also the easiest to dodge. Granted, templar purge makes templars pathetically difficult to fight cause they just cleanse curse. I'd rather not buff the classes that don't need it really, but make the paid classes less forgiving and more in line with the rest.
    A fairly mediocre nightblade that occasionally kills people
  • Sirvaleen
    The main point of my post is not on how to survive.

    My point is that a range skill on a class with exceptional mobility should not hit for 9k someone having 33k resistance and wearing 5 impen.

    Frags is just plainly broken when the only thing you have to do is to cast some other skill and use it when procs to delete other players from range.

    You were hit by a frag.. at range ? So.. obviously the skill is the problem and need to nerfed. Right.
  • Joy_Division
    The main point of my post is not on how to survive.

    My point is that a range skill on a class with exceptional mobility should not hit for 9k someone having 33k resistance and wearing 5 impen.

    Frags is just plainly broken when the only thing you have to do is to cast some other skill and use it when procs to delete other players from range.

    So you got hit for 25% of the typical 35K health build people run around these days. From a crit by one of the strongest abilities in the game. Whoop-de-do.

    No wonder we've suffered through so many tank metas.
  • master_vanargand
    PvP is full of Sorc.
    Sorc is a very strong class in PvP.
  • MrMazurski
    PvP is full of Sorc.
    Sorc is a very strong class in PvP.

    PVE too
    - Where "Update on Cyrodiil Performance & Upcoming AOE Tests"? I wish ZOS would stop kicking players' balls, especially those on Cyro
    - - PC-EU / Ravenwatch
  • SkaraMinoc
    My point is that a range skill on a class with exceptional mobility should not hit for 9k someone having 33k resistance and wearing 5 impen.

    9k crystal frag against 33k resist and 2k+ crit resist has to be using Malacath w/ spell pen.

    Last patch I was doing 10-12k crystal frags w/ Malacath pre-nerf. Many nightblade and necro builds hit harder this patch. Magsorc does not feel OP.

    To clarify, the only way to reach those numbers is to go full damage. Magsorc hitting this hard will typically have < 24k health and < 20k resist. You can die very quickly.

    Full damage magsorc really shines in coordinated groups where they can stay alive. 1vX not so much.
    Edited by SkaraMinoc on July 26, 2021 1:43AM
    PC NA
  • Waffennacht
    Sharpened 3300
    Light armor penetration 4695 minimum
    We dont know about CP, set choice, mundus or debuffs

    But at minimum 7995 penetration through 15k pre set choice

    So average 11.5k penetration

    33k resist goes to 21.5 31% mitigation. That's roughly a 23k drag. Triggered is 66% more dmg. Meaning roughly a TT of 15k.

    More penetration would mean a lower TT needed
    Edited by Waffennacht on July 26, 2021 1:37AM
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Xeniph
    The main point of my post is not on how to survive.

    My point is that a range skill on a class with exceptional mobility should not hit for 9k someone having 33k resistance and wearing 5 impen.

    Frags is just plainly broken when the only thing you have to do is to cast some other skill and use it when procs to delete other players from range.

    Now I hate Sorcs probably more than anyone. Always have.

    But I have to point out that 33k spell resists isn't jack when you compare that to the average glass cannon spec's spell pen. And lets not even mention the +1% damage taken per heavy piece worn.

    And that hit is only 28%ish of the typical health pool for a build running these kind of defencive stats.

    What I have to ask is really this "Who the heck takes a Frag to the face AT RANGE these days?"
    I mean, maybe those already busy and engaged with another combatant, but at that point with TTK so low this patch, not many survive for long anyway.

    But why not block or roll it? Wasn't the giant purpleish blue glob flying at you enough warning?

    And my final point- There absolutely needs to be a high ceiling and a floor to damage, the ceiling must be this high or higher to promote build diversity and allow for glass canon specs. But I believe the reverse is also needed. If you want to build to tank raids and never die that's cool, just don't give them damage.

    Without both the high ceiling and low floor, there can be no middle and basically everything becomes a war of attrition. Which gets stale and boring fast. See the last few tank meta's as reference.

    I mean, I like hugging trees/towers/rocks as much as the next guy on my 1vXer, but sometimes you want to swap to a glass cannon and nuke folks.
    Here since Beta.

    Characters: All of them, both Stamina and Magicka.
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