Why is searching for a specific guild such an impossible feature to add?
We already know that guilds have a guild ID associated with them. (You can find a specific guild id by linking the guild recruitment page into chat and clipping the final link when you max out the text limit). So why can we not use this to actually find a guild we are looking for. The guild ID could just as easily be displayed on the guild page so you can share the guild. Each player name is unique and autocompletes when you try to add a person, so why does finding a guild have to be a scavenger hunt. On that note the guild finder doesn't even populate the guilds by name or allow you to browse through all guilds. It is just a sample of guilds. If the guild you are looking for isn't on the list, you have to search again and hope that you will find it. At that rate I wouldn't even go as far as to call it a guild "finder", but more of a guild "roulette", because there is no actual "finding" involved. No one wants to join "professor snape's guild bank" (ok maybe some of us do), but why is it showing up on a list that is meant to connect players. A simple search by ID is not something unfathomable, and more realistically, it is something that should have been built into the initial design of the guild finder. I guarantee that the employees at zenimax have a way to find and get in touch with other employees. It's not like they have to walk into a conference room and hope that the person they are looking for is in there as well so they can talk to them. We have had to wait seven years to be able to simply replay to mail in the game (basically temporarily storing 2 strings).... We shouldn't have to wait another half a decade to be able to connect to the players that we actually want to. For a game that boasts an ever growing community, it sure is difficult to actually connect within that community.
Edited by Blacknight841 on July 16, 2021 5:48PM